Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 179 Bank Notes of the Royal Bank of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 179 Bank Notes of the Royal Bank of Ming Dynasty

Sure enough, as soon as the soldiers of Ming Dynasty were thinking about this matter, they heard Emperor Chongzhen say loudly: "I came here today to cash in your military pay and rewards. Come on, carry them up!"

Hearing this, the soldiers of the Heavenly Sons of Power couldn't help being even more happy, especially those soldiers who were not from the Yongwei Battalion. Most of them haven't touched what money is for many years.Hearing this moment, quite a few people rolled their eyes, wanting to see the spectacular scene of the boxes of silver being lifted up.After all, the emperor personally sits here, and whoever dares to withhold the money must be the real deal. Then, the money is probably several 10 taels.

Indeed, the military salary of ordinary soldiers in this powerful army of the Son of Heaven is two taels of silver per month, which is higher than that of any other army.In addition, in this battle of King Qin, the rewards for the achievements made are also very large.

However, to the surprise of the officers and soldiers in the school field, following the emperor's order, a Jin Yiwei carried several boxes to the front of the army.The number of this box is far lower than what they thought, and this box is not big, how can it hold so much money?
But they were strange, they just looked at it, could it be that this box is a bottomless pit that can produce enough silver?With the emperor here, who dares to lose his money?
Emperor Chongzhen naturally knew what they were thinking, so he asked the royal guards to open the box, walked forward, took out the things, and then showed them to the soldiers on the campus. At the same time, he said: "It is extremely inconvenient to distribute silver, and it is also difficult to carry it around." It is inconvenient, so I specially opened a Ming Dynasty Royal Bank, which is a bank. The money is stored in the bank. This is a bank note, a bank note issued by the Ming Royal Bank. I know that the first time I use this bank note, everyone will feel You may feel a little uneasy. For this reason, I have specifically told the bank that as long as you go to exchange silver coins, there will be a special exchange place for you to exchange money, so you don't need to queue up with other people."

"In addition, not only you, but also other people who are waiting to exchange, all demand immediate payment, and no excuses are allowed to delay." Emperor Chongzhen glanced at the eyes of everyone in the cutscene, and continued to say loudly, "If this happens, when I come to the barracks , Zhun Er and others will report to me directly, whose fault is it, I want his head!"

If Emperor Chongzhen had said from the very beginning that this kind of banknotes were Daming banknotes, then no matter how fanatical these Ming soldiers were towards the emperor, they would have been disappointed in their hearts. We all know that not only is that thing not worth its face value, it is even far below its face value.

However, Emperor Chongzhen did not directly issue banknotes in one step, but only banknotes.Although they are all paper-based, there are differences.

As for paper currency, it is used for market circulation, and the currency cannot be large. It even has a face value of several copper coins. This has the precedent of Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes, and its reputation is very bad. Even if the name is changed, everyone is not a fool. Can't you recognize that Zhang San changed his name to Li Si so that he is not Zhang San?
Although banknotes are made of paper, their face value is generally relatively large, and they are usually in silver taels. Ordinary people do not use banknotes in their daily lives for buying and selling, which are usually large-scale transactions.Moreover, in this era, banknotes are already very common and everyone knows about them.In other words, under the operation of others, the banknote should already have a certain credibility foundation.

Others don't know that the fundamental purpose of Emperor Chongzhen is not banknotes, but banknotes; but he didn't think of getting everything in one step, but started with the banknotes first, so that the wealthy people in society will get used to the banknotes issued by Daming Royal Bank. After the bank notes, paper money will be introduced gradually, so that the resistance will be less.

At this time, when he said this, these Ming soldiers were a little surprised.They didn't expect that the emperor would open a bank and give it such a strange name.But think about it, how can the bank opened by the emperor be on the same level as those opened by ordinary people? Naturally, even the names must be different!

Based on their enthusiasm for Emperor Chongzhen, although they were surprised in their hearts, or some people might still have some doubts, the majestic Emperor Ming, in front of so many people, had already guaranteed that these banknotes were truly convertible, even if someone made things difficult for them, You can directly report to the emperor.In this way, most of the soldiers accepted the bank note issued by the emperor in their hearts.

Subsequently, officials under the Yumajian, together with Chen Baoting and other servants, began to distribute military salaries and rewards according to the roster in multiple places.And the emperor sat on the commanding platform, watched in person, and did not leave.

This reassured the Ming soldiers a lot, and each of them heard their names and went forward to collect the money.When they got the bank notes from the Daming Royal Bank, they couldn't help being very surprised.

Although most of them have never owned a bank note, at least they have seen a bank note.

The old banknotes, or the banknotes from other banks, whether they are paper or printed, you can tell at a glance that they have a shoddy feel.

But now, the banknotes in their hands are all made of fine paper and beautifully printed, just like paintings.What's even more exaggerated is that the painting on the bank note still has a concave and convex feeling, which is really strange.

Of course they didn't know that Emperor Chongzhen had ordered to look for printing talents from the very beginning, and thanks to the other party's reputation and happened to be on the capital's side, he found them.He was a famous calligrapher, painter and seal carver and publisher in the late Ming Dynasty.This concave-convex printing is arch flower printing, which was created by himself.This person was Hu Zhengyan, who was in his fifties at this time and happened to be at the peak of his craft.

In the original history, Hu Zhengyan was also appointed to the Hanlin Academy, but before he could take up the post, the Manchus invaded the capital; but this time, due to the butterfly effect, he was able to enter the court as an official in advance and do what he was best at. thing.

In today's Ming Dynasty, this "arch flower" printing method did not appear.In the original history, Hu Zhengyan was still publishing "Ten Bamboo Studio Calligraphy and Painting Manual" at this time, and this "Ten Bamboo Studio Calligraphy and Painting Manual" is also very good, using watermark color registration technology.When the printing work of "Shizhuzhai Calligraphy and Painting Manual" was about to be completed, he started the engraving of "Jianpu", and it was not completed until the 16th year of Chongzhen.And the printing of this "Jian Pu" is the first time that "arch flower" printing has been used.

In addition, the paper of this silver ticket is a tribute offered by the upper class, and it is only used by the court.Once these two aspects are combined, Emperor Chongzhen has the confidence that he can achieve anti-counterfeiting without relying on secret detainees.And this is the most fundamental guarantee that banknotes can be used as banknotes in the future.

For this reason, Emperor Chongzhen also specially explained the anti-counterfeiting matter to Hu Zhengyan, and he gave suggestions. First, paper tributes should be strictly inspected and private circulation is strictly prohibited; second, the ink formula required for his color printing, It is also confidential; thirdly, this printing technology, including watermark color registration and arch flower technology, is also confidential, and relevant craftsmen are not allowed to go out.

Although all literati love to be officials, Hu Zhengyan is nearly fifty years old and has experienced too many things in the world. Now he is reused by the emperor and is engaged in what he is most interested in, and this matter can be known to the world. And leave a name for future generations.For this matter, he naturally devoted [-]% of his efforts, constantly asking himself to continue to improve the printing technology of Ming Dynasty Royal Bank's banknotes.

It has to be said that the cost of this silver ticket is actually very high, although after mass printing, the cost will be reduced a lot.But if the face value is only a few pennies, it is estimated that it will suffer a blood loss.And before sufficient credit is established, more banknotes cannot be printed, and the cost is real.

But fortunately, the money gained from ransacking houses is still relatively large.The printing of these banknotes is mainly in large denominations, and the smallest unit is one tael of silver.After these banknotes had been circulated for a period of time, Emperor Chongzhen saw that the time was right, and then he introduced face values ​​of one, two, and five cents.This is equivalent to 50 yuan, 100 yuan, and 250 yuan in later generations. It is still a bit large in face value, but things must be done step by step.

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty on the school grounds, even those lieutenant generals of the general army, couldn't help being very surprised after receiving these banknotes from the Royal Bank of the Ming Dynasty.At this time, they didn't even need to try to exchange the silver, but the bank note itself gave them confidence.

Quite a few people took the bank notes, looked left, right, turned over, turned over, rare, absolutely rare!

The words and paintings on it are beautiful, and they are also colorful. What's even more strange, how did this bump come about? It's so strange!

The banknotes have different patterns according to the face value, but they are all those that Hu Zhengyan is good at, such as plum, chrysanthemum, bamboo, etc.; Another font, and another font for the year.This banknote, which Hu Zhengyan put his heart and soul into, can really be regarded as a work of art.

The distribution process is very long. After all, the roster needs to be checked, and different amounts should be distributed according to the degree of credit and official position.Even so, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty all waited one by one, and it was not too long at all.

What surprised them even more was that Emperor Chongzhen was always sitting on the commander's platform and was always with them.You know, this is the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty who manages everything every day, and he actually took time to stay here all the time, which made these soldiers of the Ming Dynasty fanatical about the Emperor, and always maintained that enthusiasm.

After being busy with all this, Emperor Chongzhen went to the Dianjiangtai again and said loudly to the soldiers of the Ming army: "You should be familiar with the barracks first. I am preparing new ordnance, armor, etc. for you. In the battle, you will never lose to Jianlu in terms of equipment, this is my promise to you!"

Hearing this, these soldiers who had suffered heavy losses in the equipment and weapons could not help but get excited. If this was really the case, they would be afraid that they would be defeated!
Emperor Chongzhen glanced at the soldiers below, seeing their excitement, and finally added: "When you all settle down and everything goes back to normal, everyone will be dispatched according to the squad formation to guard the Daming Royal Bank."

Hearing this, these Ming soldiers couldn't help being a little surprised, but looking back, it's not surprising. The Daming Royal Bank must have stored millions of taels of silver, otherwise, the emperor wouldn't let them protect it. .Thinking of this, their hearts felt more at ease.

After Emperor Chongzhen finished speaking, he gave Wang Chengen, the eunuch of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, the opportunity to let him, the chief official, come forward.

However, Emperor Chongzhen had already made his first show today. As the chief officer, what else could he say in front of the emperor, and he could only order the disbandment.

These three battalions are not yet able to leave the battalion, and they must be familiarized with the situation before they can be released in turn.In this way, the outside world still does not know that Daming Royal Bank has issued a bank note.Emperor Chongzhen was waiting, and those Shanxi merchants agitated to make trouble.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen did not leave, but went to the official office of the Yuma Supervisor.Today's place is his real one-acre three-point land.

Lu Xiangsheng, Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting didn't speak all the time. In fact, they didn't have a chance to speak. They just watched all this from the sidelines.When they saw that the soldiers were rewarded with silver notes instead of silver, but the soldiers did not have any dissatisfaction, they knew how important the emperor was in this army.However, all of this did not surprise them.

Seeing that Emperor Chongzhen completed the rewards for military generals and ordinary soldiers, and brought them to the Yamen to discuss matters, they vaguely felt that they might have an explanation for the merits and demerits of the three of them.

Although they haven't been to the court these days and have been busy working with the king's army, it doesn't mean they haven't heard the news, heard that the censor said that many ministers in the court were attacking them.In this regard, they are more or less worried.After all, the impeachment of those civil servants was not made up indiscriminately.

However, looking back and thinking about the emperor's wise performance during this period, the three of them were relieved a lot.Intuition told them that the emperor would never punish them, or even though they were punished, they were still the emperor's confidantes.Otherwise, the emperor would not have confidant to them, and the source of the connected money has been carefully explained to them.

After arriving at the Yumajian Yamen to sit down, there were only the three of them and Wang Chengen in the hall.

For Wang Chengen, not only because of the cognition brought by later generations, but also because of the observation of Emperor Chongzhen, this person does not have much thought, otherwise, he would not hand in how much dirty money without thinking about it; During this period of Qin Wangjun, eavesdropping on the seeds is enough to prove that he is trustworthy.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen began to train him, and took him with him in all discussions, but Cao Huachun did not have the qualifications.

At this time, it was almost evening, and Emperor Chongzhen didn't waste time, and said to the three of them straight to the point: "Now that the matter of King Qin's army has come to an end, there should be an explanation for Qing and the other three."

 I will write the next chapter when I get home. It is estimated to be at least ten o’clock. Happy Friday everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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