The Right Way to Die in the Ninja World

Chapter 68 Garbage system, ruining my life!

Chapter 68 Garbage system, ruining my life!
Hanami Akira came to the magazine where he contributed last time.

He thought that the treatment of Xiaomengxin himself would be the same as last time, that is, the front desk just put it away and said it would be handed over.

The last time he came, the lady at the front desk said that the editor was not there and could not receive him, so he could only collect his manuscript and hand it over.

Although it is not very clear whether the editor is really absent, or because he is too young and underestimated, so he is too lazy to receive him, but he has no other choice other than this magazine and can only let it go.

It's likely to be the case this time.

Hua Jianming sighed, thinking about how to meet the editor.

After all, since the last submission failed, it is very likely that the other party will be more perfunctory this time, and regardless of the quality of the work, if it does not even have basic exposure, it is obviously impossible to have any hope of success.

However, when Hua Jianming was mentally prepared to be treated coldly, something he didn't expect happened.

The moment he saw him, the young lady at the front desk tugged at his sleeve to prevent him from leaving, and an uncle wearing glasses rushed down upstairs in a hurry.

"Are you Teacher Ye Zi?! We have been waiting for you for too long!"

The uncle burst into tears.

"We almost thought we were going to lose you, the future great god! Fortunately, you are finally here!"

"Uh, sure, it's me you're looking for?"

Hua Jianming took a step back, a little hesitant.

His pseudonym was chosen randomly, just a word chosen from Konoha, it's quite popular, these guys couldn't find the wrong person, right?
If his works were really that good, wouldn't editors have come to the door and begged him to sign a contract?

"No, it's you, the youngest creator ever!"

The editor shook his head, denying the possibility of admitting the wrong person.

It is precisely because the contributor is too young that the front desk remembers it very clearly!
So even though he happened to be away at the time and didn't meet him, he still identified him at a glance.

"Your "Back to Ancient Times as a Ninja" is indeed a very good work! You can think of the idea of ​​traveling to the past, which is the first of its kind! You will definitely be popular!"


Isn't it "Back to the Warring States Period as Ninja God"?

Hua Jianming just wanted to say that the other party had made a mistake, but suddenly remembered that it was his original name.

Later, because the Warring States Period was too special, and there was a conflict between the "God of Ninja" and "God of Ninja" Senjuju, he randomly changed it to a similar name, which seemed to be what it was called.

However, there is still a problem that cannot be explained.

"If that's the case, why hasn't anyone approached me to sign?"


When it came to this question, the uncle was silent for a while, and looked at him with an indescribable expression.

"Because you didn't leave your mailing address!"


Most afraid of the air suddenly quiet.

Hua Jianming and the uncle looked at each other and fell into a speechless awkward silence.

He thought about it carefully.

Didn't stay?

After all, he is a high-intelligence talent who has completed the task of increasing the IQ to 100. Would he also make such a low-level mistake? !

He seriously suspected that something went wrong with the broken system and the rewards were not distributed.

No, this may not only have not been issued, but was accidentally deducted!
Garbage system, ruin my life!
Hua Jianming was dazed for a long time before he suddenly remembered, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

If he really wanted to say it, he shouldn't have cheated himself like this. However, because it is said that the Konoha Orphanage was built with some private investment, it was built additionally on the back mountain of Konoha.

That is to say, the orphanage where Akira Hanami lives is, from a certain point of view, an illegal construction outside the scope of planning, not a normal Konoha building and shop, and naturally there is no corresponding number.

Although Akira Hanami couldn't figure it out, he lived here with a subsidy from Konoha, why this building is still not included in the normal system, but maybe this is some historical problem?

In short, because of various reasons, this column was left blank at that time.

Originally, Hua Jianming wanted to leave the address in the school, but he was too embarrassed, and he didn't plan to ostentatiously because of the idea of ​​getting rich.

So, in the end, he originally wanted to ask Shikamaru or Ino to help him take over.

In the end...

Needless to say, Hua Jianming completely forgot about this after finishing writing, and left in a hurry after directly submitting the manuscript.

What's even more helpless is that he has been waiting for the editor to find him based on some subconscious cognition that "the editor will definitely find the author".

However, there is no address or phone number, where can the editor find someone!There are no penguins and prestige in the ninja world.

This is very embarrassing.

Hua Jianming felt that the other party's subtle gaze just now might not be a mentally retarded gaze.

"Ahem, I don't mean anything else. After all, you are a genius! When a genius is good at a certain aspect, it is likely to be lacking in life."

The editor uncle was very emotionally intelligent and helped Hua Jianming find an excuse.

"Moreover, we also made mistakes in this aspect. Our front desk is a newcomer, and we don't know the information of the writers who want to register for submission."

Saying this, the uncle winked, and the lady at the front desk immediately showed a pitiful and apologetic expression.

"Sorry, Teacher Ye, I'm a newcomer, so I was negligent before."

"Ah, it's okay, it's my own problem."

Hua Jianming was in a complicated mood, completely unaware that this was the problem.

This can be regarded as his dark history, right?
"Then... can I sign the contract now?"

"Yes! Of course!"

The uncle editor resolutely opened his mouth. He glanced at the manuscript that Hua Jianming was holding in his arms, decisively tempted him, and gestured a number to Hua Jianming.

"We can pay you a certain amount every month as a guarantee...By the way, is that your new work?"

"Uh, yes."

Hanami Akira handed over the new work.

To be honest, he has almost forgotten what he wrote before. He probably still remembers some of the outline, but he doesn't even remember the specific content.

People like the new and dislike the old. He is actually more willing to open new pits than continue to fill in pits.

Hua Jianming figured that if possible, he actually wanted to sign the new article.

While thinking about it, the editor uncle had roughly read the outline and manuscript of the new book, his eyes sparkled, and he stared at Hua Jianming with the look of picking up a treasure.

"Ms. Ye Zi, the new article is also very good! You are definitely a genius!"

"well enough."

Hearing the affirmative praise from the other party, Hua Jianming felt a little relieved.

It is worthy of being a classic, even if it was changed at will by a scum like him and poured a lot of water, it is still recognized by others, which makes me very happy.

"The signing of Xinwen..."

"Of course no problem! We can sign the contract right now. These two novels have their own characteristics and audiences. If they can be released at the same time, they will definitely gather a large number of fans for you!"

"Ah, this, I think double opening is still too much pressure for newcomers..."

"It's a pity. Originally, I wanted to say that if you can still maintain this kind of writing and imagination in the next work, the remuneration can be increased to this figure..."

"Ahem, I feel that although there is a lot of pressure, as a young person, it should be used to bear the pressure and accept the challenge."

Hua Jianming has a serious face.

It doesn’t matter if you have money or not, the main thing is that you love literature and love challenges.

When Hua Jianming left the magazine, the treatment was completely different. Not only was he promised to get a follow-up share of the manuscript remuneration, but more importantly, he received a sum of support funds paid by the magazine to the author.

Not only that, because he is young and an orphan, in order to allow him to have a better creative environment, the first payment is not low, at least enough for him to rent a house for three months.

As for three months later, his remuneration to pay the rent is also appropriate.

After getting the money, Hua Jianming decided to move out of the orphanage without hesitation. He had had enough of Chase Shop, and it was really inconvenient not to have a private space.

Besides, there is no air conditioner in the orphanage, but if it is a private apartment, wouldn't he be able to get an air conditioner and live a good life in his previous life?
The only problem is, considering the land price of Konoha, if you buy an air conditioner, the remaining money is only enough for one month, which is a bit tight!

The release of novels and settlement of royalties are not so fast.

Akira Hanami fumbled through the real estate businessman's brochure, and found that Konoha's land was really expensive.

Even if he doesn't care about the distance anymore, if he wants to buy an air conditioner, it's still a bit... huh?

"Is the price of this apartment correct?"

Hanami pointed suspiciously at a page in the brochure. It was a standard single-person apartment with one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. Although the location was not the most prosperous central area, it was not too remote, and there were many people around. Less shops, more convenient.

However, the price there is a full zero less than other places!

Is this a mistake?

"Ah, here—"

The real estate businessman looked a little ugly and frowned.

"There is no mistake, it is the price. If you need it, you can pay immediately and move in with your bags."


There won't be any pits here, right?
Hua Jianming looked at the merchant's expression suspiciously, he must have bought it without selling it well, although the extremely low price made him very excited, but this attitude always felt that there was something wrong with it!

(End of this chapter)

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