Marvel: Foodie Lands Descends

Chapter 181 Confrontation!

Chapter 181 Confrontation!


"Huh? Megatron?"

Before Agu could react, he heard the other party's call, and the ones who called his leader seemed to be Megatron and Shockwave, right?
Now Shockwave is staying in the garage, and only Megatron should go out, but Agu obviously forgot the task he gave Megatron.

"No, leader, I'm Soundwave. I want to know, do you expect us to go to war with humans? Now humans have mobilized a large number of fighter planes, and people are attacking us. Megatron's command means that as long as the opponents If you don’t give way, kill them all!”

Agu:? ? ?
"You give the phone to Megatron! This guy buzzed him to activate you! Didn't ask him to bulldoze New York City to me!"

Good guy!Agu even began to rejoice that Megatron's subordinates had the sobriety of Sound Wave!
Otherwise, when I woke up, I would suddenly become a public enemy, that would be a bad feeling!
Although I can disassociate myself from Megatron and lead the Autobots instead, human beings don't care what faction you are.

And to drive away these Decepticons, wouldn't that be tantamount to cutting off one's own arm!Agu is not so free!
"Understood! Command! The leader is looking for you!"

The sound waves sent the channel dial directly to Megatron's receiver!
"Huh? What?"

Megatron obviously didn't realize that Sound Wave was the one who was most loyal to the leader.

At this time, Megatron has already been demoted from the first in command to the second in command!Then Sonic's loyalty will all be placed on Agu!

In the face of Megatron, Sonic's identity has changed from being a capable general!The confidant has become Agu's watcher!
All Megatron's decisions that may have a greater impact will be transmitted to Agu through the sound wave!It's up to Agulai to decide whether to continue to execute this order!

"Hey! Megatron! Me!"

Hear the familiar voice from the intercom!Megatron took a deep look at Soundwave, and immediately understood what was going on.

"Boss! Is there anything you want to tell me? Megatron will conquer everything for you without delay!"

Megatron has actually made his attitude clear!That is to fight!Human beings are not convinced!Just do it with him!Anyway, as long as he activates the Autobots without restriction now!

Install data obtained from the web!They will have! More than 8 million alliances!Even if the number of human beings is as high as 70 billion!But for them, it's like some rotten fish and rotten shrimp!
Although there are many superpowers in this world, but just watching videos and news, the damage caused is no more than the power of their weapons!
And they have 1000 million!Where are the mutants?Is there [-] million together?

So after having the idea of ​​conquering the earth in his heart, Megatron's heart also had a wave of waves!
Even if it can't occupy the whole world!Autobots for them too!Create a place where you can dominate!

"I don't need you to conquer me! Give me a good life! If you dare to shoot those guys! It will cause a big battle! I will first dismantle you into a pile of parts! Then twist your head off and kick it as a ball!"

If it is another earthling, even if the other party is his leader, but if the strength is not as good as him, Megatron may still be obedient!Darkness!

But when he searched for the terrifying power of human beings on Earth when he was bored, he found information about Agu!

Regarding the opponent's strength, Megatron is also very sure!

"Understood, leader, so if the other party wants to detain us? Or detain us, shall we also raise our hands and kneel down to give up resistance?"

Megatron directly uttered the threat he thought of. As soon as the words came out, Agu was stunned.

Why, you are beautiful Chinese people, you just listen to what the police say?Will it be negotiated?Will it be negotiated?Will you negotiate! ?

"Then you negotiate with them! No matter what! I don't allow you to sabotage! The highest authority I can give you is to fight back in self-defense! Do you understand? It's the middle of the night! Hang up if you have nothing to do! You can't Make less noise every day!"

After finishing speaking, Agu hung up the phone directly. As for coming to New York to lead these iron bumps to negotiate with S.H.I.E.L.D., or the military?
Come on, where is there a beauty in the arms that makes people as soft as jade?
The camera returned to Megatron's side, glanced at Sound Wave, and Megatron said the same.

"Sonic, you have to know one thing. The current leader is not a soft-hearted human being. If these human beings touch his bottom line, his methods will be even crazier than ours."

Seeing that Sheng Bo didn't answer his own words, Megatron didn't say anything, and just punched him down again!Endless energy diffusion!Another awakening of dozens of cars parked on the street!
SHIELD headquarters.

Dozens of cars are all ready!Hundreds of agents all brought heavy weapons!And some buggies are nothing more than a flip!
It turned from an urban SUV into an armored car with a window top Gatling!

With the dispatch of S.H.I.E.L.D., the mobilization of the police station is even faster!
Whether it's a police officer on patrol, or a police officer standing by at a nearby police station!And the helicopter of the emergency response center!All rushed to the scene immediately!
The speed is much faster than SHIELD!

And I'm afraid that when the police station and S.H.I.E.L.D. have arrived, the military has just finished preparations at this moment!Let's go!
Da Da Da~
The spinning wings of dozens of helicopters woke up some residents who had already fallen asleep!Complaints about being woken up though!But they were even more curious about what happened!So many helicopters will be dispatched!
When they opened the windows one by one and looked out!The sharp siren also reached the ears in an instant!

The next one!two!a row!Two rows!

All police cars are rushing madly to the edge of New York City!Although everyone didn't know what happened, but seeing such a big movement, I'm afraid something more serious than the terrorist invasion of New York happened there!

"All residents! Please stay away from this area! All residents please go downstairs and be dispersed! Repeat"

Several police cars with loud horns above their heads began to wake up and drive away the nearby residents!And it starts three kilometers away from the destination!Pulled the cordon!
There are hundreds of police cars!Speeding all the way!Finally, it was stopped when Megatron was about to step into the other side of the block!Stopped them!

Although I heard in the police report that it was going to fight some aliens!But didn't that fucking guy at the dispatch center say something about this guy's size? !
"Boou, if we can go back alive this time, I invite you to fry eggs with pineapple rice."

"Ho Ho, if you go back, I'll treat you to shit! Brother!"

The best buddies in one of the police cars share a joke with each other!Then take out the rifle, load it, and open the safety!And the colleagues who resolutely appeared together!Point the gun at the head of Megatron, Decepticons!
(End of this chapter)

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