Marvel: Foodie Lands Descends

Chapter 184 How did these guys shrink twice as big! ?

Chapter 184 How did these guys shrink twice as big! ?
In the end, the picture on the TV also ended when half of the Autobots receded, and it seemed that a human walked to the other Autobot, and then the picture was interrupted.

And as time fermented, the residents of New York who were a little further away after dawn, or the residents who were sleeping heavily, were also shocked by the various rumors fermented on the Internet and broke out in a cold sweat!It turned out last night!
There is such a big crisis!
And more people are curious about who is the group of Autobots who are going to the other half and have not yet retreated, and because of this scene, some whimsical masters have already made up a piece of peerless news!
"Shocked! The aliens yesterday were actually artificial intelligence robots developed by the military! But they were controlled by Ultron developed by Stark! He has controlled nearly half of the robots to attack humans! But he was controlled by the legendary The man blocked it! Back off at last! Transfer the target to go to the gourmet world!"

This kind of double-quote news headlines has always been very popular. The blogger alone strung together everything that happened during this period, then found a balance, and then posted it out!

But I didn't expect it!But this news headline!In just eight hours!Just let tens of millions of people click!And the data is still rising rapidly!
And the number of reposts is almost equal to the number of clicks!

It can be seen that this hodgepodge of news!How easy it is to arouse the curiosity of the public!

And at this moment, Kennedy Space Center.

"Thank you for your contribution to the earth!"

Fury was standing on the lift and rose to a height of eight meters, so that he could have an equal gaze with Optimus Prime!As for his outstretched right hand, Optimus Prime carefully shook it with him.

That is to say, Optimus Prime has good eyesight. If it was someone else, Fury would just grab him and shake him a few times.

"You're welcome, we also want to find a place to settle down, our people have been drifting for too long."

The background that Optimus Prime told Fury was when they were looking for the source of fire.

And if this is justified, although Fury still maintains a half-belief standard, he has long believed in his heart that their coming to Earth was indeed purely accidental, and after dealing with Optimus Prime.

Fury also found that the leader of the Autobots not only speaks rationally, but also understands the difficulties of human beings!Where is it like the leader of the Decepticons?It is true that a single crazy word can cover it!
And the feeling of looking down on their humans from the bottom of his heart, Fury can clearly feel it.

"Now we are urgently welding the outer frame device for your people according to their stature! But you can only carry 20 people at a time! The rest may have to wait for a while."

Fury also tried his best to explain to Optimus Prime that they only have two spaceships now, and the minimum height of the Autobots is five or six meters, and the height is even ten meters away.

"Well, if it's just welded according to the body shape."

Optimus Prime seems to be aware of a problem. It seems that he has not shown the real ability of Autobots like Fury.
"Oh! Of course, I will leave enough space for you! Don't worry about the crowded situation."

Fury thought that Optimus Prime was worried that the space was too crowded, but he didn't expect that he just said it!I saw Optimus Prime wave his hand!
Instantly, hundreds of Autobots transform collectively!The sound of mechanical connection rumbling!

Just a few blinks!Hundreds of cars of different shapes, new and old are all over the runway that was still slightly crowded just now!

And this scene instantly shocked all the soldiers and agents who were watching!

"Hey! Dude! Come on! Give me a punch! Why do I feel like this is a dream!? So big! How can it become so small?"

A soldier murmured uncontrollably, and at the same time kept measuring the size with his hands!I can't believe that a guy that big can be shortened by twice in an instant!
And the soldiers on the side, seeing the fuss of the brothers around them, couldn't help but speak.

"Why are you making such a fuss, it's just shrinking twice, and I can shrink three times!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone first realized it instantly!But soon, he looked at this guy with a strange look.

Like the soldiers, Fury suddenly reacted after a brief shock. The signs hanging on these cars are not lost yet!
You can tell it's a New York brand at a glance!And I remember someone reported that when the Autobots in New York appeared, all the cars disappeared.

Combined with this scene, why doesn't Fury know why?
"In this case, can we weld the split body? Try to bring as many brothers up there. After all, if it is really as dangerous as you said, we may have to build defensive facilities first."

Optimus Prime looked at Fury and asked, but Fury had no room for hesitation when he heard it!Nodding immediately, it should be yes!


And with Fury's big wave of his hand!The huge riding frame that was originally ten meters high was instantly modified!A single workshop that can barely park a car has been modified and divided!Start soldering!
On the other hand, in the food world, Coulson is unaware of the support and supplies that were originally scheduled to arrive today because of Optimus Prime and Fury's request!But it was delayed by another day!
After all, the situation is urgent!Now or never!

But even if there are no supplies, it doesn't matter. Because of the large amount of meat from the gourmet world as supplies these days, the people in the base obviously feel that their strength has improved to a higher level!

And the Stormbird killed by Carol took the opportunity to become the beginning of the awakening of Captain America, Natasha, Hawkeye and others!
And with the end of the awakening, the US team has awakened the mediocre fruit of power, and may never be the captain of the [-]-[-] team in the future!
As for Natasha, maybe it was a coincidence, or maybe it was someone with good luck, who actually awakened a charming power for her!
This made Natasha's head black!It's okay to seduce men when I was an agent, but now I plan to let her seduce animals in the future?Is this bullshit aimed at my old lady!

And Hawkeye awakened a guy named Qi Demon, which sounded very mysterious when he heard it, but Hawkeye only found that if he used Qi, he could even create a bow or an arrow out of thin air!

This is good at that time, but the power and hardness can only break the skin.

At this time, the three of them were eating braised bird meat with big mouthfuls!Even the meat is actually not very delicious!But for strength!Everyone is still eating happily!

Especially Natasha, she suddenly thought why didn't she drink that bottle of potion earlier?This feeling of not having to manage your body at all is really cool!
On the other side, Banner hesitated looking at the medicine. There was already an uncontrollable guy in his body, and if there was another one, he really couldn't bear it. At that time.

Myself, or myself?

(End of this chapter)

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