Chapter 89

In fact, Yakumo originally wanted to say that the malice in that person's heart was more terrifying than that Genbu Boss and Konoha Grand Elder, but after thinking about it, she still kept her mouth shut.

After all, the third generation who saved her from the bandaged one-eyed villain at that time could not say those things to her, and she had to keep her promise.

However, at that time, she thought that Danzo should be the most evil person in the world, but she didn't expect to meet a guy with even more evil intentions here.

It was because of this comparison that Yakumo decided that there was something wrong with the man with Naoko.

"It's not the first time I've seen her with that guy, we have to figure out a way to save Naoko!"

"So why bother?"

Naruto was even more puzzled.

"Shouldn't it be better to tell her directly?"

"I said it! But she said that Uncle Ah Fei is a good man."

Yakumo was speechless at the time.

You know, her induction can perceive the human spirit, not just Chakra.

If it is chakra, it may be caused by the special boundary of blood inheritance or special circumstances. For example, in Yakumo's feeling, the chakra of the Uchiha family is not very good, and the same is true for Naruto.

However, even if Chakra is like this, the mental fluctuations of most Uchiha people are still being accepted by Yakumo, and the spirit of Naruto is even more warm, like a little sun.

However, that man felt like a ghost from the underworld, which made Yakumo fearful.

Well, let's not talk about anything else, let's just say that guy is wearing a mask in broad daylight, acting sneaky, doesn't look like a good person, right?But Naoko turned a blind eye to all of this.

"I didn't have a deep friendship with her, and she didn't listen to her, and she seemed to have a problem with me, thinking that I judge people by their appearance."

There is a saying that there is no close relationship. Yakumo and Naoko have a bad relationship. It is normal for the other party to react like this.

"She also told me that Uncle A Fei wore a mask because his face was disfigured in the war."

A Fei is Uchiha Obito, Hanami Akira is naturally clear about this, so he also knows that, in fact, this is not a lie.

After all, Obito Uchiha was indeed disfigured in the war, but the reason why the other party covered his face was definitely not just because his current face was unsightly, but more to prevent being recognized by others!

After all, "Obito Uchiha" should be a dead "hero" in Konoha's records, who knows that he is still alive?
No one will know that "Obito Uchiha" was blackened because the goddess was killed by his teammate Kakashi. He not only killed his teacher and mistress, but also attempted to destroy Konoha, and wanted to pull the whole world into it. In a huge dream, I saw my goddess.

Hua Jianming couldn't figure it out, is it so difficult to reincarnate in dirty soil?
If you want to see Nohara Lin, this is the easiest way!Why do you need to do so many things?
Obito is worthy of being a dumb rabbit.

Even if he can't see through the conspiracy and kill the mastermind who plotted against Lin and Kakashi, if he just kills Kakashi to avenge Lin, it's justified if he thinks about it.

However, the object of his anger is the innocent people in Konoha, and because he killed his teacher Fourth Hokage and his wife Kushina Uzumaki, this is unreasonable.

Anyway, as far as Hanami Akira's senses are concerned, he is probably a logical genius like Uchiha Itachi, the kind he can't understand.

Because of this, he actually didn't want to interfere in this matter at all, if possible.

After realizing that it was Obito, and recalling the similarity between Naoko and Rin, Akira Hanami didn't want to touch it.

Obito's insanity, who knows, would he kill someone for some inexplicable reason, such as talking to Naoko a few more times?
He felt that Yakumo could give a reminder that it was very benevolent.

People are responsible for their own choices. A Fei is a very suspicious guy at first glance. As a ninja reserve, Naoko Nohara, who was born in a ninja family, is not at all prepared. This is too vigilant.

But at least Hana Jianming is still in the good camp. Although he would not go directly to save Naoko, he made a very constructive suggestion.

"Naruto and I don't know her very well either. It's probably useless for us to talk about it. At this time, it's better to talk to Uncle Nohara and Aunt Nohara directly."

Hua Jianming directly resorted to the big killer to "sue the parents".

If this is all the case, Naoko still wants to die and associate with dangerous people, or if the Nohara couple thinks that A Fei is a good person and doesn't care, then he doesn't care even more.

Maybe, for the sake of the dead Nohara Rin, what wouldn't Obito do?

Of course, in Hanami's view, mental patients are dangerous, who knows what Obito will do - for example, one day he is worried that Lin will be lonely underground, so he sends the rest of the Nohara family to her as companions?
"Eh? Tell the parents directly? Is this not good?"

Children of this age always think about solving everything by themselves, and feel that it is a very shameful and shameful behavior to "sue their parents", and there is always a feeling of "selling out" their friends.

Although Yakumo and Naoko can't be called friends now, based on some misunderstandings in the past, Yakumo still wants to make friends with Naoko, so he doesn't want to do so.

"Then why don't you just tell Sandai or the security forces?"

"Ehhh? Isn't this even worse?"

Yakumo was dumbfounded.

As a well-informed little girl who has seen the gangster Danzo, Yakumo knows that even Konoha has a lot of bad guys who feel evil.

Yakumo still believed in Konoha's defense system, so she just thought that A Fei was an "evil guy" similar to Elder Danzo.

She felt that A Fei was not a decent person, and she just didn't want her little friend to be with such a bad guy, so she wouldn't "call the police".

"I don't think that would be...uh!!!"

Suddenly, Yakumo shivered as if he had sensed something, and subconsciously leaned towards Hanami Akira, looking around.

Then, the next second, an uncle with a whirlpool mask appeared in front of them with Naoko.

"Of course not! Huh... just now, Uncle Afei told me that someone is spying on us, and it really is you! Even Hanami-kun and Uzumaki are there."

It really is with soil!
According to Yakumo's reaction, Akira Hanami didn't think that Obito's terrifying aura would be missed, so it really must have used Kamui's Obito!
However, to use Kamui with Naoko... Is Obito normal?Aren't you afraid that your information will be leaked?

Hua Jianming looked at the other party with a suspicious look.

He really showed his doubts and vigilance, because this is what he, a native of Konoha, should behave.

However, what he never expected was that the masked A Fei... or Obito Uchiha chuckled.

"What a persistent little girl! But since you're doing it for Naoko's sake, I don't care about you."

"It's not your turn to say this. This is Konoha. If you do anything wrong, we can call for help at any time."

Even if Hua Jianming knew that he was in front of a psychotic boss at this time, he had to bite the bullet and show a confident and fearless look on his face.

There was no way, the two little friends around him seemed to be frightened like frightened little animals, so he could only stand up.

In front of Naoko, Obito should be more restrained, right?
However, what he didn't expect was that Ah Fei actually stared at him with meaningful eyes, and after a long time, he suddenly spoke.

"I want to talk to this little brother alone! After the talk, he will definitely know that I am not a suspicious dangerous person."


I believe you a ghost!
Hua Jianming wanted to refuse, he very much hoped that the third generation could use the crystal ball to spy on his situation at this time, but he also knew that this hope was extremely slim.

Hokage-sama is so busy, he may not even have time to care about the female bathhouse, so how can he take care of him?

No, wait, with Naruto next to him, there is still hope.

Akira Hanami subconsciously approached Naruto. After all, this is Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. Even if the third generation didn't happen to spy on Naruto, they should have arranged for Anbu to protect them, right?
"Don't think about it, Anbu who followed Kyuubi has already been brought down by my illusion, and the third generation didn't pay attention here at this time."

Since he dared to hang out among the leaves openly, Obito naturally had his own confidence.

Although he used to be a scumbag, he has become black. As we all know, the blackness is three times stronger. He is now a shadow-level master, and he is not afraid of being discovered.

It was also at this time that Hua Jianming realized that something was wrong.

At some point, only he and Obito were left around. Although the scene was still the same shop, the surroundings were empty, as if haunted.

"This is also an illusion."

Hua Jianming understood immediately, he was not in a hurry to undo the illusion, or in other words, he didn't have much hope that he could undo Obito's illusion, instead he touched the table in front of him curiously.

"The touch is the same as the real one. Is this an advanced illusion?"

Anyway, resistance is useless, Hua Jianming simply let go of himself, after touching the table, he took a sip of the tea in front of him, and then shook his head.

"This is not real enough. Have you ever been to this 'Meow Story'? This is the shop of the Uchiha family. Their family is very obsessed with desserts. Even the tea has a lot of sugar..."


Obito Uchiha was silent, this store is newly opened, he has never been to it, and he remembers that there was no habit of putting sugar in tea in the family before?

Could it be that in the past few years, life has been so good, so Uchiha has lived a wonderful life that even puts sugar in his tea?
Forget it, that's not the point.

"Hehe, should I call you Hua Jianming, or [Hanako Jiang]?"

Uchiha Obito showed a sinister smile, looked at the pale Hanami Akira, and nodded with satisfaction.

——Hehe, I have already discovered your ambition to kidnap Renzhuli, so why don't you be honest with me!
At the same time, Hua Jianming began to calculate with a pale face.

It seems that Obito doesn't want to kill him, but wants him to die socially!

Huh?Wait, although this is uncomfortable, it cannot kill anyone.

Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem like a big deal.

Gou's life is the first priority. After discovering that Obito didn't intend to kill, Hanami Akira's mind came alive, referred to as - the heart of death is about to move.

It seems that he has a reward that he really wants, and he can brush it on Obito!

Moreover, Naoko Nohara is also by his side, isn't this the right time, place and people? !

 After reading the comments, I reflected on it. When I looked back at the articles I wrote before, I found that some places were not clearly expressed. I used it for vests. After reading the comments saying that the country is suppressing the sissy culture... I don’t know why I feel a little flustered, so I changed it to avoid being 404.

  I am changing the previous article, and I am currently changing to the first 24 chapters. Other small details don’t matter, mainly because "Chapter 24 is delayed again". The last paragraph is updated, that is, the fourth type of task "Women's Clothing" is renamed "Camouflage/Vest" "Task.

  In fact, I originally wanted to throw it out in the future. It was just an ambush. After all, the "Hanako" state can also complete the task (Hanako makes Hinata jealous and makes Hinata feel bullied), so the system can allow the "disguised" state to complete the task. .

  Now that I have written it bluntly, it should not be within the scope of harmony, right?We are really a writer full of desire to survive!
(End of this chapter)

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