Chapter 151
Such a big scene, such a lively noise, even the Queen who was in the car could hear it.At the same time, she also felt that the car had stopped, so she frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

The rotating eunuch serving at the side was Fang Zhenghua, because he was recognized as one of the most skilled eunuchs in the palace, and the queen had to be protected when she left the palace.He didn't know the situation, so he immediately sent someone to investigate.

During the waiting time, Empress Zhou vaguely heard some movement, listening carefully, she couldn't help being very surprised.

"It's sold, it's sold, it's sold at a low price, a jade bowl used by Marquis Wuqing himself, only five taels of silver, it's sold at a low price!"

"Everyone come to see it and buy it. Although the porcelain bowl hidden in Jiadingbo's mansion is a bit broken, it's a good thing from ten years ago. It's expensive. It's sold at a bargain price!"


For some reason, when she was trying to distinguish the sound that came from her, she immediately had a bad premonition in her heart.

Could it be because of the noise in front, and it has something to do with his unlucky father?

Empress Zhou certainly knows what kind of virtue her own father has.In the past, there had actually been some moths, and when she heard this movement, she became worried.

Sure enough, soon, a servant ran over to report, and it was Chen Baoting who came over: "Empress, on the street ahead, Marquis Wuqing and Bo Jiading asked their servants to set up pots and pans and sell them there!"

"..." When Empress Zhou heard the news, she couldn't believe the news she heard, so she was stunned for a while before she realized it, and asked immediately, "This is not Jiading Bo's Mansion, how could there be Jiading Bo's Mansion?" Is there a servant here? And...and they are all honored relatives of the emperor, so how can they sell pots and pans?"

"Going back to the Empress, the slaves are serving the Emperor, so they know a little about the situation." After Chen Baoting replied, he roughly said something.

It was the messy matter in the Marquis of Wuqing's mansion. Li Guochen wanted to donate his family's wealth to supplement military funds. Many ministers in the court proposed to the emperor one after another to uphold justice for Li Guochen.At the end, he added: "Yesterday Marquis Wuqing delayed for a whole day and refused to pay the money. Now that this incident is happening, it must be related to this matter. As for the matter of Jiadingbo, the servants don't know about it!"

When Empress Zhou heard this, she immediately remembered the emperor's statement in front of her several times.She knew that since the ministers in the court thought so, the emperor would definitely ask for the money. After all, it was a time when money was very short, and even to the point where she, the empress, came out to make money.But, why did Jia Dingbo also get involved in this matter?

"Uncle Jiading is in front, find him quickly!" Queen Zhou was very worried and immediately issued an order.

Upon hearing this, Chen Baoting immediately agreed, turned around and left.

At this moment, he saw Lan Tianbao coming in a hurry. Immediately, the two looked at each other indistinctly, and then went about their business.

Seeing Lan Tianbao approaching the car, he bowed and said: "The emperor is furious in the palace, it is said that the empress will return to the palace immediately!"

Empress Zhou was worried at first, but when she heard this, she became even more worried, and quickly asked, "Why is the emperor so angry?"

"This is the memorial that Dongchang just posted. The emperor asked the empress to have a look." After Lan Tianbao finished speaking, he presented a memorial with both hands.

At the same time, at the gate of Marquis Wuqing's Mansion, Li Guorui and Zhou Kui did not return to the mansion, but drank some wine in the concierge, listening to the beautiful voice from outside, happy.

"This time, let's see who dares to force us to pay!"

"Hehe, yes, if anyone tries to force him again, the saliva of the people in the capital will drown them."


The two were enjoying themselves when suddenly the door was pushed open.This made Zhou Kui very dissatisfied, and immediately yelled in a cold voice: "If you want to eat something, you have to force it. Do you want to sell all the food and drinks into silver?"

After saying this, he realized that the person who came in was not the Dongchang stall they hated, but a servant.

When Chen Baoting saw that Jiading Bo was here, he immediately conveyed Yi's decree: "The Empress has a decree, to see Jiading Bo and Zhou Kui."

Zhou Kui was taken aback when he heard this.I thought in my heart, could it be that this matter has already reached the palace?

He and Li Guorui immediately looked at each other, and there was encouragement in each other's eyes.

Li Guorui was afraid that something bad would happen to Zhou Kui at a critical moment, so he reminded him: "Uncle Jiading is here to tell us about our difficulties. Listen to God, we really don't have the money!"

In his words, the word "we" is very heavy.

Zhou Kui could tell immediately that as long as the money from Wu Qinghou's side could be blocked, then nothing would happen to him.

Therefore, he stood up and said to Li Guorui, "Don't worry, I'll come as soon as I go."

After speaking, he followed Chen Baoting and left.But what he didn't expect was that Chen Baoting didn't lead him to the palace, but right there on the street.

While he was wondering why the queen appeared here, he followed the etiquette of a monarch and his ministers and went up to see her.

The Queen, who had always been gentle and filial, now had a look of anger on her face, as if she hated iron and steel. She said in a cold voice: "It's windy and cold outside. Uncle Jiading, please come in and sit down. I, sir. There’s something to be said.”

Zhou Kui immediately felt that something was wrong, but looking back, it should be because her daughter knew about her affairs and felt that she had lost face to the royal family, so she was unhappy.

Isn't this expected?Thinking of this, Zhou Kui felt relieved, and got into the car.

Empress Zhou didn't speak to him, but ordered the outside: "I have something to say to Bo Jiading, you step back!"

Obviously, she didn't want others to hear what she said next.

Fang Zhenghua and the others immediately backed away after hearing this.

In the car, seeing her father pretending that nothing happened, Empress Zhou couldn't help feeling angry, unable to restrain herself, she threw the memorial in her hand to Zhou Kui and said, "Look for yourself!"

He didn't even call "Dad" in private, which made Zhou Kui feel a little panicked for some reason.He quickly picked up the memorial, unfolded it and read it.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but after looking at it, cold sweat broke out immediately.

It turns out that what is written in this memorial is all the things about Jiading Bofu's fox pretending to be a tiger, relying on the relationship with the current empress and prince, and taking advantage of it. Even the approximate illegal income is clearly listed.

But soon, he suddenly came back to his senses.I am not the fortune teller I used to be, but now I am the father of the current empress, and the grandfather of the current crown prince. I just hugged a little money. Could the emperor still punish me?If this is the case, what will happen to the face of the queen and the prince?
Nowadays, everyone who is not powerful and powerful is thinking of ways to raise money, and I am not the only one.Needless to say, the subordinates, even the emperor is not easy to do to himself. My daughter is a queen, not an ordinary concubine, and my nephew is a prince. If you don't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, you can't mess with yourself, the old man. ?Otherwise, the infamy of being unkind and unkind would be hard to escape!

Thinking of this, he felt confident.It's nothing more than being shameless, what else can I do?

So, he put down the memorial, with a look of indifference, and complained to his daughter: "Daughter, it's not like you don't know that my father used to be so poor that he went to the street to tell fortunes and cheat money. Isn't this poor? ? Just make some money like this, don't worry, and leave some for your brother, right..."

However, what he didn't expect was that before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Queen Zhou's angry voice, and he suppressed it forcibly, but he could see that she was very excited: "You are so valuable as Jiading Bo, how can you still be poor?" Where are you going? No matter how poor you are, are you as poor as the emperor? Do you know where I came from just now? I am a majestic Empress of Ming Dynasty, and I am so poor that I go out of the palace to sell the cotton woven in the palace to subsidize the palace. It's too expensive! Do you know, do you know!"

Zhou Kui was stunned when he heard that, did he hear correctly just now?My daughter is the empress of Ming Dynasty, so she ran out of the palace to sell cotton cloth to subsidize the expenses of the palace?Is this true?You heard me wrong!

Tears flowed down her cheeks. Empress Zhou was still very emotional. She even forgot that her family ugliness should not be publicized. Her voice was a little louder, so that the maids who stood a little far outside could feel that the empress was angry: "The emperor has already He has been forced to a dead end, and he has said to me more than once that Jiangshan Sheji must not be lost. In order to keep Jiangshan Sheji, he will do anything! Have you ever thought about what consequences you will bring if you do this?"

Zhou Kui sounded a little silly, the country and the country are going to be lost?Is it that serious?Seeing his daughter so excited, he couldn't help but ask back: "How could it be possible to lose the country..."

"What's impossible?" Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the angry Queen Zhou, "Do you know how far the Ming Dynasty has come now? Because of lack of money, no one dares to serve the court. There is a war, are the thieves and Jianlu just kidding around? They invaded the capital that day, do you know that?"

Before Zhou Kui could speak, Empress Zhou had already said in a bitter tone: "Your grandson is the prince, and this world will one day be your grandson's. However, if the country and the country are lost, can your grandson still be the emperor?" ? Do you think you can still enjoy glory and wealth? No matter how much money you have, can you keep it? Others are emperors and courtiers, can you? Why can you enjoy glory and wealth? In your heart Don’t you have any points? Still helping Marquis Wu Qing to fight against the court and the emperor, you...why are you so stupid?”

Facing his daughter, seeing her never-before-seen outburst, and even scolding him for being too stupid to say anything, at this moment, Zhou Kui was really shocked, a little frightened, this kind of thing had never happened before. never experienced.

After Queen Zhou vented, she felt a little better, and then realized that her voice was too loud, so she lowered her voice a little, but still said very angrily to Zhou Kui: "I tell you, you have done something this time. , the emperor was already furious in the palace, and hurriedly called me back, the consequences are hard to predict. You immediately go to the palace to plead guilty to the emperor, and help the emperor save face..."

Hearing this, Zhou Kui recalled that Li Guorui said that he had to set an example, that he would have to give out more than 20 taels of silver, and that he was heartbroken, so he was still hesitating, and forcefully distinguished: "I can't, I... I After all, he is the emperor's father-in-law!"

Hearing this, Empress Zhou was so angry that she almost fainted. Regardless of her appearance, she pointed at Zhou Kui and cursed in a low voice: "Do you think he is a commoner? This is the Tian family. I have never heard of the most ruthless emperor's family What? You are an old father-in-law. In front of Sheji Jiangshan, anyone and anything are nothing! Let me tell you, before the prince said a wrong sentence in front of the emperor, he was severely reprimanded. Yes, don't think that the emperor dares to touch you. If you are obsessed with your obsession and I don't make any gestures, the emperor will think that I am not worthy to be the queen, and even the prince is not worthy to be the prince again. You think there is nothing else in the world Are you a woman? Do you think that the emperor only has one son? At that time, you think that you are still the emperor's father-in-law, you can still be this Jiading uncle, and you still have the chance to go back to be a fortune teller..."

Hearing this, Zhou Kui finally panicked.Isn't his greatest reliance on the status of his daughter and grandson?Now it sounds like the emperor is in a hurry, and he can do things like abolishing the queen and abolishing the prince.But right now, listening to his daughter's wishes has already driven the emperor into a hurry.

Thinking of this, he was really scared. He didn't even have to go back to being a fortune teller. The fate could be imagined. He hurriedly asked Queen Zhou for advice: "Then...then what should I do?"

"Immediately accepted those embarrassing things, and went to the palace to plead guilty to the emperor, saying that you were bewitched by Marquis Wuqing, and you were confused for a while." Seeing that he finally realized it, Queen Zhou hurriedly said, "Besides, the emperor is in urgent need of money. You voluntarily think about the imperial court and donate all the money you got!"

"Ah..." Zhou Kui immediately turned pale and said, "Admitting your's okay, but the don't need it?"

"Don't you see what you have done?" Queen Zhou was furious again when she heard this, and she was still holding on to the money, "The emperor is already furious. If you don't do it sooner, I won't protect you." You, for the sake of your grandson, it is better to kill relatives righteously than to be dragged down by you. Let me tell you, you must donate the money voluntarily for this matter, the emperor just needs money urgently, so that the emperor's anger can be appeased!"

Hearing that her daughter was forced to speak out all the words that she was forced to kill relatives regardless of her reputation, Zhou Kui didn't dare to insist any longer, and quickly said: "Okay, okay, I will do what my daughter says, and I will listen to you."

After hearing this, Empress Zhou finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to instruct his father on the details.Then he changed his way and hurried back to the palace.

In front of the Marquis of Wuqing's Mansion, it was still so lively, even a few people from other honorable mansions crowded over to watch, listening to the servants of Marquis Wuqing's Mansion and Jiadingbo Mansion, shouting loudly , They all "pitied" them one after another.

"Is the imperial court crazy? How dare you force the emperor's relatives so much?"

"That's right, let's forget about Marquis Wuqing. Bo Jiading is the queen's biological father. He was forced to sell pots and pans. It's too miserable."

"I heard that Uncle Jiading was passed on by the empress just now. After a while, the empress knows that her natal family has been forced into this position, and she doesn't know how sad she will be!"

"Just wait and see, whoever came up with this idea will be punished and die a terrible death!"


Li Guochen's face turned pale when he heard these remarks being enlarged.It is really too ruthless to use this trick.The emperor has only two options, one is to punish the two, and the other is to repent and punish him.In comparison, there is a queen's father over there, a crown prince's grandfather, and so many people are speaking for them. Maybe, the emperor can't bear the pressure, will he go back on his word?
Thinking of this, Li Guochen felt a mountain of pressure rushing towards his face, making him a little out of breath.

At this time, someone suddenly shouted excitedly: "Jia Ding Bo is back, Jia Ding Bo is back, now there is a good show!"

Marquis Wu Qing had been watching from the sidelines, seeing that other people in the Xungui Mansion were also making moves in secret, creating momentum, and he felt very at ease. When he saw Zhou Kui coming back, he greeted him with a smile.

However, before he greeted him, Zhou Kui suddenly yelled at the servants in his mansion: "Get out, get out of here, it's an embarrassment here, who told you to do this? Get out immediately! "

While talking, he even kicked the stunned servants, trying to kick them away.

In fact, not only the servants of Jiadingbo Mansion were stunned, but everyone was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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