Marvel: Foodie Lands Descends

Chapter 44 Explore the food world!

Chapter 44 Explore the food world!

Nick Fury was serving the freshly made soup to the agent who drank the genetic medicine liquid, but in just three seconds, the whole pot of soup was drunk!

Immediately connected to a pool of more than ten square meters in size, it was drained by the cows in just a few minutes!

But the current appearance of the agent is still so hungry!

"Fack! Do you have to use creatures from the gourmet world to make gourmet food?"

Fury is a little anxious, now only Hawkeye and Captain America are left in the gourmet world!Just their two small bodies!I really don't know if I can complete this task!
Dr. Banner is currently studying genes with Stark. If he succeeds, he may be able to copy the only remaining drop of genetic medicine!

Since then, S.H.I.E.L.D. has been able to mass-produce superheroes!This is a long-term plan!But now if this experiment fails!That plan will be shelved!

Fury hesitated again and again, he decided to trust the US team and Hawkeye, mainly because he believed that the US team's life was hard enough!
When he sent the order to find the monster's unhatched eggs, the whole person was finally relieved.


Fu Rui glanced at his exclusive communicator in surprise. It was sent by Hawkeye. It seems that he encountered some trouble in the food industry?

Thinking of this, Fury's heart tightened, and he hurried to his office.

Food circle, inside the SHIELD temporary base.

"Captain, it's been an hour now, why don't we go out and have a look?"

Hawkeye and Captain America had been sitting in front of the communicator for an hour, but when it was time to send back the command, there was still no message to remind them.

"Wait a minute, this situation is really"

The US team struggled a bit. As soon as these words came out, even Hawkeye fell silent. The monster like the sky

The moment the message rang, the US team left and clicked on the message, and there was a voice message on the top!

"Steve! Barton! Now you have a new mission! Go deep into the gourmet world! Find any monster eggs! And launch back to Earth!"

Hearing Fury's order, the two looked at each other in confusion, but thought that this might be an important trans-epoch mission!And at this moment, it was handed over to the two of them!

It is also knowing the weight of this task!
"Captain, next time, you won't be so comfortable. Can you still move your old bones?"

Hawkeye made a rare joke. To be honest, they didn't have much confidence in exploring the food world this time, especially after that scene.

"Of course, just to steal an egg."

"Well, just steal an egg!"

Earth, the director's office, Coulson, Hill, and Natasha were all summoned. Looking at Fury with a serious face, everyone knew that something was serious.

"Next, after you hear this, go all out to find traces of Agu. Also, notify the White House and say that you are going to evacuate the crowd."

After finishing speaking, Fury clicked on the voice message from the US team on the computer.

"Director Fury, in the past few days, no less than six unidentified spaceships have landed on the food world, and four unknown creatures have been sucked into outer space, one of which is more than a kilometer in size by visual inspection! The capture level, I don't know yet!"

After the audio was played, the office fell into silence. All the people present are senior agents, who are qualified to have access to this knowledge.

Although they couldn't estimate the specific capture levels of these monsters, Agu gave them the simplest truth back then.

Smaller monsters are not necessarily garbage, but for larger monsters, the capture level must not be too low!
This is more than a thousand meters just by visual inspection, could it be that the capture level is more than a thousand! ?

The creature that can't even be killed by a nuclear bomb is only more than 100 capture levels, and ten times stronger?Do you want the whole earth to be buried with it?Oh no, the whole human race!
"That's it, by the way, Coulson, you go to Stark Tower. Forget it, I will go with you, Natasha, you go to Agu and show him this video, Hill, you Go and contact the White House."

Fury's speed is also fast, knowing that this matter is urgent!If it wasn't for the two monsters that fell off last night, they were blown off course by the nuclear bomb.

It fell into the sea, and now there is no trace of it. I am afraid that the nuclear bombs of various countries have been launched long ago without money!

After all, one can't kill!That's two!If not, use the hydrogen bomb!

Stark Building.

What are the prerequisites for the successful advent of nanorobots?
Answer: One Stark, one Banner, and Stark was dying and only invented nano-robots to enter his body for observation.

"Tony! How about we try to study concentrated high-energy foods?"

Banner looked at Stark, who was holding a needle and injecting nano-robots into his body, and dissuaded him. After all, Pepper had just told Stark all the news from Agu.

Unexpectedly, Stark actually kicked Pepper out and asked her to stabilize the company first, while he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the experiment of nano-robots!
"Needless to say, Dr. Banner, you are here to help me, not to be a lobbyist for those guys. You have to know that regardless of whether this time is successful or not, we have invented another thing that crosses the ages."

After Stark exhausted the injection with all his strength, he raised his hand to call out the projection, which was the real-time perspective of the nanorobot.

"Jarvis, let the nanorobots find a cell and surround me! Don't let it get away!"

"Yes, sir!"

With the control of artificial intelligence, the nano-robots are more collective, not a mess, but after a while, they successfully surrounded a cell.

"Start the puncture experiment, Dr. Banner, and I will leave the rest of the experimental observation to you."

Stark became weaker and weaker, as if the demon in his body had been dissatisfied with Stark for so long and only used those junk food to perfuse him.

Even though he was constantly replenishing food, Stark's body was getting weaker and weaker.

"Tony, I see. You should go to sleep quickly. Your body is too weak now. I will carry out the next experiment."

Banner looked at Stark who couldn't open his eyes, and said firmly.

Originally thought that Stark could reply to himself, but he did not expect to have fallen into a deep sleep.

Banner made up his mind.

"Jarvis, the experiment is going on as usual, remember to only conduct the experiment to a minimum, and don't affect Stark's sleep."

"Alright, Dr. Banner, the puncture experiment is about to start, don't you plan to observe?"

Jarvis looked at Banner who was busy again, a little puzzled.

"No, Jarvis, the most important thing now is not to follow Tony's order to find out the truth, but to take his life! Save it first!"

Banner opened up one formula after another of compressed food and theories.

He wants to research a food that is both delicious and contains a lot of calories in the shortest possible time!
Really, it’s been a long time since I’ve felt so motivated!

(End of this chapter)

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