Chapter 33
This Tazi general was about forty years old, his name was Niu Gulu Turge, he was a man with a white banner, and he had rich experience in warfare. He had been fighting in the battlefield since the time of wild boar skin.However, when Chongzhen was guarding Luanzhou for three years, he was dismissed after being defeated and escaped from the customs with Aixinjue Luo Amin.

But the Manchus were only a few people, and he was considered a capable person, so he was reactivated and entered the customs many times to plunder. Currently, he is temporarily acting as the post of Xiangbai Banner Gushan Ezhen, and he can be regarded as the most senior among the Tartars. One of the bosses.

Dorgon also knew him well, and felt that he had rich combat experience, and his qualifications were here, so he let him take charge.

Of course, if it was possible, Dorgon would like to take off Lu Xiangsheng's head with his own hands, so that he can rest assured.However, Ming reinforcements were approaching, and the scale was beyond his expectation.He understood that this must have something to do with the gold medal of the Ming emperor.

For this reason, Dorgon decided to defeat the support army first, or at least repel it, and strangle the fighting spirit of the Ming army in the cradle. Only in this way can it be convenient for him to plunder and achieve the purpose of entering the customs.

He was still confident about this, because he had information and knew the commander-in-chief of the Ming reinforcements. The eunuch Gao Qiqian was also a member of the Ming peace faction. He was not a person who really knew the military at all. A qualified commander!

Thinking about it, it was also a embarrassment for the Ming emperor. The country was in chaos, and all the Ming troops who could fight were sent to exterminate the bandits.In this way, when the Qing army entered the pass, they encountered weak chickens, and it was very easy to defeat the Ming army.

After tossing the Ming country several times, there are fewer and fewer Ming troops who can fight.Otherwise, the Ming Dynasty would not think about negotiating peace with the Qing Dynasty if it wanted face so much.

While he was thinking about it, Turge had already sworn to accept the order and replied: "Master, don't worry, I will definitely capture this village before dark and dedicate Lu Xiangsheng's head to the master!"

He didn't believe that in a whole day, he would not be able to take down a mere Zhuangzi in the Ming Kingdom.You know, he has entered the customs many times, and he has conquered an unknown number of cities in the Ming Dynasty.Not to mention far away, just entering the customs this time, isn't it also a siege of the city and land, invincible!What's more, Lu Xiangsheng's army was already exhausted after fighting on an empty stomach for so long. If they couldn't take down this Zhuangzi during the whole day, it would be a waste of life!

Thinking about it this way, after sending Dorgon away respectfully, he was ready to attack this Zhuangzi.

However, before he gave the order, he noticed new movement in Zhuangzi in the distance, which made him sink.

All the Ming people in Zhuangzi were pouring hot water on and outside the wall.After the steaming hot water was poured out, the mist filled the air, and in a blink of an eye, there were sparkling reflections on the wall and the ground outside, and it was obvious that it had frozen!Not only that, judging from the mist coming out of the village, it seems that the village has been doing this and has no intention of stopping.Obviously, Zhuang Li tried to use ice to strengthen and thicken the defense.

Turge didn't even need to guess, he immediately knew that this must be Lu Xiangsheng's idea.Otherwise, this movement would not have occurred after Lu Xiang was promoted to Zhuangzi.

"Minggou Lu Xiangsheng, hum, it's just dying!" Turge snorted heavily, and ordered the infantry to start preparing to attack Zhuangzi.

The first wave of soldiers sent out those Yu Ding who came with the army, that is, the coats of each household.All of them were young and strong who had fled outside the pass before, but now they are no different from Tartars except for their thin clothes.

Turge rode in front of the battle, looked at them and shouted: "After the first battle, you will be raised the flag. Whoever offers Lu Xiangsheng's head will get a coat and a field when he goes back this time. If you are timid and don't fight , will not be spared."

"Cha!" The coats responded in unison, their voices loud.It has to be said that this reward is still very attractive to them.

In fact, the reason why the Ming army, which had been defeated repeatedly, turned its head to deal with Daming after surrendering to the Manchus, was fierce and fierce, and the young and strong men who were looted were easily digested by the Manchus, because the Manchus This reward and punishment is very exciting for them.

Think about it, on the one hand, the military salary can’t be paid out, and they have to sell their sons and daughters. Even if they make military achievements, let alone whether there are rewards, even if there are rewards, they will be deducted layer by layer by the Shangguan; , but can climb up from slavery, become a slave owner, and be allocated fields.The gap in this comparison is too big, and the performance will naturally be different. As for national righteousness and patriotism?Can I eat it?

Turge's arrangement was more than that. He turned his head and called in another team of elite Manchurians to mix with these Yu Ding before ordering an attack on Zhuangzi.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The three artillery pieces brought with the army suddenly sounded, and the iron bullets roared and hit the wall.

Obviously, Zhuangzi did not have enough weapons to fight the artillery, so these artillery fired just a stone's throw away.Although it is not a Hongyi cannon, it can cause enough damage to the wall.Except for one iron bullet that slipped due to the wrong angle due to freezing, the other two iron bullets made holes.

Suddenly, Zhuangzi was obviously panicked. After all, Zhuang Dingna had seen this kind of situation before.The wall is broken, and there are countless Manchu Qing troops staring at Zhuangzi outside. Can this be defended?

At this time when they were panicking, the high dive was also a little flustered.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and he led the main force of the reinforcements to a place still twenty miles away from Julu.However, the army of the Manchu and Qing Tartars had already come forward, and the momentum of the reinforcements was immediately blocked.

In the several contact battles on the front line, the Ming army was defeated.If it weren't for Guan Ning's cavalry army to hold the formation, the Manchu and Qing troops would have taken the opportunity to sweep in and be defeated.

"Form the formation, all formation!" Gao Qiqian ordered in a panic, "If anyone dares to run, our family will not spare him, and the emperor will not spare him either. In this battle, the only way to fight to the death is to rescue Lu Shangshu, otherwise We all have to die!"

If normal operations were used, Gao Qiqian and the generals below would have run away long ago when they encountered this situation.But Emperor Chongzhen's imperial edict and gold medal all showed his determination. Anyone who dared to run would definitely lose his head afterwards. Therefore, no one dared to run.

Gao Qiqian was determined to go all out, called all the eunuchs and supervisors in the army, and reiterated: "You know the emperor's determination. If you can't save Lu Shangshu, our family will die. Where are you?" I don’t know if there’s anything wrong with those women who don’t fight to the death, but those of you who come from the palace will definitely end up like our family!”

At this point, he suddenly raised his voice and shouted sharply: "Follow those bastards and don't leave even if you eat or poop. If anyone wants to escape, I'll capture them directly. Do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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