Chapter 28

"Director Gao has now led an army of [-] people, who rushed from Jize to rescue overnight."

Yu Zhenlong's last words woke up everyone who was stunned.

Lu Xiangsheng and others are like people in a desperate situation, ready to die, but suddenly, they find that there seems to be hope for life. One can imagine the mood at this moment!

Of course, there are nuances.

The others heard the news that the reinforcements were coming, and felt that they had hope of life.However, Lu Xiangsheng heard that the emperor has realized that it is impossible to fight against the outside world first, and he has persuaded Yang Sichang to fight with all his strength.This news made him feel the real hope of life.

No matter what, at this moment, their moods are the same.

Excitement, excitement, joy, joy, ecstasy and so on and so forth...

Seeing that Lu Xiangsheng was excited, he stepped forward and grabbed Yu Zhenlong's shoulder, and affirmed with great excitement: "There is nothing more holy than the emperor! The emperor is holy..."

Hu Dawei and Yang Guozhu clenched their fists and said overjoyedly: "This is good, this is good..." After hearing Lu Xiangsheng's words, the two of them changed their words in unison and agreed repeatedly: " Yes, yes, the emperor is holy, the emperor is holy..."

At this moment, both of them seem to have forgotten that just before, both of them were blaming the emperor, complaining about the emperor, and even calling the emperor a fool!

Many of the other soldiers were even embracing and weeping.The emperor, still thinking about them, sent someone to rescue them.

The soldiers of the Ming army who couldn't hear clearly in the distance saw the reaction of the comrades in front of them, so they hurriedly asked what was said in front of them, and they looked anxious, as if they were eager to pick up tens of thousands of taels of silver.

After a while, all the soldiers of the Ming army showed almost the same behavior.Weeping with joy, weeping tears of joy silently, my heart was full of hope and respect for the emperor again!

Who wants to die if they can live?

After all, the emperor is still wise, so there will be hope from now on, even if he will die in battle, he is willing to do so!
The belief in being loyal to the emperor and serving the country was re-established in this tired army!
However, at this moment, it was not the time to be emotional. The Tartar army in the distance had already pressed forward step by step.Lu Xiangsheng was the first to come back to his senses, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and quickly asked Yu Zhenlong about the specific details of the reinforcements, and then quickly adjusted the deployment, ready to break through!
The value of Yu Zhenlong risking his life to sneak into the encirclement is to let Lu Xiangsheng know the situation outside and take corresponding measures.Otherwise, with around [-] troops, it would be almost impossible to break out of the siege surrounded by the superior forces of the Manchus.

This time, there was only one best chance to break out of the siege, and that was when the sky was just getting brighter, and the cavalry could see the road, so they could increase their horse speed, and fight quickly before the Tartars reacted.

This truth is naturally known after leading troops for a long time.Yang Guozhu said excitedly: "When our cavalry breaks out to the south, we will be closer to the reinforcements, and we will be more confident in breaking out of the encirclement."

After hearing this, Lu Xiangsheng was noncommittal. He turned his head to look at the soldiers whose morale was high because of the good news, and suddenly turned around and asked, "Where are the Eight Mongolian Banners deployed in the Manchu Qing Dynasty? And where are the Mongolian tribes?"

Naturally, it is impossible for the Manchu troops to enter the customs to be all Manchurians.Instead, it is composed of the Eight Banners of Manchuria, the Eight Banners of Mongolia, the Mongolian tribes affiliated to the Qing Dynasty, and a small number of Han troops.Of course, Yu Ding, who was used as an auxiliary soldier, was mostly Han Chinese who became coats.

Among the combat troops, the weakest in combat power are the Mongolian tribes affiliated to the Qing Dynasty, followed by the Mongolian Eight Banners.At this time, most of the Han army was outside the pass. They were the firearms (artillery) troops in the hands of the Qing Dynasty, named Wu Zhenchaoha, and there was also the Tianyou Army led by the notorious King Sanshun.

Everyone knows why Lu Xiangsheng asked this question, but no one can answer this question, only sporadic information.

Seeing this, Lu Xiangsheng glanced at his subordinates again, recalled the known information, and made a decision.No matter what, we must bring as many soldiers out of the encirclement as possible.As for whether his choice is right or wrong, he will know at dawn.

He gave an order and started to act.

And the sky finally brightened slowly, and the long night finally passed.

The capital, the Forbidden City, and Emperor Chongzhen have also woken up.The first thing that comes to mind is what happened to Lu Xiangsheng?However, there is still no news, which makes him a little disappointed.

Sitting on the throne, Emperor Chongzhen asked Wang Chengen, the rotating eunuch who was serving beside him, "Governor Hong, where is Governor Sun?"

As soon as Wang Chengen heard it, he knew that the emperor was asking Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting, so he quickly bowed and said: "Governor Hong just entered Jindi, and Governor Sun has not arrived in Jindi yet."

After the Manchu Tartars invaded, the original Chongzhen Emperor had ordered Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting to lead the army to serve the king.However, both of them were chasing down the thieves, so after the decree arrived, they couldn't set off immediately.Later, Emperor Chongzhen wanted to negotiate a peace, so he didn't urge him.

After hearing the answer, Emperor Chongzhen frowned again and said, "Send someone to urge you, and tell them that it is enough to lead the elite soldiers to serve the king."

Wang Chengen understood, this is to let Hongsun's generals lead the family Ding Qinwang.He hastily agreed, and hurried to work on it.

In the original memory of Emperor Chongzhen, there are still people who can fight.For example, Huang Degong, the chief soldier of the Beijing camp, was transferred to the south under Xiong Wencan's command to hunt down the bandits, but he was not in the north at this time.

In the current situation in the north, it is best for Lu Xiangsheng to be fine. If he leads the army, it should not let the Manchu army be too rampant.

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen lowered his head and looked at the piles of memorials sent by the Supervisor of Ceremonies early.The former Emperor Chongzhen always read each book by himself.

So many memorials reminded him of doing homework in later generations. Don't you feel confused when you do so much homework all day long?
After making such a complaint, Chongzhen waved and said to the four young chamberlains waiting beside him: "Come here, four of you!"

When Lan Tianbao and the others heard this, they were a little surprised, and hurried over to listen to the order.

Emperor Chongzhen pointed to those memorials and said: "You guys share these memorials equally, and use paper notes to draw up a processing idea."

Memorials are generally drafted by the cabinet ministers, that is, they give opinions on how to deal with the memorials, and then send them to the supervisor of rites to approve the proposals with Zhubi, and write "yes" or negative opinions on them, and then the emperor reads them with seals or seals. The supervisor of ceremonies holds the seal for eunuchs.

Now, the emperor actually asked four young eunuchs who had just left the inner study hall to draw up the draft, and they were startled immediately. No one dared to do it. Among them, Lan Tianbao, who was the leader, said eagerly: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty, We...we just..."

 Thank you Han Leyu for your tip!
(End of this chapter)

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