Chapter 142
The fact that Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting were used by the Manchu Manchus to coerce the Ming people to withdraw their troops, the Emperor Chongzhen, who was far away in the capital, probably had a vague understanding through the bugging seeds on Wu Zhong.I only know that such a thing happened, but I don't know the specific circumstances.

The first battle was won, and the words "Wansheng" could be seen from the eavesdropping seeds, but then it ended like this. I have to say that this made Emperor Chongzhen a little depressed.He thought that the more than 20 livestock that were plundered by the Manchu and Qing Tatars would be saved in this war!
While depressing, the cruelty and unscrupulousness of the Manchu Tartars also made Emperor Chongzhen very angry.Looting the people, and then using the Ming people as a threat to deal with the imperial court army, what bottom line do they have?

But looking back and thinking about it, it seems that it is not surprising that this kind of thing happened!
The cruelty of the Manchu Tartars, even in later generations, will be condemned by everyone.People like them who massacre the city at every turn and don't treat the people of Ming Dynasty as human beings at all, it's strange to treat the people of Ming Dynasty kindly!

In their eyes, the people of the Ming Dynasty are not human beings at all, they are treated like pigs and dogs!
And the imperial army is the imperial army, not the bandits, let alone the Manchu Tartars, but an army that protects the environment and the people. If they ignore the casualties of the people and don't care whether the people live or die, then they are not the imperial army.

For this point, the brutal Tartars obviously understood very well.Using this to blackmail the governors of the three sides and the governors of Shaanxi, the two civilian commanders who were born as Jinshi, is to catch their dead spots at once.

It is true that whether it is Sun Chuanting or Hong Chengchou, when they suppressed the rogues, they were merciless and even killed all the captured rogues.At this time, they have an excuse, because these people are not the people of the Ming Dynasty, but the thieves who harmed the people of the Ming Dynasty. If they are killed, they will be killed, and there is not much burden.

But even so, there was another theory in the court, saying that they were just hungry people, and that Sun Hong and the two men had a terrible heart for killing them like this, and they were violating the teachings of the saints.

Now, for Sun Hong and the others, the people who were threatened by the Tartars were still the people of Ming Dynasty, so they couldn't be said to be Tartars, could they?As far as the imperial court is concerned, it's fine if the officers and soldiers don't rescue them, but forcefully attack those who killed them. They can't bear the blame anyway.Even if the emperor can keep them, their reputation will be bad under the attack of political enemies.

Which of the civil servants does not have the same name?Some civil servants even asked for a court stick, not just to gain the reputation of a straight minister!No matter whether it is Sun Chuanting or Hong Chengchou, they absolutely don't want their reputation to be stigmatized among scholars!

In this way, if they chose to retreat instead of fighting, Emperor Chongzhen could understand their choice even if he didn't know the specific battle situation!
If the people who led the battle at that time were only general soldiers from all walks of life, a group of warriors, who had little consideration for political matters, then maybe they would only measure whether to attack or not based on the possibility of winning or losing the war between the two sides at that time. Go to the city, save more people in one fell swoop, or make a lot of military exploits to wipe out the enemy, maybe they will ignore the threat of the Tartars.

The so-called kindness does not command soldiers, soldiers are hard-hearted, as long as the war can be won, the means can be used to the extreme, this is the most common saying among military strategists.

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen thought of Qi Jiguang, the military god of Ming Dynasty. If it was him, how would this battle be fought?
Just during this period of time, he has been reading Qi Jiguang's military books and related materials, and has a relatively complete understanding of Qi Jiguang.

In Volume [-] of Qi Jiguang's "New Book of Jixiao" "Bian Du Dushou", there is this view: Soldiers and horses are regarded as tools for safeguarding the country and protecting the people, and they focus on the people and society.It can be seen from this that although Qi Jiguang was just a military general, he understood that the real purpose of the imperial army was to secure the country and protect the people, and put the people first in everything.

During his battle in Changsha, when he learned that thousands of Ming people were imprisoned in the Japanese pirates' lair, he issued two military orders: prohibiting killing indiscriminately and prohibiting fire attacks.

If another general had killed those Ming civilians as Japanese pirates, since they were all in the Japanese pirates' lair anyway, even if only some of their heads were taken to repay their merits, they would still be able to get more rewards.I don’t even think about killing good people and taking credit for it, but if I issue a military order prohibiting reckless killing like Qi Jiguang, I will be constrained in the battle, and this military order prohibiting reckless killing will not be issued; if it is more labor-saving to attack with fire, it will be more effective. If you can reduce your own casualties, you will probably use fire attacks without even thinking!

If these Japanese pirates were not defeated, those people of the Ming Dynasty who were robbed by the Japanese pirates would be sold as slaves by them. They would also be tortured and tortured, and would be in dire straits, but they would not die in the same way.Isn’t it enough to have such a reason?
Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen felt that Qi Jiguang was really different. Perhaps this was one of the reasons why he could become the God of War while other generals could not!
Thinking about this, Emperor Chongzhen suddenly discovered that there are really many similarities between what happened back then and what is happening now.That being the case, if Qi Jiguang came to lead the army, according to his past practice, it is estimated that he would not immediately attack the city, but find another way to save it.

However, the current situation is different from Qi Jiguang's time.

At the time of Qi Jiguang, he had trained the strongest army at that time, and he was sure that he could defeat the Japanese pirates. Therefore, he could choose the next time when he saw that there was no chance at present; It's okay to choose to retire, and you can find another opportunity, because he is confident that his military strength can defeat the Tartars.

But now, it's the other way around.The Tartar army is stronger.This time, it was still the Tartars who divided the troops, and Lu Xiangsheng attracted some Tartar troops again.It can be said that the Tartars guarding the people of Ming Dynasty had reached the minimum number, about 2 horses; and the Qin soldiers suddenly arrived, and by surprise, they got the most likely opportunity to defeat the enemy.If this opportunity is missed, can there be another opportunity to save so many people again?

In history, there are not without examples of the weak defeating the strong.However, such wars are rare.In the matter of fighting, it is more about crushing with strength.Other than that, you can only take risks and use tricks to make up for the shortcomings!

And if you want to use strategy, you must first do it well, that is, know yourself and the enemy!
It's okay to talk about a confidant, but knowing the enemy is too difficult for Daming's current front-line generals!
Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen suddenly felt excited.Don't you just have a bugging system?If the seeds of eavesdropping were thrown on the Tartar generals, wouldn't they be able to know their every move like the back of the palm of their hand.In this way, isn't the premise of knowing yourself and the enemy achieved?

Thinking about it this way, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't sit still anymore.Twenty thousand Daming people, if you don't save them, you can imagine their fate!For the people of later generations, every human life must be respected, let alone these two hundred thousand human lives!
Now that Wu Zhong's level is too low, it is not of much use to rely on him to learn the enemy's intelligence!Whether it was for the [-] or so Ming people in front of him, or for the future elimination of the Qing Dynasty and the recovery of Liaodong, Emperor Chongzhen felt that it was very necessary to throw the seed of eavesdropping on the Tartar generals!
At this moment, Emperor Chongzhen made a decision on what he had been thinking about for the past two days.No matter what, this time, we must go to the front line.It is not feasible to go blatantly, not to mention that all the courtiers and generals on the capital's side will stop them, even if they go to the front line, if the tartars know that the emperor has arrived, they will definitely attack with all their strength. With the current strength of the Ming army, it is estimated that they will It is absolutely impossible to become the two unlucky emperors Song Huizong and Song Qinzong.

That is to say, there is only one way to go now, secretly go to the front line, throw the eavesdropping seeds to the Tatar general, and then eavesdrop on the deployment of the Tartar general, looking for opportunities to defeat the Tartars and rescue the people!

Having made up his mind, Emperor Chongzhen began to think about how to sneak out without the court knowing.This matter seems to have to be covered by someone.

While he was thinking about this matter, soon an urgent memorial jointly signed by Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting arrived in the capital.Suddenly, there was an uproar in the court, with everyone talking about this and having their own opinions.

Generally speaking, there are several views, but they all have tit for tat.

The first point of view is that Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting are indecisive. At that time, they should take the opportunity to rush into the city, eliminate Jianlu, and rescue more people. Neither Hong Chengchou nor Sun Chuanting will settle this account. Afraid to bear the crime of killing the people of Ming Dynasty.

Another point of view that is similar to this is that if the [-] people were plundered by the Tartars, not to mention how many people would die on the way, it means that after they plundered Liaodong, they farmed for the Tartars and strengthened the Tartars.Rather than doing this, it would be better not to worry about their life and death, but it would be beneficial to Daming.Furthermore, if he died now, he would be able to suffer less. If he died in the land of Ming Dynasty, at least he would not be regarded as dying in a foreign land!
Some people even suggested that if Sun Hong and Sun Hong saved all these people, what would happen after the war?Where does the imperial court have the spare energy to feed them?If they don't care, once they become thieves, wouldn't it add more chaos to the court.Therefore, in this battle, you should not worry about them, and attack at that time.

Naturally, some people refuted this, saying that the Tatars used the flesh and blood of the Ming people to block the attack route of the army. If the Ming army wanted to enter the city, they would have to kill those people with their own hands. Is the military morale good?Abandoning the small and protecting the big, do you know if the wish will come true after this battle?
In addition, Hong and Sun's memorials have already stated that although Jianlu lost the first battle, his strength still exists.And before suffering a loss, it was only under the carelessness.What's more, the Tartars didn't rely on fortified cities in the first place, and were more good at field battles, fighting hand-to-hand with the Ming army.Even if Sun Hong and the others ordered to attack the city at that time, so what if they entered the city?Fighting with the Tartars once again, and in the city again, without the advantage of the cavalry raid, it is unknown who will win or lose!

In the court hall, the heated debates reached the point of excitement, and some people even put forward such a point of view: If according to what you said, these people will strengthen the strength of Jianlu, and the court is now unable to provide disaster relief. Is it necessary to kill all the local people? In this way, can they prevent them from becoming rogues, strengthen the strength of rogues, and avoid adding chaos to the court?

"Be safe and starve to death, and imitate the praying mantis!"


Generally speaking, in this debate, the censor officials generally spoke on the moral high ground, and basically agreed with Sun Chuanting and Hong Chengchou's move to retreat.However, some pragmatic officials, as well as generals, have different opinions on this, whether it is light or serious.

Facing the chaotic court, Emperor Chongzhen gave the opinion that the people of the Ming Dynasty must be saved and the Tartars must be destroyed.

As for such a difficult matter, what should I do?Emperor Chongzhen had no charter, and it seemed to be a headache. The decision to be made on the spot was just an order to immediately inform the world of the cruelty of the Tartars without a bottom line. If you work hard, once the city is broken and falls into the hands of the murderous Tartars, they will be treated like pigs and dogs.

In the eyes of the ministers, Emperor Chongzhen seemed to be very troubled by the cruelty of the Tartars.When he retired from the court, the emperor seemed to be rubbing his head non-stop.Seeing this, all the ministers sighed secretly in their hearts. After all, the emperor still lacks experience. Facing the complicated government affairs, it must be a headache!

As for themselves, based on their respective butt issues, they have already taken a stand where they should.As for how things really need to be resolved properly, then leave them alone.

Naturally, they didn't know that Emperor Chongzhen's behavior in the court was actually done for them to see.After retiring from the court, he went directly to the harem, dismissed the palace maids and chamberlains, and wanted to communicate with Queen Zhou alone.

However, Emperor Chongzhen had just said the beginning, and Empress Zhou, who was usually solemn and paid great attention to her appearance, stared at Emperor Chongzhen in shock and said, "What, Your Majesty, absolutely not!"

She was indeed terrified, the emperor is a man of gold, and Liaodong Jianlu is a tiger and a wolf. If the emperor leaves the protection of the high walls of the capital, he will be in danger, and he might not be able to come back. How could she not be shocked by this kind of consequence!
When Emperor Chongzhen saw her reaction, Qiankun first said decisively: "I have already made a decision, and the queen does not need to persuade her."

After all, Queen Zhou was required to cooperate. Emperor Chongzhen then softened his tone and said: "But don't worry, Queen, how can I disregard my own life! I thought about it. I went out in a micro-service, and Jianlu didn't know that I went. In the army, safety will not be a problem!"

Speaking of this, his face became a little more serious and he said: "Taizu fell into a dream and said that the country and the country have reached the most critical juncture. If I don't even have the courage to face Jianlu, how can I keep the inheritance passed down by my ancestors? My queen, Jianlu is so tyrannical and unstoppable, he will surely perish my Daming country in the future!"

 The next chapter is around one or two in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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