Chapter 71

The next day, the cooking class came in Hua Jianming's anticipation.

Compared with other worlds, it seems that people in Naruto rarely have the attribute of dark cooking. After all, a ninja must have a strong ability to survive in the wild.

If you can't do small things like finding food and cooking by yourself, most of these people will have a hard time living. Therefore, after such a period of observation, everyone's talent is actually not bad.

Even the young master Sasuke and the sloppy Naruto who are not good at cooking can make rice balls and roast meat by themselves.

It is still edible.

In fact, Hua Jianming still has some regrets. He has always been curious about how those dark dishes are made. To be honest, as long as you follow the steps, even if it is not delicious, it will not be terrible enough to be used as an attack dish, right?
It's a pity that the students here are ninjas by profession, so it seems that they can't let him see the veil of dark cooking.

Thinking so, Hanami wrote down some of the main points the teacher said in his notebook.

The ninja school teaches some basic courses. For example, the teacher now teaches the general formula of general ninja beasts. In Konoha, the most common ninja beasts are dogs and birds.

The advantage of birds is that they can fly, and their IQ is relatively low, so they are easy to lure.

Dogs, on the other hand, have certain combat effectiveness because of their olfactory tracking ability, and are easy to obtain.

There is an Inuzuka family in Konoha, and this family will breed a lot of good ninja dogs, which will be sold or given away. If you want a good ninja dog in Konoha, you can go to the Inuzuka family to buy it.

Therefore, the other races explained by the teacher in the class are relatively brief, and the focus is on birds and dogs.

Among the two, the formula for dogs is more detailed. I don't know if the teacher or the school took advantage of the Inuzuka family.

After the teacher finished explaining, it came to the practical part. For this part, the teacher said that in addition to completing the given standard formula, you can also try to make some "unique secret recipes" by yourself, which can be taken away. .

That is to say, after this time, if the completed work is excellent, maybe by this, I can abduct my ninja beast and start raising it.

When it was time to sit down, Akira Hanami didn't know whether to be relieved or torn to find out that not only was he trying to get close to Iba, but other people also wanted to sit next to Iba.

Without him, Inuzuka Ya is the only person in the class who brings a ninja to class, and it happens to be a ninja.

Everyone subconsciously turned their attention to Akamaru who was on the top of his head. This is a very good referee for judging his "creativity"!
Regarding this, Kiba didn't care, saying that as long as Akamaru is willing, he doesn't mind.

Although he is a bit arrogant, but for Akamaru, the ninja dog who grew up with him, he holds his teeth on his heart. As long as Akamaru is happy, he has no problem.

Hua Jianming, who was looking at this attitude, had a heart move, and suddenly had a better idea.

He was not in a hurry to get close to Kiba and Akamaru, and sat down with Shikamaru and others, and started making food for Ninja Beast.

Looking at the default situation in the class, most of them chose to make dog food, and only a few who were sure of their own course did other things, and the Zhuludie trio also followed the trend.

"If you put more meat, it will definitely be more popular!"

Choji made a mission to add all kinds of beef powder and chicken powder to it. In his opinion, no creature would not like to eat meat.

Shikamaru, who was watching this behavior, was helpless. In order to prevent his little friend from failing the exam, he had to remind him aloud.

"Jingji, in order to maintain a balanced nutrition, some vegetables should also be added, such as carrot powder or something..."

"That's right, spinach powder and apples are very nutritious, put more!"

"Ino, I think you put too little meat..."

"Sakura, are you sure it's okay to pour so much milk powder in?"

"Didn't you say you need calcium supplements? Milk powder should be good, right?"

"I think it would be good to add bone meal."

"Mingjun, what do you think?"

"Indeed, calcium supplementation is very important."

After hearing this, Hua Jianming nodded and added a lot of milk powder.

Milk is very expensive. He was not willing to drink it all the time when he was in financial difficulties. It must be due to calcium deficiency, so he needs to supplement it more.

As for other things, meat is essential, but if all the meat is added, the taste will mix, right?Just put one.

Beef should be the most expensive, but I just finished eating beef yesterday and I don’t really want to eat it for the time being. As for chicken, it’s cheaper, so it’s better to put some fish, add some all-purpose egg yolk powder, add some carrot powder with various vitamins, corn, etc. of……

By the way, fruit is very expensive recently, and I haven't eaten it for a long time, so add some more fruit.

Unlike others who have to think twice, Hua Jianming's choice is very straightforward.

After finishing the standard formula given by the teacher, Hua Jianming's choice for his own "unique secret recipe" is to choose what he likes to eat and the nutrition he wants to supplement.

When Hua Jianming finished his work, others hadn't finished it yet, even the teeth who had been exposed to dog food making since childhood were not as fast as him.

"Akamaru-kun, I'll give you this as dog food, do you want to try?"

"Wow? Wow!"

"Oh? Are you so generous? Or are you so confident?"

Ya looked at Dazzling with some surprise.

Others paid attention to it, but they only let Akamaru taste it and judge it. This one is good, and he brought the whole plate over directly, as if he was going to give it to Akamaru.

As for the fact that Hua Jianming only talked to Akamaru and ignored him when he came up, Kiba didn't care.

Rather, it made him feel good about it.

After all, in Ya's perception, Akamaru who grew up with him is like a brother, so naturally he doesn't care so much.

"Akamaru is just hungry, so we're not welcome."

As soon as Kiba's words fell, Akamaru couldn't help but jumped off the head of Kiba.

Although it's not time for meal yet, the aroma of the food has already aroused Akamaru's appetite, but the food for Yaya hasn't been cooked yet, so Akamaru is already a little ready to move.

At this time, Hua Jianming brought food to the door, and Akamaru couldn't ask for it.


Akamaru didn't feel anything when he jumped down. After all, there were too many mixed smells in the classroom, but after jumping in front of the plate of food, it was stunned.

Akamaru raised his head to look at Akira Hanami, his big dog eyes were full of disbelief.

——You feed a ninja dog food mixed with fish meat and fish bone meal, are you serious?

"What's wrong, Akamaru? Didn't you say you were hungry just now?"


Akamaru looked at Fang speechlessly, and could only comfort himself that his master was still young and his sense of smell was not well developed, so he didn't discover this miraculous fact.

As for the master's classmate... This young man looks energetic, but unexpectedly he is mentally retarded.

In the spirit of caring for his master's mentally handicapped students, Akamaru reluctantly gave him some face, slightly stuck out his tongue and licked it, and then retracted.

——The smell of fish is so strong, I think you don't want me to eat it on purpose, right? !

Akamaru raised the dog's head suspiciously, met Hanami Ming's meaningful eyes, and was shocked immediately.

——This kid doesn't seem mentally retarded, but more like playing with a dog!

"Wang Wang Wang!"

"Akamaru? The food is not to your liking?"

Ya was busy making dog food, he didn't raise his eyes, he had to be more careful in the final step.

He is still young now, and although years of tacit understanding allowed him to roughly understand Akamaru's meaning, he couldn't judge it too finely, he could only know that it meant dissatisfaction.

To this, Hua Jianming smiled.

He looked quite strange and said, "Eh? It doesn't seem to suit Akamaru's taste?"

After finishing speaking, he moved his plate away from the front of Akamaru's claws with lightning speed, grabbed a handful from it and tasted it.

"I think it tastes good? I don't know what's wrong."

"Ah, the taste of ninja beasts is still different from that of humans, which is normal."

Ya is an expert in this area, and he was quite proud when he said this, and comforted him with a little pride.

"I have been in contact with them since I was a child, so I can understand them, especially the taste of Akamaru."

"Oh, you are indeed a member of the Inuzuka family, you are so amazing!"

Hua Jianming put down the plate and clapped his hands.

During this period, he took the time to look at the system panel.

Just now he gave the food he made to Akamaru as dog food, and then snatched it back and ate it. This task should be completed, right?
While chewing the fish-flavored dog food that suits him, Hua Jianming glanced at the panel, but found helplessly that the system panel did not show that the task was completed.

The action of "grabbing" is no problem, so the problem should be other links.

Is it because my work has not been judged as "dog food", or is this dog food not judged to be owned by Akamaru?

"Wow woof woof!!!"

- Tooth, look!Your classmate is not sincere!He simply came to play with the dog!

"Okay, okay, Akamaru, don't worry about it, it's the first time Hana sees him coming into contact with these things, it's normal that what he makes doesn't suit your taste."

Iba heard Akamaru's dissatisfaction and anger towards Akira Hanami. However, in view of the communication problem between species, the reason for this dissatisfaction and anger is beyond comprehension, and he can only understand it on his own.

"I'm going to finish here soon, just wait a little longer."


——You stupid idiot!Let me say again that your classmate has evil intentions!Give me real dog food to comfort me!
"Okay, okay, I'll give it to you soon."

Tooth nodded.

He felt that Akamaru seemed to scold him, and said something else in the middle, but combined with the meaning of the final urging, it was probably because he moved slowly, so he scolded him?

In this regard, Inuzuka Ya, who justified himself, was completely unaware of what was wrong.

On the contrary, Hanami Akira, who was on the sidelines, looked at the teeth thoughtfully, and then at Akamaru.

This dog... seems to be smarter than his master?
Is this tooth not very smart, or is the ninja dog too defiant?

People are not as good as dogs.

(End of this chapter)

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