Marvel: Foodie Lands Descends

Chapter 231 Dead Zone

Chapter 231 Dead Zone
outside the safe zone.

Agu led the group behind him!Including Coulson, Avengers and others!And one mixed with agents, the military!mercenary!Mutant!A team of 20 scientists!
Don't ask why Agu agreed!Q is Talisa, that greedy and insufficient woman!You actually came to seduce me for a mere [-] million dollars!

What black silk is not black!We don't know!I don't understand either!Just to not embarrass Talisa!

"Honey! That's [-] million dollars! And they promised to give me a black card! Buy anything!"

Talisa thought Agu was still angry!The whole person is half hung on Agu's body!Said coquettishly.

"Okay, I didn't say anything, but it's only [-] million US dollars. If you want to just say it, it's over?"

Agu also rolled his eyes, he is worth billions of dollars, and he doesn't know how to spend it!So she was a little helpless for Talisa's way of taking the [-] million US dollars seriously.

But yes, Talisa has lived in a society full of logistics since she was a child. How is she like herself?I have lived in the uninhabited gourmet world for decades, and I have long since discarded any vanity!Um!Discarded!
"What a perfect dense forest, just because of an inexplicable battle, from this point of view, I don't know how far away, it turned into ashes! Alas!"

One should be the sigh of a botanist!Let the remaining ten scientific research bigwigs all nod in agreement!
After all, this destroys for them!But they are all more precious than money!
"You all underestimate the plants in the gourmet world, don't you? By the way, you have been in the gourmet world for so many days? Have you researched anything?"

Agu also saw this group of old scholars sighing non-stop, and also gave them a little reminder that this is not the earth!If it's just fighting, these plants can be devastated.

There is not even a single plant in the gourmet world!
"what do you mean?"

Although the botanist knew it too!Plants will not be destroyed by a fire!

Their life-saving skills will evolve as the surrounding environment changes!But that doesn't mean all plants!

Agu ignored it lazily, after all, these guys' eyes were not very good, but the water chestnut sheep couldn't sit still.

After getting human memory, an instinct called vanity!From the bottom of my heart to my heart!

"The master means! This is not the earth!"

Say it!Slightly open one hand!A cold wind blows through the ashes on both sides!

Strands of brand new shoots!Revealing their immature green!On a dark land!It's green!It is so dazzling!

"My god! How is this possible!? This!! This is clearly a new sprout that just came out!?"

The botanist took his land and pounced on those green shoots!I didn't care about the dust splashed at all!

The eyes behind the eye sockets!Full of shock and disbelief!And not to mention his students!What he had learned didn't allow him to explain why the battle was only three hours away!Without any rain falling!
And the temperature of the surrounding surface is still maintained at a high temperature of sixty degrees!Even when dry and cracked!How did it grow so many young leaves? !

Where is the moisture?Don't need to absorb it?High temperature!Can't they be roasted?Forget about photosynthesis!Buried under the ashes!Where does the light come from? !Only rely on oxygen?Is it really that outrageous?
Soon, the botanist and his students are in a situation of doubting life!Forced to be pulled up by the agents behind!And lead and follow the team!

Everyone continued to walk, but this is an extremely barren place!Really nothing to see!And the purpose of Agu's visit this time!It's looking for ingredients!Not in this place where there is nothing!What a waste of time!
"Okay everyone! Get ready! We're going!"

Agu's voice just fell!Don't wait for everyone to respond whether they are ready!A super-level magic is issued directly!Instantly swept through this team of dozens of people!

Ten thousand meters away!

The dividing line between life and death!
Agu and his party appeared in vain!

"Cough cough cough! Huh! Here! The air! It's all! Fragrant!"

"Yes! Yes!"

Maybe it was the first teleportation, or maybe they were frightened, all the older researchers gasped.

And when they looked up!Lush!Not even a shade without a gap!Completely covered the sun in the sky!Let the forest be in broad daylight!But still eerie!
"The denseness and size of the forest here! It's completely different from that in the safe zone!"

Perhaps the teleportation just now shook the botanist's mind back, but he was the first No.1 to praise the beauty of nature!
"Teacher! You! Can you look behind you?"

Botanists can't get enough!But he received a sleeve-pull attack from his own students!But fortunately, his good qualities will not make him lose his temper in front of so many people!
But I also decided to give him a minus sign when I go back!
But when he turned his head!Look at the moment behind you!All thoughts just now!All gone!
He just needs to take a step forward!You will walk out of the lush woods behind you!Walking into the land as far as the eye can see is desolate!Dead zone!

If we talk about the period of time when we started walking in the dead zone!Let him have numb emotions towards the dead zone!
Well now!When one side is life surging!Eyes full of miracles of life!And a place just one step away!But his eyes are full of ashes!
The desired place!Hard to find a little green!Even if not looking down from the sky!But this extreme collision!Also to this scholar!A huge shock!


An agent took advantage of this opportunity!I took a photo of the professor with a shocked and pitiful face!
After all, Fury's request is not to let go of any photos and requests that can promote the horror of the food industry!
That's right!It is to illustrate the horror of the food industry!
Because the inner ghost with great powers oh no, the people of the beautiful country!Actually got the plan in the hands of the government!That’s Colonial Gastronomy!

The moment this plan was revealed!S.H.I.E.L.D. includes the military!Can't help but curse an idiot secretly!
And now!The main task of S.H.I.E.L.D. is to quickly find some food battle scenes!So that the parade idiots know!It's not that I won't take you up there!Even if you go up, you will die!

The task of the military is simpler and more direct!Repression!

"Okay, if you have time to sigh, you might as well leave quickly. If you are not afraid of being eaten by someone who gave you the toothbrush on the spot, then stay where you are, and I'm leaving."

Agu knows this situation for these earthlings!Still a little exciting!So I gave them a little time to buffer!
It's just that there is not much time, only 1 minute, and when the time is up, Agu turns around and leaves immediately!Say 1 minute to 1 minute!If he waits a second longer, he loses!
(End of this chapter)

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