Marvel: Foodie Lands Descends

Chapter 196 The Cub Is Born

Chapter 196 The Cub Is Born
Talk in two parts.

In the food industry at this time, Coulson is leading one of the teams to build a protective net for the induction cooker. It is said to be a protective net, but it will not cause any harm to nearby creatures!
But its effect is really great!As long as it is a living thing, then the body must carry magnetic force!And this electromagnetic protection net!It is able to sense all things with magnetism!

And it will also analyze their shapes!If it is an animal!Then show it directly in front of the guardian!Compare by Guardian!Alert wait!
This is specially developed for those guys who can be invisible and hide their body temperature!
If pressure is the first source of motivation for progress, this kind of technology can't be produced with a gun pointed at their heads!
As soon as the gourmet world came out, no matter how outrageous the equipment was, they all fell out one by one!
It can be said that the food industry has brought another technological explosion to the earth!
"Sir! There's something wrong here in the incubator! One of the eggs looks like it's about to hatch!"

"What? I'll go back right away!"

When Coulson, who was commanding the team with a heavy heart, heard the news, he felt a lot lighter at that moment!
You must know that what they are afraid of is not sacrifice!But sacrificed!But nothing of value was exchanged!

For these five eggs!The number of sacrifices alone was close to 40!

Coupled with the initial investment and the exorbitant pension for death compensation, it is evenly divided among the five eggs, and it can be said that 2000 million eggs are less!Some hidden costs are not counted for it!

And now!The first egg is about to break out!That means their plans!Finally took the first step!
I just hope that the remaining four are not dead eggs.

In Coulson's eager eyes, the distance is only a few hundred meters, which is comparable to climbing a [-]-meter peak!
But luckily that was just an illusion.

The door of the hatch room that was temporarily built was pushed open by Coulson!The strong noise caught the attention of all the researchers in the field!

But their eyes were more on the crumbling door frame!Do you want to be so violent!
"Where is it? That one is about to open?"

Coulson was lazy to care about the damage he caused, ignoring the helpless eyes of those people, and walked straight to Dr. Claure, he is the biological doctor sent by S.H.I.E.L.D. for this trip to the gourmet world!
And his achievements are only under Banner!After all, this is also the existence of a double Ph.D. in biochemistry!
However, because Banner's main identity is a combatant, S.H.I.E.L.D. has hired a Ph.D. in biology to conduct major research.

"Don't worry, Officer Coulson, if you wait for it to break its shell, according to my guess, it will take another half an hour to an hour, and we may still need to prepare the milk."

Upon hearing this, Coulson was almost ready to refute the doctor of biology. After all, why do oviparous animals still need to drink milk?Isn't that something only mammals need?
But soon Coulson thought of a serious problem, this is the food industry!You just tell me it can destroy a city at birth!Even growing up eating shit, he can barely accept it!

"Understood, I'll let them prepare!"

Coulson nodded yes!If there is no such thing as milk powder in this group!Then including Natasha will receive estrogen injections!Force lactation!

From Coulson's order to the search, there were three full boxes of milk!This incident just passed away, after all, there happened to be one of the mutants who liked to exercise, and after exercise, he needed to replenish his body with milk.

However, these three cartons of milk were also directly bought by Coulson for [-] cartons.

The other party didn't care, the good guy is only ten dollars!It was sold a thousand times as soon as it changed hands!I knew milk could be so profitable!
It's time to buy more milk powder or something!
When the three boxes of milk arrived at the hatching house, everyone began to wait anxiously for the monster to break out of its shell!

Ka Ka Ka ~
A crack appeared!Boom!
moment!A small dark claw protruded from the crack!Some girls couldn't stand the fleshy pad!

But soon!With the first hole!Then the second!The third!the fourth!
Limbs!Tail!Appear one after another!But the most important head is still trapped in the eggshell!

"Shoot! Swoosh!"

A faint cry came from the unbroken eggshell. Coulson heard the voice and asked Dr. Claure, who had been staring at the tablet in his hand.

"It's like this, doesn't it really need our help? Klauer, how do I feel that if I don't help it break the shell, it can suffocate inside?"

Coulson has never had a pet before, but his eagerness can be said to be the best in the audience!

"Hahaha, you are too anxious, Officer Coulson, if it can come out of the shell with its own strength, it means that this little guy is likely to be very strong, and then we can rest assured to do some things for it. Experiment and check! If it is impossible to get out of the shell by our own strength, then we can only conduct observation experiments."

Although Claure did not dare to take some of his experience on Earth to the food industry.

However, as long as it is an animal, some instincts cannot escape, and the first hurdle for almost all oviparous animals is this shell!
It's just that in the wild, it's either smothered to death, or opened by smart parents, but here, Klauer just observes whether it's strong or not.

As long as the opponent collapses due to exhaustion, the security guards with sledgehammers next to him will rush forward!Break the eggshells!

Ka Ka Ka!
"Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!"

The constant calls seemed to be waiting for a response from its mother, but it didn't know that its mother had already died!But it still relentlessly calls for its mother to accompany it.

"Sir! The supply string has arrived in the sky above the gourmet world, and is surveying for threats. It will arrive and land in about 10 minutes! Look"

"The hatching of this cub is the most important thing now! Those big soldiers, don't worry about them."

Coulson knew what his subordinates meant, it was nothing more than people from the military and government transported by the supply ship this time.

He had to deal with it carefully, after all, one heart stabbed one head, and one was not handled well, but it was a melee.

But the more important purpose now is not to appease and receive those guys!

The most important thing is to ensure that this cub can be born smoothly!
To put it bluntly, even if the supply ship is attacked!Everyone dies!It's even worse than the birth of this cub!
Ka Ka Ka!
Another crack!But the appearance of this crack made everyone breathe a sigh of relief!

While the cracks are completely broken!The whole eggshell is split from the middle!The whole fell to the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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