The Right Way to Die in the Ninja World

Chapter 64 Butterfly's Small Wings

Chapter 64 Butterfly's Small Wings
"Women's clothing?"

"Eh?! Ah?! No, nothing!"

When Hinata was muttering to herself, a voice suddenly came in, which shocked her a lot.

Hinata looked back and found that it was Shikamaru who spoke.

She didn't pay attention, in fact, when she backed up, she accidentally walked near Shikamaru who had also retreated into the corner, and she panicked.

"You, you heard wrong!"

"is it?"

Shikamaru looked up at Hinata, but didn't go into it.

As a person who is afraid of trouble, he is not interested in exploring other people's secrets. If he hadn't just heard a word that made him sensitive, he would not have interrupted before.

However, with his wisdom, even now, just hearing a few words, combined with the current situation, he can almost guess what's going on.

People are just that weird.

When others try their best to ask questions, people can't help but want to resist and keep their secrets.

However, once others put on a look of "Actually, I don't care, I don't want to know, don't bother me", instead, they will be aroused with a certain desire to talk.

For example, now, seeing Shikamaru's expression of not wanting to delve into it, Hinata, who was very confused, had an idea of ​​asking for help.

Anyway, Nara-san has always been lazy and not a talkative person, and I heard that people in this family are very smart, but they usually behave in a low-key manner, so it’s okay to ask for help, right?

As the eldest lady of the Hinata family, even if Hinata herself is not very interested, her family will usually tell her some "common sense", so even if Nara Shikamaru's performance in school is very average, she still recognizes the other party's IQ.

It's like as long as you hear that you are from the Uchiha family, you will subconsciously think that the opponent's fire escape and illusion skills are good. If you hear that it is from the Hyuga family, you must pass the physical skills. Now, since you are from the Nara family, your IQ must be good. of.

Of course, for Naruto's consideration, Hinata felt that he should be more tactful when asking, and help Naruto hold the secret.

"Well... Nara-san thinks, under what circumstances would a boy wear women's clothes?"


Nara Shikamaru was silent. He thought of Hanami Akira who was cheated by him, and Hanami Akira's coquettish operation, and then glanced at "Naruko" who was enthusiastically participating in the big stomach king competition, and sighed.

"It's possible that he lost a bet with others and had to do it..."

"Huh, so that's the case, then I'm relieved."

"However, looking at him, the other two people don't seem to be ignorant, isn't it like this?"

"Yes, yes... Eh!?"

Hinata was shocked, she saw Shikamaru's gaze sweeping towards "Naruko" on the stage, she was shocked.

She recognized Naruto based on her understanding of Naruto's day and night observations. How did Nara-san see it? !
She looked at Shikamaru dumbly, with undisguised suspicion in her eyes.

"Nara-kun knows who I'm talking about?"

"Isn't this obvious? You asked me like that, even if I couldn't guess it before, I know it now."

Shikamaru was speechless.

He admitted that at first he did not see the real body of "Naruko". After all, the contrast is a bit big, and normal people would not guess that a strange girl is played by an old acquaintance.

However, even if he didn't know it at first, Hinata was so obvious that he thought he wouldn't be able to see it. Is this questioning his IQ?

Is this looking down on Shikamaru, or the IQ inherited from the Nara family?
Shikamaru was helpless, he thought that if everyone in the Hinata family spoke like him, then he must have guessed it, but he didn't expect this young lady to be so naive.

If he knew this earlier, he might as well pretend that he didn't see it.

However, the words spoken and the water poured out, the current Shikamaru can't erase Hinata's memory.

After thinking about it, Shikamaru pointed to "Naruko" on the stage.

"I think that rather than being coerced by someone into dressing up as a woman, it's more like he did it to fit into the group. After all, with his original identity, he would definitely be rejected, right?"

Shikamaru is worthy of being a genius with an IQ of [-]. Among the most likely options, he easily deduced the possibility with the highest probability.

More importantly, compared to other children who are repulsed by Naruto, the precocious and intelligent Shikamaru combines Naruto's own characteristics... In some of his father's words and deeds, as well as historical materials and villagers' speeches, he faintly Already guessed what.

For Naruto, he has sympathy, but he doesn't want to take the initiative to cause trouble because he is afraid of trouble.

Moreover, the Nara family has always followed the third generation loyally. Naruto's current situation may not be without the calculations of the third generation. As the next generation head of the Nara family, it is not easy for him to take the initiative to come forward.

It's just that Hinata's admiration for is not an exaggeration to go beyond "secret love" and become "clear love".

That being the case, it would be a kind of consolation for him to push Naruto a little bit and make Naruto feel better, right?
Shikamaru, who was thinking like this, had a rare extra time to explain. .

Seeing Hinata looking in the direction of "Naruko" with pity, she couldn't help saying a few more words.

"That guy seems to have a carefree personality, and he doesn't care about a lot of bad words and slander. He looks very optimistic, but in fact, he may be very lonely and painful inside!"

"'s painful..."

Hinata couldn't help murmuring softly, and suddenly understood something.

In other words, she had already realized this, but she was timid and timid by nature and did not dare to stand up.

The Naruto she likes has always been her favorite sunny and cheerful appearance, but how much unknown sadness is hidden in this bright smile?

Even the Konoha Festival, which is a carnival for everyone, can't appear openly, but can only come out secretly in disguise...

At this time, when Shikamaru pierced the layer of window paper, Hinata immediately felt heartbroken.

Seeing this, Shikamaru pretended to speak casually.

"If someone can comfort and encourage him at this time, he will definitely feel better, right?"

Shikamaru thinks that Miss Hinata is fair and beautiful, has a good family, and admires Naruto a lot. Such a white and rich beauty is a big profit in terms of Naruto's conditions!

Not to mention Naruto's superficial orphan status, even if the fourth generation is still alive, Hinata is definitely worthy of the Son of Hokage.

Helping out at this time can be regarded as making my conscience feel better.

With this in mind, Shikamaru continued to add fuel to the flames.

"Don't look at that guy's appearance, but in fact, he longs to be protected and understood by others, right?"


This time Hinata really fell silent.

She began to hate that timid self, the self who knew that Naruto-kun was lonely and painful, but didn't dare to take the initiative to contact him.

That time when she was bullied, it was Naruto-kun who protected her, but when Naruto-kun was sad, she just kept watching from a distance. This is too much!
No, she can't go on like this!

Xiao Hinata clenched her fists.

Although she was still shy and timid in her heart, she had already made up her mind.

"I understand, thank you! Shikamaru-kun."

In order to thank Shikamaru for the reminder, Hinata changed the name of the slightly unfamiliar classmate to the direct name.

"I already know what to do."

"Ah, that's fine."

Shikamaru nodded without paying much attention, and accepted the thank you.

He just felt that he had done a small thing to help others, but he didn't take it to heart.

However, what he didn't know was that such a small turning point, like the wings of a butterfly, gradually stirred up a storm.

The future Hinata can stand in front of Liudao Payne for Naruto, and the current little Hinata will naturally be able to muster up the courage because of Naruto to take that step that she dared not take before.

 To be honest, I didn't have any special feelings about the character of Hinata until we watched the limited monthly reading world.

  To tell the truth, compared to the main story Hinata, we are more fond of the Hinata who read the world that month - yes, the appearance is still soft and cute, but he can threaten Sakura "Naruto is mine, dare to be against her" He'll kill you with one shot," that Hinata.

  Although this is the main story, it is unlikely that the reversal will be so big all at once, but it is still possible to develop it gradually, right?
  Well, choose to cut in before the plot begins, the fun is here!Although I don't know if everyone can accept it... But the author hesitated and decided to follow his heart.

  There is a saying that the limited monthly reading world is actually a parallel world line of Hokage similar to fate, so this possibility still exists... right?

(End of this chapter)

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