Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 170 Man Qing Exits Customs (Monthly Pass 100 Plus Changes)

Chapter 170 Man Qing Exits Customs (Monthly Pass 100 Plus Changes)

At dawn, the Manchu camp, the Tartars who were exhausted all night began to retreat to the camp to rest one after another, while the Tartars in the camp, who had slept soundly and had dinner in advance, drove out of the camp in groups and rushed to the bank of the Wei River. side.

Compared with the hustle and bustle here, the rear camp of the Manchurian Great Camp is still quiet.The prisoners here are all those looted Ming people. Since the start of the war, the Tartars have reduced the daily food to the minimum, so as not to give these people a chance to cause trouble when they are full.With nothing to fill his stomach, he could only lie down and try to minimize physical exertion.

However, the Manchu Tartars were not so kind as to equip them with outdoor tents. They were all huddled together in the middle of the camp, struggling to survive in the cold wind.As soon as the sky dawned, another group of people failed to survive and froze to death.

A group of Ertars were inspecting the people everywhere, and when they saw the dead, they carried them out and threw them away.Suddenly, one of the Ertars, who was carrying the corpse, lost his legs and knelt down on the ground.

"What are you doing to eat land?" A real tartar scolded sharply when he saw it, "If you have the strength to escape back, why don't you have the strength to do some work?"

Now, the drudgery of moving the corpses fell on the Ertazi who fled back from the north bank.As for the real Tartars who fled back, they would not be punished for doing such things.

The person who was scolded was none other than Jin Yiwei Baihu Wu Zhong.In fact, he really didn't want to go back to the South Bank.But there is no way, the task he received from the emperor was to lurk to Liaodong, so he had to flee back to the south bank.

Pity him, a family of hundreds of Jinyiwei, who has experienced these days, which he had never thought about before. This is more difficult than the previous two or thirty years combined.After escaping back, they only ate a little more food than the people who were looted, and not much, and they all ate pigs.The most important thing is that there is still strength to do physical work before you have to rest!

At this time, Wu Zhong couldn't help but think about his original life in the capital, how pleasant it was!

It's a pity, there is no other way now, I have to persevere, otherwise let alone go to Liaodong, I may die here.

With this in mind, Wu Zhong gritted his teeth and stood up again, and continued to move the corpse.

On the north bank of the Weihe River, many soldiers of the Ming army also felt sleepy.The prisoner was forced to use the wheel to fight without rest. People are not made of iron, so they just wanted to lie down and sleep.However, if it really fell asleep, Jianlu would attack.


The stomachs of many soldiers of the Ming army protested, reminding their masters that they were hungry.

As a result, many soldiers of the Ming army took advantage of the gap to look in the direction of Tianjin City, thinking why they hadn't come yet?
Not long after, carriages appeared one after another.Before the car arrived, the fragrance wafted over first, and the soldiers of the Ming army immediately started a commotion, but the officers immediately shouted and ordered them to stick to their posts.

"Brothers, you can all eat!" The Ming army officer driving the car shouted loudly, "Each person has two big meat buns and a bowl of broth!"

Hearing this, even the officer was happy, and couldn't help but ask, "Where does the army get so much meat?"

Meat is even more rare, especially in today's war-torn times.Now the whole army has meat to eat, which is quite a lot.

"The governor and Mr. Zhongcheng said that it took a few days to build the captives, and everyone is tired. We must make up for it." The officer among the soldiers driving the car replied with a smile, "Therefore, the dead horses seized on the battlefield , the wounded horses that can’t be cured, and some mules and donkeys, all of them are slaughtered for everyone to have a good meal.”

Hearing this, the soldiers of the Ming army couldn't help cheering up one by one, shouting in unison that the two adults are wise!Even though the normal food in the Yongwei Battalion is relatively good, after these continuous battles, they are very eager to have a meal of meat.Hearing it at this time, they were all rejoiced.

Just like that, carriages loaded with big meat buns and broth headed east along the Wei River. Some of the soldiers of the Ming army who got the meat buns gobbled it up, wishing they could eat the meat buns in one bite. while some soldiers, although they smelled the meat, their stomachs protested even more, but they just took a bite slowly, feeling the feeling of chewing meat carefully, as if they wanted to imprint this taste in their minds .

However, in some sections of the river, the Tartars have already begun to attack.Some of the soldiers of the Ming army stuffed it into their mouths immediately, and then they ate it. Some were reluctant to waste the feeling of eating meat, so they stuffed it into their arms, and waited for the tartars to retreat before eating it. .

The power of the meat buns seemed to be infinite. The exhausted soldiers of the Ming army regained their fighting enthusiasm and began to meet the Jianlu attack.

By noon, some sections of the river had already been fought so vigorously that when the gang leader came over again, they had to leave a car waiting for the battle to finish.And when they went back again, the empty cars had to be used to transport the casualties.

During the interval between battles, the corpses were carried onto the vehicle one after another, and they were lined up neatly.Suddenly, one of the soldiers moved his nose, and then he said to the people beside him, "General Banner, there is still an uneaten meat bun in the monkey's arms, I can smell it."

Upon hearing this, the commander-in-chief glanced at the frail body's arms, and there seemed to be a slight bulge.Seeing this, he couldn't help sighing and said: "The monkey has suffered all his life, so let him bring the meat buns. I hope that in the next life, he will be reborn into a wealthy family, where he will be rich and rich every day!"

"Well, for sure, the monkey who died fighting for the country should be considered a good man, right? A good man will be rewarded, and he will definitely be reborn into a good family!" The soldier who had spoken earlier nodded vigorously and echoed without hesitation.

After moving the remains, the soldiers of the Ming army watched the carriage go away, so it was regarded as a farewell.They still have to stay here until the new military order is handed down.

And above the city of Tianjin, both Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting were there, watching the carriages coming back, neither said a word.After most of the carriages returned, Sun Chuanting frowned and said, "Casualties have obviously started to rise. In my opinion, it's time to withdraw."

"Yes, it can't be exhausted anymore. The soldiers must take a rest." After Hong Chengchou finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Sun Chuanting and said, "This time, I will guard the city, and you will lead the cavalry to wait for the opportunity. Let's move!"

Tianjin city is too small to accommodate so many troops.Therefore, someone must lead the troops away.Besides, if you just defend the city without reinforcements, it will be breached sooner or later.Once these two factors are combined, a force must be mobilized outside.

Sun Chuanting listened, but did not insist.This time, he will leave with the real cavalry, and the original infantry will stay in Tianjin City for defense.Of course, when he left, the wounded soldiers would be taken away to free up more space and reduce the number of people who needed to take care of others.

When night fell, the Ming army quietly began to evacuate from the easternmost bank of the Wei River. With enough animal power, they took them away along the way.Many soldiers fell asleep leaning on the shoulders of their comrades as soon as they got into the car.Jianlu's wheel battle is indeed too tiring.

When the Ming army withdrew, the Tartars immediately attacked.

From the very beginning, they were afraid of deceit, and the troops who attacked them immediately defended on the spot, and then began to build a passage at the first time, and at the same time summoned the troops from other places to rush over here.In this way, the offensive on the western section of Weihe River was weakened at once, and it was easier for the Ming army to withdraw here.

In the main camp of the Manchu and Qing army, the senior Tatar leaders were all here, and all of them looked unhappy.They did not expect that after they mobilized their troops, the Ming army on the other side persisted until dark.At this time, they all felt a little heavy.The resilience of the Ming army on the opposite side really exceeded their imagination.

But fortunately, at this time, a good news came from the front, saying that the east bank of the Wei River was close to the sea and finally broke through. Now that two or three thousand people have passed, the Ming army has no possibility of retaking it.After the passage is completed, the cavalry can pass.

Upon hearing the news, not to mention Hauge who couldn't hide his temper, even Yue Tuo, who was relatively calm, couldn't help being overjoyed, and said repeatedly: "Okay, okay, okay, a hole has been torn, the Ming army will surely It will collapse across the board!"

"His grandma, these Ming dogs, kill them all after crossing the river!" Hauge rolled up his sleeves, gearing up, as if the Ming army was right in front of him, and he was about to pounce immediately.

On the other hand, Dorgon, after being attacked unexpectedly by the Ming army several times, although he was happy, he still held his breath.After thinking about it for a while, he immediately paid out the account and was going to go to the Wei River to learn about the military situation in person.

However, before he reached the Wei River, good news came one after another.

Each section of the river broke through to the opposite bank one after another.At the same time, Dorgon finally knew that it was not the force of the attack, but the Ming army that retreated on its own initiative.

After understanding the situation, Hauge commented happily: "Look, I told you that the Ming army can't hold on!"

What he meant seemed to be saying, look, how wise I am, come and praise me!
However, Yue Tuo lost his smile and ignored him at all. He turned to look at Dorgon and said, "Uncle, is the Ming army planning to play another conspiracy?"

In his hands, more than [-] infantry were annihilated by the Ming army. Therefore, for any abnormality, he began to weigh whether the Ming army had any conspiracy.

Dorgon didn't answer right away, but after pondering for a moment, he gave a serious order: "Immediately deploy heavy troops to garrison the north bank, build more passages, and guard the Ming army strictly before letting others cross the river."

This time, of course, the lesson learned from the last time is to be learned.

The previous time, the Qing side did not think that the defenders in Tianjin would have the courage to fight, so they neglected to take precautions. They did not expect that the elite of the Ming army were already here, so that the Qing army was caught off guard and suffered a big defeat.

This time, with preparation, it is naturally impossible to suffer such a loss again.

Yue Tuo and Hauge also had no objection to this.

As a result, the Qing Dynasty mobilized heavy troops, almost 2 people formed a tight formation on the north bank to protect the Weihe side, and erected ten passages in one go, and even dismantled many carriages to build passages.In this way, it is no longer possible for the Ming army to repeat the old tricks.

At the same time, a large number of probing horses were released, far away, to ensure that the first time it would not happen.At the same time, it is also to search for the whereabouts of those Ming people.

After finishing all this work, Dorgon stood on the land on the north bank, looked up at the starry sky, and sighed in his heart, entering the customs this time is really not easy!Next, it's time to think about it, what should I do next?

The Ming army in front of him must be eaten, otherwise no matter what he does, it will be like a thorn in his back, making him uneasy.Next, should we continue to plunder more people and materials, or should we just leave the country?

This is a question that must be carefully considered.

However, what he didn't expect was that when it was about to dawn and he was about to take a good rest, he found a chaotic situation on the south bank, with noises and firelights. At a glance, he knew Something happened.

"What's going on?" Dorgon jumped up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, his face was livid, and he asked sharply.

The main force had just arrived on the north bank, and something happened again on the south bank, which really frightened him.Everything is not going well!

How could the people around him know what happened on the south bank, so they could only send someone across the river to ask.

The news quickly spread back to the North Shore, saying that the Ming army had attacked the Houying, the number of people was unknown, but it was estimated that there would not be too many, but it also caused great confusion to the Houying.Many Ming people took the opportunity to escape.In addition, some vehicles and supplies were burned, but not many.

As for the specific situation, it is not very clear, including who came to sneak the attack, how many troops are there, and what types of troops?The news reported to Dorgon may conflict with each other.

In this regard, Hauge who rushed over after hearing the news was surprised: "Damn, what is going on, why do you feel that the Ming army is everywhere? Isn't there no Ming army in the rear? Where can the Ming army break through? The scouts arranged on the periphery?"

Yue Tuo naturally couldn't answer. He and Hauge went to the rear army together, and he can confirm that there is no Ming army following.Even the phantom soldiers led by Lu Xiangsheng fled to the city to hide.

Until dawn, the news was finally further confirmed that it was Lu Xiangsheng who led a cavalry army to raid the rear camp.The strength is about two to three thousand.

At the same time, losses also came out.About 2 people from the Ming Dynasty escaped. Although about [-] were recovered later, half of them could not be recovered.Twenty cartloads of grain and grass were burned, which was neither too much nor too little.If Lu Xiangsheng had more troops, the losses last night would be immeasurable.

Dorgon naturally didn't know that Lu Xiangsheng used bluff last night.Otherwise, if there were really two or three thousand cavalry, it would definitely not be the only result of this battle.

Dorgon made a mistake in his judgment. Later, after dawn, he discovered that the Ming army retreated to Tianjin City, but there were only about [-] troops (this time there was no need to hide, so naturally more troops could be squeezed in).No sound of horses was heard, indicating that the Ming army's cavalry was not in the city.Also, without seeing Sun Chuanting's flag, it is very likely that Sun Chuanting led the cavalry to hide away.

These news gave Dorgon a headache.

But this is not finished yet, when it was noon, the scouting horses who had been scattered came back, saying that they had not found any traces of the people of the Ming Dynasty, and they were probably resettled in various cities.The ambush was not found, and I don't know where it was hidden.

Originally planning to attack Tianjin City, Dorgon, who was going to destroy the Ming army, hesitated.He considered it again and again, and finally issued a military order, and the whole army went out!

Hauge had a problem with this. After losing the battle, he went back in such a dispirited manner?
After hearing this, Dorgon blocked Hauge's mouth with just a few words: "Are you sure you can conquer Tianjin City within a few days? Don't you care about food and grass? Do you want to take those people out of the customs?"

Unless Jianlu is confident that he can plunder food, grass, materials and people again, if he continues to consume, it is very likely that he will not even be able to keep what he still has.

As a result, the Manchu Qing army looted more than [-] livestock and some supplies. Of course, the lineage of King De was indispensable. Under strict guards and guards, they finally passed through Qingshuimingyue Pass and left.

After the Battle of Tianjin, the Ming army did not find another opportunity. There was no suitable ambush location, and they could not defeat the Jianlu head-on, so they could only watch the Tartars leave the customs.

But no matter what, this battle is much, much better than the original history!
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(End of this chapter)

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