Marvel: Foodie Lands Descends

Chapter 69 Muscular Man Iron Man?

Chapter 69 Muscular Man Iron Man?
The Stark Tower is almost the same as Pepper's tenderness, Stark pushed Pepper away.

But as his body became hotter and hotter, Stark even began to wonder if Fury had given him an aphrodisiac!
"Tony! You! How did you get so big!?"

Pepper looked at Stark, who was originally only 1.8 meters five, but now he has swelled to a giant of two or five meters!I was so surprised that I couldn't cover my mouth!

And this whole body of tendon meat!Isn't it just a replica of the Hulk?

"Thank you so much! Did that black stewed egg boil Dr. Banner's blood for me to drink?"

Stark was a little terrified to see his tendons comparable to the Hulk in this world!Do I have to become as irrational as the Hulk!Only monsters with brute force! ?
The elevator opened, and Dr. Banner, who received the signal from Jarvis, returned to the top floor from the staff cafeteria, but as soon as he opened the elevator door, he was shocked by the muscular man in front of him!

"Tony! What's wrong with you!?"

Banner recovered from the short-term shock, looked at Stark who had become a muscular brother, and said in shock, but for some reason, seeing Stark like this, he actually felt a little bit of joy in his heart?
"Shet! Banner! Hurry up and take a blood test! I suspect that there is no antidote in that bowl of soup! It's your blood!"

Stark wants to determine whether his current blood is the same as Banner's, but Banner is an expert in this regard, so leave it to him!Now the most important thing is yourself!It is to shrink the body back!
"Stark ~ take a deep breath! Keep your mind calm! You can do it!"

Stark began to talk to himself, trying to restore his hot body to normal. This sudden change completely made Stark forget that there is a huge difference between himself and the Hulk after he ran away.

So when Stark stabilized for a full half an hour, he didn't see himself returning to normal, but he became much taller, and he was a little panicked!

At the same time, Banner's test results came out!
"Stark's assay came out."

"How about it?"

"There are no gamma rays in it, that is to say, what you drink is not my blood. It is very likely that your transformation this time is related to the demon in your body."

Banner raised his glasses and said with half certainty and half guesswork.

"Fuck! Devil! Fuck! What kind of devil are you! Do you hear that! Get out of my body! Shet! Shet!!"

Stark's emotions have obviously begun to gradually collapse. After all, the original perfect body proportions have now become a giant. The key is this body of tendons!Really ugly! !

Stark subconsciously beat the research equipment beside him!But I have no idea how powerful I am now!

Just a punch!A huge dent was made on the pure steel research table!

"Tony! Tony! Calm down! I'm calling to ask Commissioner Fury what's going on! You have to stay calm!"

After Pepper calmed down from the initial panic, he immediately thought of Fury and Agu. Although he couldn't help it, Fury would definitely know what to do!
On the Quin-jet fighter plane flying to the direction sent by Coulson, Fury also received the signal from Coulson at this moment.

Relying on the power of Peter, Spider-Man, he captured a zombie alive.

"The monsters in New Mexico, I don't know how Stark is recovering. Now he urgently needs the power of the Hulk. I don't know where the Thor guy has gone. Superheroes are really in short supply!"

Fury looked at the vast number of plans he still had, and then looked at the monsters that kept falling from the food world during this period, which completely disrupted his plans.

The two Avengers left behind by the gourmet advance team are useless at the moment.

These several emergencies on the earth made Fury feel that he is now in a situation where no one can use him!
But that guy, Agu, holds the genetic liquid in his hand, and he doesn't intend to share it. He even offered to buy it himself, but the other party flatly refused!That is an astronomical figure that even makes my heart beat!

"Dr. Silvig, how is the progress of the Rubik's Cube?"

Taking advantage of his free time, Fury dialed the video call of the agent next to Silvig. Looking at the back of the busy Silvig, Fury still couldn't help asking.

After all, the more you know, the more you want weapons that can threaten alien creatures!As for the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, the research on it has been carried out all the time at the moment when Agu asks for it!Fury has increased his research efforts!

This guy from an unknown place has all heard of the name of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube!Thinking about it, it is definitely not a mortal thing!Can the earth be freed from the grip of alien creatures!Just look at these researchers!

"Director Fury! The energy source of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube has been unstable for the past few days. If you are free, please come over."

Silvig glanced at Fury on the video call, said something hastily, and then quickly ran to another controller.

At this moment, the faint blue light emitted by the Cosmic Rubik's Cube gradually became more intense.

Drop drop!
"Oh! My call is coming, hang up first, say hello to Dr. Silvig for me, remember to eat."

After speaking to the agent on the phone, Fury hung up the video call.

Then he answered the phone marked as Iron Man's wife.

"Director Fury! Now Stark has suddenly turned into a Hulk! No! It's a giant! And it's still growing slowly! What should I do!"

"Waiter? Are you serious? Are you sure it wasn't Dr. Banner who put on the Iron Man suit?"

Fury also had a confused look on his face. How come that guy Stark has become a Hulk?

"Fack! Why didn't I have so many calls before?"

Fury turned on another spare phone, seeing that it was actually a call from the laboratory, he also had a bad premonition in his heart.


"Director! The Cosmic Rubik's Cube rioted just now! An Asgard was released."


Signal interrupted!From the eager tone of the agent and the sporadic gunshots heard just now, it is clear that something has changed in the laboratory!
And Asgard?Isn't that Thor's house?So what happened! ?damn it!The town itself has not yet figured out what happened.

Another incident happened in the laboratory!
"Logan! Turn around! Go to Experimental Base No. [-]!"

"Yes, sir!"

And Pepper, who has been forgotten, is still waiting for Fury's call, but otherwise Stark is a genius, because the nanorobots in his body have not been discharged, but at this moment they have come in handy!
"Dr. Banner! The cells in my body are rioting now! According to the normal medical explanation, I should be in a state of high fever of [-] degrees!"

Look at the temperature displayed on the nanorobot, 36 degrees eight!Normal body temperature!Explain that there is something!Then lead the cell riot!

(End of this chapter)

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