Chapter 109 Worried

However, Liu Yuliang likes fencing, and his physique is really good. Although his eyes were dark, he still didn't faint in the blink of an eye, so he had to face reality.

No matter what, the crimes vaguely mentioned in the memorial cannot be admitted under any circumstances.When he was about to use his brain to argue, Emperor Chongzhen didn't give him a chance, and asked sharply: "As the chief assistant of the Ming Dynasty, why did you do such shameless things? You even wanted to take revenge against the powerful enemy of the Manchus, A good official who saved the people of Jinzhou? Is this the bearing of the chief assistant?"

"Your Majesty...Your Majesty, I am wronged!" Liu Yuliang had never experienced such a thing, and he was frightened, and he stammered a little while speaking, "I really serve the country loyally, how dare I commit such a crime of deceiving the emperor! Yes Lu Xiangsheng believes in favoritism, and the humble minister..."

"Enough!" Emperor Chongzhen snarled, interrupting his sophistry, then turned to look at Cao Huachun and asked, "Who is the general following him?"

Cao Huachun had been in Liu Yuliang's army, so he naturally knew it, so he immediately replied: "Return to Your Majesty, it is Zu Kuan, the commander-in-chief of Eastern Liaodong!"

This Zu Kuan led the army into the pass to suppress the thieves in the early years.However, this man is arrogant and domineering, and the army he leads has corrupt military discipline, causing harm to the people, and no one can rule him.But the Guan Ning army he led was indeed powerful, and he often beat the thieves to run around. Therefore, when the imperial court was employing people, they turned a blind eye to him.

It wasn't until Lu Xiangsheng came out of the mountain and Zu Kuan became under Lu Xiangsheng's command that he restrained himself and dared not be arrogant and domineering in front of Lu Xiangsheng.But after Lu Xiangsheng was transferred to the post of Xuanda Governor to mainly resist the Manchu Qing Dynasty, Zu Kuan no longer belonged to Lu Xiangsheng, and he let himself go again.

Zu Kuan's actions, even in the impression of the original Emperor Chongzhen, have been heard.Therefore, when Emperor Chongzhen heard that the general was Zu Kuan, he turned his head to look at Liu Yuliang, and shouted sharply: "I have tolerated it again and again, do you really think I am easy to bully? Since you refuse to admit it, that's fine too!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Yuliang, who was pale, turned his head and told Cao Huachun, "Send someone to send the chief assistant back to the mansion to have a good rest. I won't go out or communicate with outsiders against my will. In addition, to trap Zu Kuan, Find out who is telling the truth about this incident. Also, Zu Kuan's crimes have also been collected by me. The face of the imperial court has been ruined by these unscrupulous scum. I must give the people of the world An explanation!"

Although he believed that what Lu Xiangsheng said was true, no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't ignore Liu Yuliang's grievances. After all, he was still the chief assistant of the Ming Dynasty, and he was appointed by the emperor himself.Although he was the former Emperor Chongzhen, since he inherited everything, this pot must also be inherited.Therefore, the normal process must be followed. Fortunately, Cao Huachun has been tidied up, and he knows the truth. Forgive Cao Huachun for not daring to falsify.

"Slave obeys the order!" Cao Huachun immediately accepted the order without any hesitation, then turned to look at Liu Yuliang, stretched out his hand to signal, and said coldly: "Master Shoufu, let's go!"

The matter has come to this point, Liu Yuliang knows that it is useless to defend, so he can only be obedient and obedient, and under the arrangement of Cao Huachun, he returns to the mansion and is under house arrest under the supervision of the guards.

This matter spread quickly.Then it was made public, as well as Lu Xiangsheng's victory memorial.Therefore, although there is no final conclusion on this matter, everyone knows that the first assistant is finished.It depends on the emperor's sentence, should he really be dealt with as a crime of deceiving the emperor, or should he be punished lightly?
As a result, many people began to discuss, who will take over the position of chief assistant?
In the current cabinet, Fang Fengnian is sick and recuperating at home. If he can't recover from his illness soon, there will only be two people left in the cabinet, namely Xue Guoguan and Yang Sichang, and the first assistant is likely to be promoted among these two people.

Since it was a choice between the two, many officials immediately had a biased opinion, that is, it would be better to let Yang Sichang be the chief assistant!After all, Xue Guoguan has a nickname, Xue Manzi.

Sometimes, Xue Manzi will say everything that should be said and should not be said.For example, at the last court meeting, the refugee incident was exposed, causing the families of officials above the fifth rank in the capital to have a mouth to eat!
Based on this, many officials have started to move.There were a lot more sedan chairs at the gate of Yang Sichang's mansion.Those who came to make friends first, those who came to show their goodwill in advance, or those who came to show their loyalty, all of these were there.

However, Yang Sichang, the person involved, was not so optimistic.Because he knows more inside information than others.

He knew that Xue Manzi came up with random ideas, but he had already aroused the interest of Emperor Chongzhen, and now he has not made it.Even if he came to be the chief assistant, if Xue Manzi's idea was to be implemented in the end, he would be roasted on the fire by Xue Manzi, and he would offend all civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, as well as those nobles in the palace.

Under such circumstances, even if Yang Sichang could be the chief assistant of the Ming Dynasty, he would not be happy to do so.

Why did Fang Fengnian get sick?Others don't know, but he knows it well. He is just afraid that if that happens, he will be hated as a minister of the cabinet.

But at this time, what troubled Yang Sichang the most was that Lu Xiangsheng was fine, and he seemed to be quite capable. He could use the limited military power in his hand to restrain the [-] Manchu troops, so that they could no longer wreak havoc as they had just entered the pass!
If the Manchu Qing army really had to go on like this in the end, it would have to get out of the pass in despair.In this way, Lu Xiangsheng's prestige will inevitably be raised a few more levels, and the holy family will be even more prosperous.From then on, the emperor will only rely on Lu Xiangsheng for military matters, so what about his future?
Thinking of these things, Yang Sichang was very resentful, and even scolded Dorgon in private, wasn't he very powerful before?Governor Wu Aheng was also killed by you, why is it just Lu Xiangsheng, you have nothing to do, what do you do with a strong army?
However, scolding is scolding, but he has nothing to do.As he said in his reply letter to Chen Xinjia, the emperor now trusts Lu Xiangsheng very much, and with the bonus of good news, who else can shake Lu Xiangsheng's position?

He was annoyed by this, while others were anxious about it.This person is Fan Yongzheng, the owner of Fanji Bank.After confirming the situation again and again, he couldn't help saying to Fan Fu with a bit of resentment: "Isn't the Qing army very strong? Why can't they deal with Lu Xiangsheng! If my brother and the others know about this, they will probably die of panic. No way." , we have to do something!"

While speaking, he ran around in the study room. After being anxious for a while, he finally had an idea, stopped and looked at Fan Fu, and began to order him to do things.

 Thanks to the Swedes for being really awesome! 1000 starting point coins for the reward, thanks for chatting 15, SUYU, a bottle of Qingyue for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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