Chapter 106
A businessman is a businessman after all, and when it comes to the intrigues and tricks in the court and military matters, Chen Xinjia obviously knows a lot more than Shanxi merchants.

Therefore, he was very proud to hear these Shanxi merchants flattering him.No matter what, after taking so much money from you, it is worth it after all!
Suddenly, the atmosphere at the banquet became lively again.

But at some point, the door of the living room was suddenly pushed open, and a gust of cold wind rushed in, making the lively scene inside quiet.

No one can enter the drawing room without orders.But at this time someone came in, and everyone couldn't help but turn their heads to look over.

Among them, Chen Xinjia was even more unhappy, because he was the master, and if he came in without his consent, wouldn't it be a slap in the face of the master?

But when he turned his head and found that it was his butler, he felt a little better.Because he understands that the butler is a measured person when doing things, and will not disturb him with unimportant things.More importantly, the steward knew all about the affairs between him and the Shanxi merchants.

At this moment, what is the most important thing he cares about?Seeing the butler's serious face, he felt a little bad in his heart. It should not be a good thing.

Sure enough, the housekeeper walked quickly to him and whispered in a low voice: "Master, the Yangge Department of the Capital has replied to the letter."

After finishing speaking, he respectfully presented the letter held in both hands to his master.

When Chen Xinjia saw it, he didn't care about being courteous to the Shanxi merchants. He immediately took the letter, checked the lacquer under the seal, and opened it to take out the letter and read it.

Fan Yongdou and other eight Shanxi merchants all looked at Chen Xinjia, wondering where the letter was that made the housekeeper so cautious.

They stared at Chen Xinjia and clearly noticed that Chen Xinjia's face gradually became ugly while reading the letter.Obviously, the contents of the letter should make him unhappy.

After reading it, Chen Xinjia handed the letter to Fan Yongdou beside him, frowned and said to the others: "It's a letter from Yang Ge's department, saying that the emperor didn't know what happened. Just like a person, he was determined to fight against the Qing Dynasty. And Lu Xiangsheng happened to be a firm leader in the battle, so the emperor trusted Lu Xiangsheng very much. Before that, he even issued gold medals to supervise the director Gao Qiqian to rescue Lu Xiangsheng. Lu Xiangsheng obeyed everything. Therefore, Yang Gebu thinks that the current emperor will not listen to his advice, will not put pressure on Lu Xiangsheng, and is the kind who completely trusts Lu Xiangsheng!"

As soon as these words were finished, the Shanxi merchants present couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay.I was still happy just now, thinking that the governor had the foresight to contact the Yangge Department in advance and persuade the emperor to put pressure on Lu Xiangsheng to urge him to fight hastily.In this way, Lu Xiangsheng will be defeated, and the Qing army will be able to plunder more wealth, which can be put into their pockets in a second. Naturally, the more, the better!

Unexpectedly, just a little while later, the letter arrived, shattering the dream.

At this time, Fan Yongdou also finished reading Yang Sichang's letter, passed it to Wang Dengku who was beside him, then looked at Chen Xinjia, and asked with a serious face: "My lord governor, what should I do now?"

"Yes, the Governor still has to think of something to do with matters in the court." Liang Jiabin immediately agreed, "If you need money, no problem, we will come out and make sure to bring down this Lu Xiangsheng! "

Others also echoed, but when they saw Chen Xinjia frowning and thinking, they became quiet again and stared at Chen Xinjia with expectant expressions.

In the living room, it suddenly became quiet.

After an unknown period of time, Chen Xinjia suddenly raised his head, looked at these Shanxi merchants, and said in a cold voice: "If the Qing army can take the initiative to win some battles, it doesn't have to defeat Lu Xiangsheng, for example, it can also conquer other cities. In this way, Spending some more money and uniting with some people to impeach Lu Xiangsheng should also shake the emperor's trust in Lu Xiangsheng!"

Having said this, he paused and then said in a colder voice: "The greater the victory of the Qing army, the greater the responsibility of Lu Xiangsheng, who is in charge of all the Qin army, and the greater the effect of impeachment." good!"

Hearing this, the eight major Shanxi merchants all nodded and agreed with this statement.

Among them, Fan Yongdou also thought about it seriously for a while, and suddenly asked Chen Xinjia: "What do you think the emperor cares about more?"

Chen Xinjia was a little puzzled when he heard the sound, and frowned slightly when he heard the sound and looked at him.

When Fan Yongdou saw it, he quickly explained further: "What city will the Qing army conquer that will make the emperor angry? Sir, think about it, if the city that the emperor cares about is conquered by the Qing army, and the emperor is furious, then the impeachment As soon as the memorial is handed over, so what if Lu Xiangsheng won the emperor's trust again? He will definitely be punished!"

"Yes, yes, what Brother Fan said makes so much sense!" When Wang Dengku heard this, he clapped his hands and said with great joy, "If we choose such a city to conquer, then Lu Xiangsheng will definitely be unlucky!"

Liang Jiabin also nodded repeatedly, and even gave a thumbs up and said: "Brother Fan is right on point, a painless defeat may not be able to deal with Lu Xiangsheng, but if the emperor cares about the city and the like, it will be defeated. Under the emperor's wrath, Lu Xiangsheng is absolutely doomed!"

Other Shanxi merchants also clapped their hands and praised him. Suddenly, everyone's eyes turned to Chen Xinjia again, expecting him to name a target that met the conditions.

Chen Xinjia also thought it made sense, so he immediately turned his head and told the butler standing beside him, "Go to the study and get the map."

The butler listened to the whole incident and knew that the matter was of great importance, so he quickly agreed and hurried to fetch the map.

Immediately, these people left the banquet and gathered in a corner instead. The map was hung up, and then Chen Xinjia was staring at the map.The eight major Shanxi merchants clustered around him, and looked at the military map in a dignified manner.

As he watched, Chen Xinjia's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he stepped forward, pointed at a place, turned to look at the eight Shanxi merchants, and said excitedly: "If the Qing army can capture this place, Then Lu Xiangsheng will definitely lose his head!"

Hearing that the effect was so good, all the eight Shanxi merchants immediately stared at the place where Chen Xinjia was pointing.But although they recognized the word, they couldn't see why the emperor attached so much importance to this place. Could it be so important that losing this place would make Lu Xiangsheng lose his head?
Seeing the confused looks on their faces, Chen Xinjia regained his complacency and explained to them.

Seeing that they were all happy, he frowned immediately and said: "But there is also a question, how did the Qing army capture this city?"

Yes, this seems to be a problem too!I am happy now, it seems a little too happy!

After hearing this, the eight Shanxi merchants began to lower their heads and think again.

Suddenly, Fan Yongdou clapped his hands, made a "pop", and then said excitedly: "There are several properties of ours there, and there are many people who can use them. With the combination of inside and outside, we can always take it down, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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