The Right Way to Die in the Ninja World

Chapter 97 "Vest: Flower Magician Merlin" is online

Chapter 97 "Vest: Flower Magician Merlin" is online

In Hua Jianming's original vision, when he said this, he should be in high spirits, passionate words, and inspiring, just like a spiritual mentor guiding the birth of the king.

Yes, just like a certain Mei Liangxin fooling the cute and cute little Lily.

However, under Naruto's series of actions that spoiled the scenery, Hua Jianming suddenly felt a dull sense of boredom.

So much so that even the lines he had carefully designed were said at this moment, and he felt dry and lost his soul.

Come to think of it, without that part of passion, this rhetoric is not very convincing.

At this time, Hua Jianming didn't care much about these things anymore, he just felt that it would be a waste to design without using it, so it was optional to say it, but he didn't expect Naruto to believe it.

However, what he didn't expect was that this unsalty "believe it or not" look, on the contrary, aroused people's desire to explore.

In this regard, it can only be said that the nature of human beings is like this. In many cases, the more enthusiastic you recommend, the more skeptical others will be. And sometimes the more superior you are, you don’t like to answer, but it will stimulate people’s desire to explore.

Just like now, Naruto's mood is also the same.

In fact, he has not fully believed that this is true. After all, he has actually dreamed of "Hanako" several times. Dreamed about the nightmare of "Hanako" who said she was the cute blue child.

So, until now, Naruto is actually still vague, unable to understand the situation.

He heard that when dreaming, people don't feel pain, but when he was beaten just now, he felt very painful, so maybe this is not a dream?

However, if it is not a dream, where is this place?
How could "Hanako" appear in front of him in such a changed form and say so many strange words?Although it sounds like he is very powerful?

Naruto expressed his bewilderment, scratched his head, and decided to take it as true for now.

After all, this "Hanako" said good things!
Of course, even if he was confused for a moment, Naruto still insisted on his point of view.

"You must not be Hanako! Hanako has beautiful red hair, you don't. Hanako is kind and gentle, you are not! You beat me! Hanako would never do that!"

Regarding the image of a goddess in his mind, Naruto is still very persistent.

Besides, although Huazijiang has a beautiful dream of making the world peaceful and everyone equal, she is just a weak, pitiful and ignorant businessman's daughter. How could she have anything to do with such a weird guy?
This colorful iridescent hair is also very weird, it doesn't look like a serious color at first glance.

Facing Kami Naruto's questioning gaze, Hua Jianming felt a sting in his heart, and almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

He was going to change his vest, but it was Naruto himself who admitted his mistake, so he accepted the identity of "Hanako-chan", but after he admitted it, Naruto went back on his word.

are you human? !
Just now Hanami Akira was ready to throw away his integrity, and blurted out that he was "Magic Girl☆Hanako-chan" to guide "Destiny ChildのNaruto".

As a result, it's good now, this guy refuses to admit his life and death, isn't this embarrassing?

You are kidding me!
Hua Jianming's eyes gradually became unfriendly, and he almost wanted to tell Naruto that "Hanako-chan" is actually a boy.

But soon, he calmed down. It's not good to hurt both sides like this. Even if he wants to retaliate, he must at least be able to pick himself out.

As for now...

TM you don't want to recognize me as "Hanako", I don't want women's clothing anymore!

Three generations of rubbish, ruin my life!
Lovely Naruto, waste my feelings!
Akira Hana, who originally wanted to leave the stage after the script in line with the principle of not wasting money, narrowed his eyes, took a deep breath, and simply took off the rainbow-colored hair Hanako vest, and became the "King's Mentor and Hero" he originally designed. Shaper May Conscience "big brother.

"Haha, I was discovered~ Hello! Naruto-chan~"

Under the sun, the person with rainbow-colored hair shining like a rainbow has changed from a young girl to a young man, smiling and waving at Naruto.

"Big Brother is just joking with you!"

"...Hey, it's disgusting."

Naruto trembled, whether he was called "Naruto-chan" or the "big brother" that the other party called himself, he felt an ominous chill, which made him want to leave this weird place immediately.

However, the next moment, his footsteps stopped, because this weird guy said...

"Hey, is it really okay to just leave like this? You don't think you can fulfill the dream of the lovely Hanako-chan by yourself, do you?"

Aware of Naruto's resistance, if they don't deal with it in time, the spiritual link between the two will be broken, Hanami Minguo broke his mouth, and even did not hesitate to pull his own vest into the water.

"Although I said that you are the Child of Destiny, you don't think that you can make the world peaceful with this alone? Not to mention, you want everyone to be equal and live in harmony."

He looked at Naruto, his narrowed eyes were as cunning as a fox.

Naruto, an unqualified little fox, is no match for him.

Who made Naruto boast that he would help "Hanako" realize his dream?
With Naruto's personality, as long as he promises something, he will do it bravely, and he will never regret it.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Naruto, who wanted to escape from this weird scene, stopped in his footsteps.

"Do you have a solution?"

"To be precise, I have the ability to train you, but you lack a qualified instructor."

For this answer, Naruto felt that he could still believe it.

He is indeed not very smart, but he is not purely stupid, at least in many respects, his intuition like a small animal is still very keen.

It was as if he felt a deep indescribable chill just now, prompting him to leave, but at this moment, he also noticed that the man opposite was not simple.

Or in other words, Naruto also had a small calculation in his heart.

In some respects, he is also ghostly.

Hua Zijiang said that those who achieve great things need to do everything possible to win over talents. Although the guy in front of him is weird, he seems to have some skills, and he is also the one he wants to win over.

As for teaching...

If the other party has the ability, then naturally follow suit!

There is cheap and no bastard.

If the other party is incompetent, he will just perfunctory, and then find an opportunity to sneak away, wouldn't it be fine?
Thinking about it this way, Naruto felt that he could still chat with the person in front of him.

"Hey, I said you... wait, what's your name?"

"[Flower Magician] Merlin, you can call me that."

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(End of this chapter)

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