Marvel: Foodie Lands Descends

Chapter 264 Confrontation

Chapter 264 Confrontation
"The authorities want to conceal the truth! There are a lot of books!" Angelica Sierra also advanced with the distance!Finally saw the dark spots all over the sky!They are all human!
The entire desert is covered with countless dense black spots!The huge size of tanks and armored vehicles became more and more obvious.

Angelica Sierra's originally optimistic expression also began to become dignified!Several leaders also came to Angelica Sierra's side at the same time.

"Angelica, this! This is not the right situation! Why would the military send out tanks to stop us!?"

"That's right! That's right! This is not in accordance with the law! There is no king's law for this!"

The leaders suddenly became flustered!They are not stupid!Since the authorities dare to take out such a terrifying weapon as a tank, it means that it will definitely not be a display!
But Angelica Sierra showed a mocking smile.

"Guys! Haven't you turned the corner yet? If it wasn't for the authorities' ulterior motives! If it wasn't for us about to discover the truth! How could they be so unscrupulous?!"

Angelica Sierra's words instantly woke up several people!The flames in their hearts also began to burn violently!

Of course, don't get me wrong, it's just that if they march like this, if they can force out some secrets about the beautiful country, their Mane will be able to get more.

To be honest, among so many people, Angelica Sierra is the only leader who is not controlled by black hands.
Simply for freedom!For the people of the beautiful country!
And Matt Murdoch, who was next to him, felt the insincerity and greed of those leaders!I also sighed in my heart, in a world where only one person is awake, Angelica Sierra, you still have a lot of burdens to carry.

Soon, tens of 10 people arrived in front of the military troops, and the roads that were several kilometers long were packed to the brim!Can't even see where the end of this team is!
Even though you know that your weapons and equipment are more than ten times those!But some soldiers still swallowed subconsciously!My body tensed up involuntarily!

"Gentlemen and ladies, I am the commander of the Anti-Bomb Corps, Roland Kaiser, and I have received an order from the authorities! Your parade has been suspected of treason! This line! This is your last way! Step here! Die! Return! Live!"

Roland Kaiser held a big horn, and several loudspeakers next to it for blessing!Make it your own word for success!It spread to the ears of tens of thousands of people at the forefront!

After all, a team of 10 people is not only too long!And definitely not too quiet!The noisy sound was so chaotic that it reached the sky!
But this voice is actually just a speech to the leaders leading the way ahead, the crowd behind?Is there any point in listening or not?

Without the leader, these people are nothing but loose sand!
And Roland Kaiser looked confidently at those people who were already frightened!This trick of mine is really good!
And below!Angelica Sierra looked at their Roland Kaiser with an expression of winning after the speech, and then looked at Roland Kaiser, who was at the front, holding an explosion-proof shield.

The most damaging weapon is the explosion-proof personnel with electric batons in their hands!Angelica Sierra Guess!Those tanks are likely to be used only to suppress the formation!
Or the tanks won't be activated until they shoot at them!
After all, in a beautiful country where human rights are paramount, if the army dares to unscrupulously shoot hundreds of thousands of civilians, the consequences will be brought!It's not something this general can afford!

"We just want to know the truth! But it's just for us to take a look! So what?"

Angelica Sierra also issued a soul torture!As soon as this word comes out!The followers behind Angelica Sierra immediately shouted!

"The truth! The truth! The truth!"

One pass ten!Ten pass a hundred!Spread the word!Ten thousand pass one hundred thousand!
Front to back!Hundreds of thousands shouted the truth!Straight through the sky!Such momentum!Even Roland Kaiser was stunned!Not to mention some soldiers with not very good psychological quality and some recruits!

I didn't pee my pants in fear!It shows that their composure is still passable.

In fact, Roland Kaiser didn't understand either, but it was just a few spaceships, so what if these people were allowed in!
But he won't ask his superiors just because of this doubt!That's definitely something that only the brains will do!
After all, he has also heard about some plans for the colonial gourmet world. With so many soldiers, I am afraid that daily consumption will be a terrible thing.

And I heard that in the Kennedy Space Center, there are still a few little monsters that have not been sent out?

Although it was just hearsay, when Roland Kaiser received this blocking order!Just be sure!What I heard was not a rumor at all!
And what actually happened!
Otherwise, such a big battle would never have been dispatched!First time face parade!Not even a rebellion!Actually let the group army go up!
You can see the seriousness of the matter!
"There is no truth! Now the Kennedy Space Center! Has been classified as a first-class military center! Carrying research and development into space! Researching the food industry! Waiting for the mission of the planet! You! This is stealing the country! Stealing military secrets!"

Roland Kaiser came here as soon as he spoke, but this is not an exaggeration. After all, since the Kennedy Space Center was expropriated by the three parties, ordinary civilians cannot enter!

Even the staff have to sign a first-level non-disclosure agreement!Board and lodging must be in the space center!

And when the army takes over!One step closer to strictness!To save some trouble!Directly to the island where the Kennedy Space Center is located!Plus the nearest town!They have all been classified as a strict level!
But Angelica Sierra and others don't know!The Kennedy Space Center that everyone can visit before!Suddenly it became a military base!And to enter also involves treason!The charge of stealing the country.
Good guy!Are you sure you're not trying to cover up?
"I'm afraid what this guy said is true. I really don't know what these people are hiding! They didn't hesitate to turn the entire Kennedy launch center into a first-level alert area."

Matt Murkdo on the side also heard the truth in Roland Kaiser's words, and hesitated in his heart, should he persuade Angelica Sierra?It's a big deal to find time to go to the Kennedy Space Center.

Just look at what's inside and send the video to her.

Below, Angelica Sierra discusses with several leaders!Tell me all your guesses!

On the top, Roland Kaiser rubbed his chin, his eyes flickered. Could it be that there is no internal response from the government?Just let him shoot them first.
(End of this chapter)

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