Marvel: Foodie Lands Descends

Chapter 201 Daddy Really Lost A Point!

Chapter 201 Dad Really Lost A Point!
"It's in the small shop in front of you."

Suddenly, a voice came into the ears of the couple!But when they turned around and looked!But only saw the moving crowd!It is completely impossible to see who is providing them with information!
But even so!The two still thanked the surrounding area!This made people passing by look at the two of them with different eyes.

Immediately, the husband and wife hurried to the restaurant across the road.

But Agu in the restaurant had a smile on his lips.

The door of the restaurant was suddenly opened by a man and a woman!When they saw the little girl who was devouring madly with a pile of vegetables!The surprise on the face is self-evident!


Sandora saw that her daughter was sitting on the chair safely, eating food with big mouthfuls!The worry and panic in my heart disappeared in an instant!
At the same time, weep with joy!The whole person instantly collapsed to the ground!At the same time, two tears flowed from the corners of his eyes!

"Sandora! It's okay! It's okay! Get up!"

Joffrey also heaved a sigh of relief, and his tense mind and body relaxed instantly, but his reaction was not as great as that of his wife Sandra.

He also hurriedly bent down to pull Sandra up, and leaning on his shoulders with both hands, the two approached Felia.

"Felia? I'm mom! Mom's sorry for you!"

Sandora hugged Felia in her arms!And the originally expected child was crying, how would I coax her!And the soft mother's voice in memory did not sound!
At this time!Sandora finally felt something was wrong!Get up suddenly!Come to the front of Felia!At this moment, Felia's eyes are only filled with greed!

A little girl who is only ten years old!How could there be such a look!Looking at the table, there are more than a dozen rice plates empty!There is a problem with this meal!

Too late to turn around and question the boss!Sandora immediately made a move to snatch the plate from her daughter's mouth!But soon!She found out!own body!Can't move!

"What's wrong with you? Sandora? Felia! I'm Dad? Can you take a look at us? We're here to find you! Although I know you might be angry with us! But we don't want to be like this! If you don't Angry, dad will buy you delicious food!"

Joffrey didn't even see Sandra's frantic blinking at this moment!Instead, he thought it was the negligence of the two of them, making his daughter mistakenly think that they didn't want her anymore!Angry with them right now!

But he tried to persuade his daughter but did not get a response from his daughter. Joffrey wanted to make her turn around!But the moment he stretched out his hand!He can't move anymore!

Hold your eyes up!I finally saw my wife's stiff body!And already desperate eyes!
Outside the small shop of Youyuan.

Liu Laogen, Liu Yisi's father, was also one of the immigrants who caught up with him. Although his name is very old-fashioned, he has been with me for decades after all.

Even if he already has a more foreign name, he still can't change his real name Liu Laogen, so his son also has a Chinese name that he has been known since he was a child.

The meaning is also very straightforward.

It's just that now he is standing in front of the signboard shop marked in Chinese, he is also hesitating whether to go home and bring a gun to defend himself?
After all, when a fellow countryman sees a fellow countryman, "two tears are in tears"!Liu Laogen, who has experienced many things, has a strong sense of vigilance for anyone unless he is a neighbor who came with him!

but!Now it is his son who may be held hostage!

However, this shop is located in the very center of the pedestrian street, and the rent is not cheap. I think the other party is not the kind of vicious guy?
Taking a deep breath, Liu Laogen stepped into the shop.

The first thing you can see is the little girl who is eating wildly, and the two body art performances of the show?What is the meaning of that girl blinking wildly at herself?
But when Liu Laogen thinks about it carefully!Then he discovered the problem of why he blinked himself!
"Hmm! It seems that I am much more handsome after shaving today! There is a little girl who winks at me! Our looks are not old!"

Immediately, Liu Laogen fixed his eyes straight away!He is already a married man!Don't have any dealings with other women!Not even mentally!
As for Sandra?She has been crushed by this old man's narcissism!Does my eyes full of help look like winks?What do you mean by shaking your few hairs?
"Son! You brat! You. You. Are you living here?"

Originally, Liu Laogen wanted to give his son a big fight, so that he could improve his memory!But soon!The dishes on the table that Agu had no intention of clearing made Liu Laogen's knees go limp!
Even if it is a dish because it is in the center of New York!Probably sold for around ten bucks!Well here's a cursory look!If I don't spend more than 1000 US dollars today, I don't want to leave!
"Dad! You're here! Hurry up! Pay the bill! I can't even stand up without paying the bill!"

Liu Yisi also heard the familiar scolding voice behind her, and she was also happy from the bottom of her heart!I can finally leave this ghost place!

You must know from the beginning of eating to the present!He who didn't check out!Can't even stand up!But he is also very curious!I drank almost two large pots of soup!It didn't turn into urine!

"Stinky boy! This look of no future! This is enough to eat? The food made by labor and management is not delicious, right?"

Liu Yisi is happy from the heart!Then Liu Laogen's anger comes from his head!He slapped Liu Yisi on the head directly!A crisp and clear sound echoed in the restaurant!

"This gentleman should be Liu Yisi's elder, right? Here is his bill, please have a look."

Jansen took the bill and handed it to Liu Laogen, while Agu and Jian Ke were sorting out the types of meals Fei Liya ate, each name and price.

Although we are a black amount. Random opportunity store here, at least the details of each account must be done well!Let the other party pay at ease!Feel free to go!
"Thank you! Thank you, big sister!"

Liu Laogen subconsciously returned in Huaxia dialect, but soon Liu Laogen realized, this girl in front of her!It seems to be speaking English!

And the long one is not Chinese!Quickly switched back to English to thank, although it is also an authentic dialect of China.

After Liu Laogen thanked him, he also focused on looking at the bill that was stretched enough to be shoulder to shoulder with his own height!
"What kind of shark soup, shark roll, shark barbecue! Baked salt shark! Braised shark? This! This! This!"

If it was an ordinary home-cooked dish, Liu Laogen could still say a few words, even if it was a few complaints, it would be good to make him feel comfortable!

But this column is full of shark meat!Liu Laogen looked at his stupid son who was not up to date!I really want to say the last sentence!Dad really can't get a penny out of it!

(End of this chapter)

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