Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 162 Take Care

Chapter 162 Take Care

On Jinzhou's side, King Qin's army has all left their camp.What made Lu Xiangsheng a little regretful was that the mules and horse-drawn carts collected in the surrounding state cities could only transport about [-] troops.

With only this little force, no matter how elite the infantry is, they can't go to the tiger's mouth to grab food and save the people of Ming Dynasty.

What worried Lu Xiangsheng and others was that, judging from the news sent back from Yebu, the leaders of Jianlu seemed to have expected that the Ming army would pursue them. , but it is almost the same as not being coerced.

From the night of following the Jianlu marching route without receiving rewards, the Jianlu Tartars were very cruel to those Ming people, whipping them with leather whips. It was a one-shot killing that also shocked other Ming people and had to grit their teeth and hurry on their way.

From the comparison of the marching speeds of the two sides, no matter whether it is Lu Xiangsheng, Hong Chengchou, Sun Chuanting and others, they can't help but have doubts about the previously formulated countermeasures.The army couldn't rush to the front of the Jianlu army, and everything became empty talk.What can I do?
Seeing Lu Xiangsheng's worried expression, Hong Chengchou sighed and said, "This is something that can't be helped, it's beyond our power! We can only do our best and depend on the destiny!"

Sun Chuanting also nodded and said: "It's a pity that I don't have enough cavalry troops in Ming Dynasty, otherwise, I wouldn't have this problem!"

"Oh, it's all my fault for being impulsive before!" Lu Xiangsheng sighed after hearing this, "Before this officer fought to the death with Jianlu and then defended Jiajiazhuang, the more than 5000 horses under his command were almost lost. Otherwise, , there can be [-] more people, and if they are pulled by a cart, they can also transport a little more infantry."

Seeing that the three coaches looked helpless, Wang Chengen suddenly interrupted and said, "Why don't you rush to report to the capital and let the emperor think of a way?"

Hearing his words, the three coaches shook their heads in unison, obviously feeling that it was useless.

Just listen to Sun Chuanting explaining to him: "Jianlu is going north, even if we quickly report to the capital and then respond, judging from the time, it will be too late!"

"Yes!" Hong Chengchou also nodded and agreed, "Besides, to solve the current problem, one is to send troops to stop the Jianlu in the front. This is impossible, there is no army in the north to attack at present! It is to mobilize enough animal power to transport troops, but even if we can raise enough animal power, it is impossible in terms of time!"

After hearing what the two of them said, Lu Jiude and other supervisors who followed them all shook their heads and sighed in silence.

They were all thinking in their hearts that Jianlu had obviously plundered experience, so even if they wanted to chase the enemy, they couldn't rob them.

"No matter what!" Lu Xiangsheng suddenly cheered himself up a little bit, clasped his fists and bowed in the direction of the capital. Can you bite and hold their tails!"

This method is actually useless.Judging from the return of not accepting the night, Jianlu obviously expected this again. Therefore, he deployed heavy troops in the second half of the team, and they were all cavalry. They scattered so far that there was no chance for the Ming army to attack. Even a strong attack is basically impossible.

However, as Lu Xiangsheng said, knowing that there is no chance, he still has to keep up, otherwise the emperor will not be able to explain.

Therefore, after Lu Xiangsheng finished speaking, Hong Chengchou and the others agreed and prepared to return to their respective armies.

But at this moment, a fast horse galloped suddenly.Looking from afar, he immediately recognized Jin Yiwei in black flying fish suit.Needless to say, he must have come with orders.

When Wang Chengen saw it, he couldn't help but rejoiced and said: "Everyone, maybe the emperor has good news again!"

He has experience, and every time the emperor's order comes, it always brings good news.

The one that impressed me the most was after Gao Qiqian's troops took over Lu Xiangsheng, the morale of the army was low and there was no combat power.At that time, he had exactly the same idea as the others, the court had no money, and there were too many casualties here.In this case, there is no solution.As it is right now, I feel like there is nothing I can do.

However, that time, the emperor sent someone to deliver the decree, that is, to send money.The money was raised by the emperor, including Wang Chengen himself.Therefore, his impression is not insignificant.Because of this, he has more confidence in the emperor than others.In some people's eyes, it can even be said to be a bit of blind trust.

After Wang Chengen's voice, everyone couldn't help cheering up a little bit, but after thinking about it, it seemed that it was impossible to solve the current predicament just right, so their mood fell back a little.

With a stern face, Lu Xiangsheng said to the left and right: "Let's go and meet them!"

In fact, they had only walked a short distance before the Knights of the Royal Guards had already arrived at a gallop.The army on the side of the road was still advancing, and the soldiers turned their heads to look at the Jin Yiwei approaching on flying horses as they walked, all curious in their hearts, wondering what they were here for.

I saw the leader of the Jin Yiwei, who was a general bannerman. After seeing the officials in red scarlet robes under the commander's banner, he reined in his horse and shouted loudly: "The emperor has decreed that Wen'an, Baoding, Bazhou and Gu are in front of us." An has recruited all the mules and carriages in the city to go south. In addition, more than [-] horses have been collected from the capital and are being sent along the way. Shangshu Lu is watching for use, and if there are other needs, he can put them forward as soon as possible."

"..." Hearing this, the large group of civil servants and military supervisors were immediately dumbfounded. They never imagined that the order Jin Yiwei came to convey turned out to be the animal power they urgently needed.

"Haha!" Wang Chengen was the first to come back to his senses, and said in a smug manner, "Look, let's just say it, the emperor must have a way! See, does the emperor have a way? Right, it's okay now. Right? Haha..."

"Your Majesty is wise!" Lu Jiude and the others subconsciously agreed upon hearing this, but after quickly regaining their composure, they said sincerely, "Your Majesty's magic tricks, we really have to look up!"

Hearing the group of eunuchs praising the emperor there, Lu Xiangsheng and the others finally recovered from the shock. They were all overjoyed.Lu Xiangsheng didn't even have time to follow in amazement, but immediately asked the Jinyiwei General Banner some detailed questions, and then immediately held an emergency military meeting on horseback.

"Everyone, the emperor has helped us solve the problem of animal power, and it has far exceeded our expectations." Lu Xiangsheng said loudly with excitement in his voice, "In this way, I am thinking about slightly modifying our previous plan. A strategy against captives!"

"Yes, we must make good use of this opportunity, don't let it go to waste!" Sun Chuanting also keenly grasped the opportunity, and immediately echoed.

Hong Chengchou stroked his beard excitedly, shook his head and said, "It's not true, it's true, it's not true, the leader of Jianlu never thought of such a thing, hehe, even we didn't think of it, they will definitely miscalculate!"

"Hey, my lords, don't play charades!" Wang Chengen became a little anxious when he heard this, and hurriedly said, "Our family can't understand, what should our army do next?"

Lu Xiangsheng actually already had a rough draft at this time, so he immediately started to introduce it. After all, the battle plan needs to be approved by the supervising army.

So, soon from the coach's side, military orders began to spread.

The generals of the various armies, including the generals, deputy generals, guerrillas, etc., all hurried back to the commander of the Chinese army.Afterwards, these generals also became excited one by one, and immediately returned to their respective armies, and then ordered the whole army to start marching in a hurry.

Regarding this, the low-ranking generals who did not go couldn't help being very worried, and quickly reminded the general: "General, if you march in such a hurry, even if you catch up with Jianlu, how can you spare the strength to fight Jianlu? General, think twice!"

"Do you think this general doesn't know?" The general's reply was basically the same, "Shangshu and the governor don't know? You can rest assured, just follow the military order, and nothing will happen!"

Regarding the battle plan, it is still necessary to keep it secret from the bottom, so after reaching the rank of chief general, other people will not know what Emperor Chongzhen has prepared for them.

The Yongwei Camp was even more depressed.The order passed down from above turned out to have about [-] soldiers take off their armor and battle robes to exchange with the mandarin duck battle robes of ordinary soldiers, and then they were rushed on the road again.

It was difficult for these officers and soldiers to disobey the military orders, and they followed them while scolding their mothers in their hearts, and then they were urged to march in a hurry in a daze.

And the surrounding state capitals also received military orders from Lu Xiangsheng, requiring the local guards to report immediately no matter how many troops there are.It was even mentioned in the military order that if the number of people was too small, or there were too many old and weak people, ordinary people would be asked to rush in wearing mandarin duck uniforms. If anyone disobeyed the order, the local generals would kill him without mercy.

With the issuance of this order, state capitals also jumped up and down.They were a little confused and couldn't understand. What use would these cobbled-together guards soldiers have on the battlefield? Would they be killed?Although they couldn't understand it, they could still feel the murderous intent in the military order.In particular, Lu Xiangsheng held the Shangfang sword in his hand, commanded the army of King Qin of the world, and was fighting against the captives. If he killed a few who disobeyed the military order, he would have no scruples at all.

On the side of King Qin's army, Lu Xiangsheng was saying goodbye to Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting.I saw him saying to Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting in a very serious manner: "You two are the main force in this war. How many Ming people can be rescued and live up to the emperor's holy will? I leave everything to you!"

At this moment, although Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting had different personalities, they both looked serious and replied in unison: "Don't worry, my soldier, we will not disappoint the holy will, take care!"

"Take care!" Lu Xiangsheng nodded, wishing sincerely, and then watched the two of them get on their horses without hesitation, and left quickly.

After seeing them disappear from sight, Lu Xiangsheng sighed in his heart.In fact, he is more suitable to go to the front, as a soldier, to lead the Ming army to fight against the Jianlu.However, he was the coach after all. If he went to the front and didn't show up for a long time, Jianlu would be suspicious.

As a result, Lu Xiangsheng, Hong Chengchou, and Sun Chuanting cooperated with each other, and with the support of Emperor Chongzhen, started an unprecedented war.

During this period of time, it can be said that the Ming army was very busy.On the official road to the north, countless Ming soldiers were running forward, and their equipment was transported away by mule and horse carts.The marching speed is unprecedentedly fast.The animal power accompanying the army was used as much as possible without any sparing.When they arrived at the next city, the soldiers of the Ming army would be surprised to find that there were more mules and horse-drawn carriages ready to come here.Then replace the mule-drawn carriage that was no longer able to go, and continue northward.


On the east side of the hundreds of miles, there is also a huge team marching along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, and one team is heading north.

The canal is frozen and cannot be used by boats, but it just happens to be a natural landmark, as long as you keep walking along the river bank.The stream of people, most of them were civilians of Ming Dynasty, and in the middle of these teams, Jianlu's infantry was watching.If any commoner of the Ming Dynasty couldn't walk anymore, the Tartars would whip his whip over and drive the commoners of the Ming Dynasty to continue walking, yelling and cursing.If you really can’t walk, and the whip is useless, then you can chop it with a knife or stab it with a gun. It doesn’t matter whether the person is dead or not, you drag and throw it on the ice of the canal. After struggling for a while, you can’t stop Moved.

At this time, the lives of the common people of Ming Dynasty are not worth much at all, not even the animals that pull materials and belongings.Once the animals found that they could no longer move, the tartars would lighten the load on the cart, or let the animals sit aside to rest and feed them something.

Jianlu Zhongjun, Dorgon and others rode forward on horseback, and did not hide in the covered carriage.This severe cold is nothing to these bandits who were born in Liaodong.

They rode on horses and watched the people of Ming Dynasty being thrown into the ice of the canal like rubbish, but they didn't seem to see it, or they just thought it was a normal thing and didn't care at all.Between them, they were talking.

I heard Dorgon say to Hauge: "According to Yue Tuo's report, there are more and more Ming troops following behind, and you are ready to go, and lead the cavalry from the headquarters to the rear to defend."

"What's there to guard against?" Hauge said a little dissatisfied after hearing this, "Now that he has [-] cavalry in his hands, how can the Ming army scale the sky?"

After hearing this, Dorgon squinted at him and said, "Don't forget, the coach is Lu Xiangsheng. Haven't you experienced his bravery before?"

Hearing this, Hauge's face turned pale immediately, and he couldn't help cursing inwardly: You ordered the withdrawal, or I would have kicked Lu Xiangsheng's head as a ball!
Dorgon didn't care what he was thinking, and continued: "The Yongwei Battalion is now under Lu Xiangsheng's command, together with Qin Bing, it should not be underestimated, be careful to sail for thousands of years, and bring these humans and animals back to Liaodong. It's a great achievement, don't be careless!"

Having said all this, even if Hauge didn't want to, he still wanted to carry out the order of General Fengtian, so he had to leave.

At this moment, a fast horse galloped ahead, obviously the forward had something to report.

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(End of this chapter)

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