Marvel: Foodie Lands Descends

Chapter 39 Fury: Are you blackmailing me?

Chapter 39 Fury: Are you blackmailing me?

The moon was hanging in the air, and the projected moonlight shone on the four of them, especially the three behind who were half-suspended behind Agu with their feet not touching the ground.

Some people who ran out at night almost had a heart attack from fright!Some timid ones saw the last 180-degree turn in place and returned to the original road.

"Is it so scary?"

Agu scratched his head, only then remembered that he still had such a thing as a mobile phone!When I opened it, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

"I didn't expect to be able to go shopping and almost indulge in it. It's been a long time since I felt so comfortable."

Shaking his head, Agu wanted to get rid of this feeling of comfort, but then realized that his physical body had already made the system upgrade again.

Even if he stood in the center of the shell explosion, that little power would not be able to break through his own defense, so he secretly sighed that he was worrying blindly, and decisively took back this sense of comfort.

"But let's go back. The little spider's ability to recover from injuries is not strong. Although the guy Sibogar beat him hard just now, what if he is seriously injured and dies soon?"

Thinking of this, Agu quickly stretched out his hand and poked down the nose of the little spider floating behind him.

"Well, I'm still alive! I'm alive!"

After speaking, Agu then manipulated his mental power to control the four of them to fly up, and this scene was seen by several passers-by who happened to pass by!
Immediately the next day, rumors spread that Seventh Avenue was haunted!And there was more than one eyewitness!
"Tony, hey! Tony!"

"Um, I fell asleep?"

In the Stark Tower, Stark finally woke up after throwing a ton of chocolate into his body.

And what's even more outrageous is that he has started to feel full now!But there is still only a tiny amount of strength in his body to lift his arms!
"How are you feeling, Tony."

Seeing that Stark woke up, Banner continued to tinker with an idea he had suddenly thought of with Stark just now!
Since Stark's cells cannot be extracted for observation!Then put the instrument in!Although nano-robots are still just a prototype, and there is no knowledge about this technology on earth.

Some are just assumptions and hypotheses, but Banner believes that with the genius of the two of them!Definitely be able to develop nano-robots!
"Oh, if you're weak enough to have diarrhea all day, maybe you know how I feel right now."

Stark's mouth was not polite at all, but Banner obviously expected it and shrugged.

"That looks really uncomfortable. I've had diarrhea before."

Made a small joke, Banner continued.

"Seriously, Stark, why don't we ask Agu."

"NO! NO! NO! Dr. Banner, my Stark's life will always be in my own hands, and I will always beg others. That is something only the weak will do."

Stark is a combination of ego and anxiety.

His arrogance made him unwilling to study why his body became what it is now, and his anxiety was that if he had to keep begging the other party to lift this restriction.

Doesn't it mean that your life is in the hands of others?And these two goals do not conflict, so Stark has no intention of asking Agu to tell him the reason at all.

"Okay, then come down quickly. I have chosen three materials for nanorobots. Some precision experiments still need your cooperation."

Banner also knows the feeling of being controlled by others, and he also hopes that after Stark can solve his physical problems, he can figure out the secret of Hulk with him.

On the other side, in Agu's house, Pepper, who had just received the news that Stark had woken up, also let out a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Thunder God on the side also said something cheap with curiosity.

"Has the Tin Woodman resisted?"

"Yes, it is."

Pepper smiled awkwardly but politely. After all, this medieval weirdo seemed to know that guy named Agu, maybe they were still friends.

Just in case it offends the other party. For all potential threats, Pepper maintains a nonchalant attitude.

The door of the living room also opened in the awkward atmosphere of the two. At first, they thought it was Agu who had returned, but when they turned around, they saw a dark head.

"Oh! I guess you must have been waiting for that guy Agu, but let you down? Now he's coming back with two beautiful girls and a hapless superboy?"

It was Fu Rui who came. Looking at the murderous eyes of the two, Fu Rui also made a rare joke. Although it was relatively cold, it was still a signal to the two of them.

In other words, they did not wait a day in vain.

Thor's stomach rang like a drum!The two people looked sideways.

"Hahaha! I came here just to grab a meal. Now every time I think of the delicious food I ate that day, I feel that the food in the fairy palace is slop! It's hard to swallow!"

Lei Shen didn't hide at all that he was the food cooked by Agu!And after a day of hunger, the call from the stomach is even stronger.

This also made Lei Shen very curious, his stomach would roar because he missed that meal, this is simply an unbelievable thing!
The door was suddenly pushed open, and a man led three men and women floating in the air and walked in. As soon as he entered, he saw the bewildered and surprised three people in the room.

"I came to the wrong place? Isn't this my home? Why are you all in my home?"

Agu raised his eyebrows indifferently, but anyone could hear the dissatisfaction in his words clearly.

"Brother Agu! I just came here for a meal! It was this black stewed egg that opened the door to your house!"

Thor didn't hesitate to betray Fury.

"Yes, it was the black chief who opened the door."

Pepper also went down the donkey along the slope. According to the words of Brother Thor, there must be nothing wrong!


Fu Rui was a little confused. Although he opened the door, it was because he wanted to add furniture to the house!You two were not invited in again! ?
Why is it all on me now? !

"Sir, I can explain."

Fury also quickly stared at Agu and said, his mind had started to spin rapidly. According to his own information, Agu seemed to have picked up two girls.

Do you want to send Natasha over and get in touch again?No, the old woman is too old, so if she can't, she can find it from the Secret Service Academy!
"No need to explain, this matter is even with you buying me furniture, how about it?"

Agu was smiling, but that unquestionable tone made Fu Rui startled.

"Of course! Sir!"

(End of this chapter)

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