Chapter 199
"Damn, they are all a bunch of losers!"

Seeing this, Fan Yaosi couldn't help yelling.

Because the group of soldiers under him had no choice but to get the more than 30 strangers who were suspected of being factory guards, and they were fighting near the city gate, scaring all the surrounding people to run around.

In fact, how could the Zhangjiakou Fort defenders under his command be an elite army!
A few years ago, there was a time when Lin Dan Khan, who was in charge of Harbin in the west of Jianlu, entered the customs at the Xuan Mansion when he returned to his teacher. Everyone did not fight at all, and they were friendly. In the end, Jianlu was spared. He sent Shanxi merchants to Liaodong, and left with food and supplies.

Looking back, the Xuanfu side even reported to the court that they defeated the Liaodong Jian captives and at least kept the city, which is a great achievement!
Therefore, logically speaking, what this defender had to deal with was actually just thieves.However, rogue thieves do not exist in this area.Even if they come, Zhangjiakou Fort not only has defenders, but also servants from various families, how can the mere rogues be defeated.

Therefore, this defender has no external pressure, and its generals do not think about making progress. In fact, they don't need to think about making military exploits. Naturally, they lead troops in a sheep-herding style.It is conceivable how strong this army's combat effectiveness is!
After Fan Yaosi cursed, he was afraid that the group would rush to the city gate, so he shouted loudly to the city: "Why are you standing there, why don't you go and help!"

When the soldiers guarding the city heard this, they quickly grabbed the guy and rushed to help.

However, no one expected that as soon as these soldiers left, the people who had just fled to the city gate suddenly showed their weapons and began to grab the city gate.

Moreover, each of these people is very tough, and they will never show mercy. As long as there are defenders standing in front of them, they will be dealt with with one blow.The blood sprayed on them without blinking at all.

Fan Yaosi was dumbfounded when he saw this scene on the top of the wall. What's going on?Just when I transferred the staff at the city gate, did I encounter such a thing?

He was still thinking about it, when suddenly, he saw those people who robbed the city gate had already attacked the top of the city.Many of them actually took out hand crossbows from their arms and started shooting upwards.

"whoosh whoosh"

"Ah!" Fan Yaosi has been targeted for a long time, and is the key care object of Hand Crossbow.Although he dodged for a while, he still didn't dodge. An arrow hit his eye, and he screamed, and fell backwards.

Others saw the people who wanted to intercept them and came back one after another to help Fan Yaosi, and some people wanted to escape from the city, mother, where did these come from, killing people without blinking an eye!
On the top of the city, there was chaos.

The door bolt was directly chopped off by these people with an axe, and the heavy door was pushed open with a "squeak".The cavalry who had been waiting for a long time outside the door immediately swarmed in.

Fort Zhangjiakou, just like this, the inside and the outside cooperated, and it was easily won.

Hong Chengchou, who was riding on a war horse outside the city and watching all this with cold eyes, was not surprised at all.Because all of this was actually planned in advance.

Those factory guards were actually exposed on purpose, so that the Shanxi merchants would focus their attention on these factory guards, thereby covering another group of selected military elites to lurk in.

If the defenders of Zhangjiakou Fort opened the city gate, it would be fine. Once they tried to resist, the factory guards would attract the attention again and let the elite of the army seize the city gate in one fell swoop.

And all of this, in the final analysis, the reason why it can be successful is a surprise.

If there is precaution, or if such a thing has already happened in Zhangjiakou Fort, then this sneak attack on the city gate will definitely not be so easy to succeed.However, who would have imagined what happened this time!
For example, Fan Yongdou didn't expect it at all.

At this time, he was still in his own mansion, and was withdrawing a sum of money from the warehouse. This was serious money, not his bank notes from Fan Ji Bank.

While supervising the servants loading the silver boxes onto the cart, he said to the accountant next to him, "I've made it all clear. The silver rewards for the defenders will be shared by each family later."

"Master, don't worry, the accounts are clear."

Fan Yongdou nodded after hearing this, turned his head to look east, frowned and said, "Whoever comes is not kind, don't come!"

"Master, don't worry, there will be brave men under heavy rewards. Our Zhangjiakou Fort is also very strong, and it is impossible to attack from outside." The accountant listened and smiled apologetically, "Even if the city is besieged, we are not afraid."

Fan Yongdou nodded when he heard this. The fort just happened to have countless food and grass supplies, and the family members of all the prefectures could use it, and the soldiers were considered sufficient.I don't believe it, how can the Ming army fight outside the city?
After persisting for a day, if the Ming army still can't be exhausted, then the reinforcements on the grassland should also arrive.As for what to do afterwards, anyway, the boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge, so just throw more money at the court.

If 1 taels is not enough, it will be 2 taels, and if 2 taels is not enough, it will be 3 taels.
The big deal is to launch another scapegoat!

Just as he was thinking this, he suddenly heard the direction of the east gate, as if there was a shout of killing.

Immediately, Fan Yongdou felt a little nervous, and immediately turned his head to look.The self-consolation just now seemed to have faded a lot, and an anxious expression appeared on his face, "Hurry up, send someone to see what's going on? If it's a fight, there's not enough manpower, so organize the manpower as soon as possible!"

"Yes, sir!" After hearing this, the head of his servants quickly agreed, turned around and ran away.

With his hands behind his back, he turned left and right, Fan Yongdou was still very uneasy.It was the first time for him to experience such a thing.

Suddenly, he stopped and said, "Quick, prepare the sedan chair, go out and have a look!"

However, before he had time to go out, he heard the rapid sound of horseshoes, and the rumbling sound was like thunder from the sky, rolling in.

People here in Zhangjiakou Fort are no strangers to the sound of horseshoes. Just by hearing it, they know that the movement can only be caused by a large number of war horses running.As for the defenders, there were actually not many horses.Which means...

Thinking of this conclusion, Fan Yongdou, who was just about to get into the sedan chair, swayed and almost didn't fall, but now he, who was always calm, stammered to the servant next to him: " can't be that the city is broken, right?"

Before his servants had time to answer, they saw a red torrent rolling down the street.The soldiers of the Ming army, who were fully armed, galloped along the street and shouted: "The whole city is under martial law, and those who take to the streets will be shot to death! The whole city is under martial law, and those who take to the streets will be shot to death!"

On the distant city wall, the infantry of the Yongwei Battalion had already rushed to the top of the city, and were rushing towards other city gates along the city wall.

At first, they also encountered a little resistance.But this little resistance can't make any waves at all, and it can't even stop them or make them stop for a while.

The soldiers of the Yongwei Battalion were truly invincible against these defenders.Except for the first moment, all the defenders on the top of the city lost their weapons and squatted in a corner trembling, as long as they didn't want to die, that's all.

Starting from the east gate, two torrents quickly extended from the city wall to other places, while the largest torrent extended at a faster speed along the main street, like a sudden burst of magma. This Jiakou Fort was soon submerged.

The soldiers of the Ming army who invaded the city were not relentless at all. After the cavalry in front shouted, the follow-up infantry followed. If anyone dared to stand on the street, they would all speak with swords and guns.

In this city developed by smuggling, there are basically few people who are law-abiding people!As the governor of the three sides, Hong Chengchou has been suppressing bandits in Shaanxi for so many years, and he knows it well. Besides, he obeyed the imperial decree, just like he killed all the surrendered soldiers among the bandits, and he was merciless.

"Master, hurry up, come into the mansion, the cavalry is rushing over."

Fan Yongdou didn't need his servant to remind him, he almost scrambled away from the sedan chair and ran to the door of his house.His servants who had been summoned also rushed to run into the mansion, fearing that after the run was over, the Ming army had already arrived, and people were still outside, and they would be killed by this torrent of iron and blood.

After a family member ran into the gate of the mansion first, he turned his head and saw the car parked at the gate of the mansion. Then he remembered that the money he was going to reward the defenders at the top of the city was still in the car. He just ran away for his life. He didn't remember to push it, so he was still outside the gate of the mansion together with the sedan chair that they had abandoned.

"My lord, my lord, what about the money?"

After Fan Yongdou ran into the mansion, he came back to his senses. Seeing so much money outside, he was very distressed, and quickly shouted: "Why are you still standing there stupidly, why don't you push it in quickly?"

Tens of thousands of taels of silver is not a small sum, just throwing it there like that would kill him!
However, tens of thousands of taels of silver is also not something you can take casually, even if you push it with a cart, it is still very heavy.What's more, the gate of this mansion has steps, so you have to lift it first.

After Fan Yongdou gave his orders, some of his servants wanted to go out, but when they looked up, they saw that the torrent of iron and blood was approaching, and the rolling power was like overwhelming mountains and seas. "The whole city is under martial law, and those who take to the streets will be shot to death! The whole city is under martial law, and those who take to the streets will be shot to death!"

Immediately, those servants who stretched out their feet all shrank back, and no one dared to rush out.

Fan Yong was so angry that he wanted to kick people, but when he saw the cavalry passing by the door of his house, he knew that he, the guards, would not dare to provoke the cavalry.So, he took a look at the cart of money outside, and the expression on his face was like that of a dead parent.

Then, he turned around and hurried to the mansion.

Similar to him, some of the other seven Shanxi merchants were on the street. They didn't expect the Ming army outside the city to attack the city so quickly, and when they heard the martial law order, they were all terrified when they saw the torrent of iron and blood rolling in. You have to run away quickly.

Just these businessmen and their guardians experienced what fear was when they faced the Ming Dynasty's elite army.

If there is a city wall to support them, maybe they can still have the courage to fight against one or two.However, now that there is no city wall, in the face of thousands of cavalry and infantry who are constantly driving into the city, no one can feel their murderous aura, and no one can give birth to a heart of resistance.

There are only a few fools who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, and they just reminded them.No amount of kung fu is useless. In front of the army, you can't even get close. You are either shot or stabbed to death with a spear. It is as easy as crushing an ant.

In Zhangjiakou Fort, as long as you don't want to die, or don't want to die for a while, you can only hide in the house immediately.

In less than half an hour, the emperor's force had already occupied this Zhangjiakou Fort.

On the top of the city and on the streets, there are all heavily armed soldiers.One post at three steps, one post at five steps, teams of soldiers, and teams of knights patrolling the streets and alleys.

Hong Chengchou was very satisfied with this. When he entered the city, he didn't go to the general's mansion in the fort. He just went to the arrow tower at the head of the east gate and looked down at the city from a high position.

"Report, a large amount of grain and grass was found in a warehouse in the west of the city, estimated to be at least [-] shi."

"Report, a large amount of grain was found in a warehouse in the south of the city, estimated to be at least [-] shi."

"Report, a large amount of iron materials were found in the east of the city, including fine iron, and countless gunpowder!"


Not long after, soldiers from all over the city came galloping to report the discoveries to Hong Chengchou.

The military order he gave was to collect food, grass and materials as soon as Zhangjiakou Fort was occupied.

Listening to the reports of the soldiers who kept coming back, the supervisors and officers of Dongchang and Jinyiwei who were standing next to Hong Chengchou were all very happy: What a great harvest!

However, there was one situation that surprised them all, because they were on the top of the city, and when they saw the north direction of the city, there was smoke coming out, which seemed to be on fire.

Needless to say, it must have been deliberately set on fire.

Hong Chengchou was still calm and not in a hurry.Because he had anticipated this situation and made relevant arrangements before entering the city.

No surprises, the fire over there was quickly extinguished, and after a while, an officer from the hussar battalion came to report: "My lord, just now a group of thieves hid in a grain and grass warehouse and tried to set fire to it. Down to kill."

This time, after entering the city, the emperor's powerful army was very decisive. If there was a bad sign, there was no need to report and ask for instructions, and they would be killed directly.It was also because of this that the people in the city were caught off guard. Even if someone wanted to set fire to add chaos, they couldn't just set it on fire if they wanted to.

After a while, the military officers who had been ordered in advance from all over the city had rushed back to report the situation in their respective areas of responsibility.

Hong Chengchou looked up at the sky and saw that the clouds in the west had been dyed red by the setting sun.It should be dark in less than half an hour.

He lowered his head, looked down at the Zhangjiakou Fort, and said coldly: "All generals listen!"

A large group of generals at all levels standing beside him immediately clasped their fists and waited for orders: "The last general is here!"

"Drive out all the rats and arrest the criminals!" Hong Chengchou ordered loudly with a cold voice.

Upon hearing this, many generals immediately responded loudly: "Obey!"

(End of this chapter)

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