Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 120 I will personally lead the army

Chapter 120 I will personally lead the army

"What, the Manchu and Qing troops suddenly went south and attacked Jinan Mansion?"

"Isn't King De in Jinan Mansion? If the suzerain falls, this has never happened in my Ming Dynasty!"

"That's right, what if the Qing army threatens King De?"


All civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty were shocked when they heard Lu Xiangsheng's urgent report.The most important thing is not that another city was brought down by the Manchu Qing army, but the fall of the suzerain vassal.

In the history of the Ming Dynasty, Ming Yingzong was captured first, which was a great shame and humiliation to the Ming Dynasty.However, the Ming Dynasty did not compromise, and immediately established another emperor.Although this is not the case of the emperor being captured now, the capture of the vassal king is also something that has never happened before.

The emperor is a man who cares about face. When something like this happened, in front of him, on the one hand, it is the Zhu family's fraternal bond, on the other hand, it is the Zhu family's face. How will the emperor choose in the future?For the Ming Dynasty, this is definitely a big deal, and the emperor will definitely be furious.

Thinking of this, many officials could not help gloating.Isn't Lu Xiangsheng very good, isn't he very favored by the emperor?Now it's all right, if you commit such a big thing, so what if you are favored again, it must be over now, right?
Including Fan Yongzheng's side, they were even more delighted to hear the news, knowing that his brother's plan had succeeded, and now it was the cooperation of the capital.

Therefore, he united with other businessmen, mobilized their representatives in the court, and began to impeach Lu Xiangsheng with memorials, strongly demanding that Lu Xiangsheng be responsible for this!
At this point, Fan Yongzheng felt that it was not enough, and he confessed to Fan Fu: "When the palace is out to buy, contact the people in the palace and let them spread this story in the palace. With this rare opportunity, Lu Xiangsheng must be brought down!"

Upon hearing this, Fan Fu immediately nodded in agreement, and hurriedly went to work on this matter.

So far, it can be said that in the capital, as soon as Lu Xiangsheng's urgent report arrived, almost the entire public opinion was one-sided, and they strongly demanded that Lu Xiangsheng be punished.

In the original history, Emperor Chongzhen was very angry about this, and ordered Yang Sichang to discuss the crime of wrecking all civil and military officials.

On the first day of the fifth lunar month, Yang Sichang played the five events of the accident: the lost opportunity of guarding the frontier;

So Zheng Xizhao, the governor of Jizhen, Sun Maolin, the sub-supervisor, Chen Zubao, the governor of Shuntian, Zhang Qiping, the governor of Baoding, Yan Jizu, the governor of Shandong, Wu Guojun and Chen Guowei, the generals of Jizhen, Ni Chong, the governor of Shandong, and Zu Kuan, the general of aid and suppression. Li Chongzhen, and his lieutenants went down to the prefectural and county Yousi, and all 36 people died together.There are even more degraded people.

However, Lu Xiangsheng, who commanded the soldiers and horses in the world, had already died in battle, and his body could not be restrained after his death, which lasted for [-] days; in the second year, Lu Xiangsheng's wife asked for compensation, but was not allowed; allow.

This kind of history really makes people sigh!
Generally speaking, this time when the Manchu and Qing troops entered the customs, the number of high-ranking civil and military officials of the Ming Dynasty who were killed by Emperor Chongzhen was the most due to the crimes caused by the fall of the suzerain.This shows how angry the emperor is!
In the expectation of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, Emperor Chongzhen really lived up to their expectations, and of course Longyan was furious.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the direction of Emperor Chongzhen's anger was in the wrong direction.

"Tomorrow there will be a million troops. Why has it been more than three months, but there are only a few troops who have come to King Qin?" Emperor Chongzhen was furious when facing the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, "How many troops are there in Lu Qing's hands? Could it be that Daming and the Manchus The Qing army has fought to the point of fighting more with less? With such a disparity in strength, it is no accident that such a thing will happen. Tell me, where are my millions of troops? Are you willing to come to serve the king?"

In addition to being shocked, the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty could not keep up with Emperor Chongzhen's thinking. Logically speaking, shouldn't the leader of the army, Lu Xiangsheng, be punished?Why are you blaming others?
Although surprised, the emperor was furious at this time, and even said something serious. For a while, everyone dared not face the emperor's anger, and they all remained silent, kneeling down to be scolded.

The main worry about humiliation refers to this kind of time.

Emperor Chongzhen looked at the officials below angrily, and shouted sharply: "It seems that relying on others is worse than relying on oneself. This means that I will personally lead the army to fight in the future, right?"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he first gave a foreshadowing, telling them that he will lead the army himself in the future, and whoever dares to object can use this incident as an example.

All the courtiers were surprised when they heard this, which was beyond their expectation.

The emperor personally led the army. Since the Ming Dynasty, except for Taizu Chengzu, Ming Yingzong played once and was captured. Later, Ming Wuzong did this. Other emperors never touched it again. Now it seems that the emperor I was so irritated that I even thought of leading the army to fight in person?

This kind of thing, for them, is very unwilling to see.Just as he was about to remonstrate, Emperor Chongzhen yelled sharply: "Yang Qing is here to take charge, let me see for me that the troops have been here for more than three months, or should they have arrived? I will give them one last chance, in the If the Manchu and Qing troops don’t arrive before they leave the customs, I want his head!”

After finishing speaking, he got up and left without giving the subordinates a chance to speak.Before leaving, he looked up to the sky and sighed, "I'm sorry King De!"

The officials below heard it, and they all felt that the emperor was really stimulated this time, and they were sad about King De.

But they didn't expect that in Emperor Chongzhen's heart, there was another sentence: Finally, there is one less vassal king!

As soon as Emperor Chongzhen returned to the palace, he immediately summoned the eunuchs in charge of the internal officials and the eunuchs in charge of the food supervisor, and secretly asked them who they sent out of the palace today to buy things?
In the imperial palace, the internal official supervisor was mainly in charge of purchasing the utensils used by the emperor, such as screens, beds, tables and cabinets, etc.; while the Shangshan supervisor was in charge of imperial food, palace food and banquets, etc., and they also had to go out of the palace.

Emperor Chongzhen saw what Fan Yongzheng had ordered Fan Fu in the wiretapping system, so he asked this question.

For him, this matter did not surprise him.People outside, it would be strange if there were no one in the palace!Not to mention anything else, as I heard in the inner school, many eunuchs were funded by outsiders, so they already knew that there must be a connection between inside and outside the palace.

The people in these contacts may not be high-ranking officials in the palace, but hiding in the palace is a hidden danger.After the abolition of the palace personnel this time, it will also facilitate the rectification of the palace.

After Emperor Chongzhen got the list, he secretly sent an order to Li Ruolian, commander of Jinyiwei, asking him to keep an eye on those people.

At the same time, in the southern part of Shandong, an army was heading north. It had strict military discipline and looked like an elite force at first glance.

 Thanks to Han Leyu for tipping 500 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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