The Right Way to Die in the Ninja World

Chapter 62 Turning grief and anger into appetite

Chapter 62 Turning grief and anger into appetite
Idealism is paramount, once you think about it like this, a certain mysterious and mysterious feeling arises spontaneously.

Hua Jianming showed an inevitable smile, and looked sharply at the Sanhua little goldfish he liked.

In the next second, the little goldfish, who had the misfortune to collide with the beckoning cat, could only flutter on Hanamiming's paper net.

The plan to catch the lucky little goldfish was a big success!

Sensing Sasuke's shocked eyes and Naruto's envious eyes, Akira Hanami smiled.

"Come on, which one do you like? I'll help you get it."

"Who wants your help!"

"Well, you're such a nice guy!"

Completely different answers blurted out from Sasuke and Naruto.

Akira Hanami is very curious, if at this time he replied to Sasuke, "Who said I want to help you, I just want to help Naruko"...

Will Sasuke explode in shame and anger?

However, this evil thought was only fleeting, because immediately he was pulled by Naruto to ask for a red bubble-eyed goldfish.

"Hey, this red one is as cute as Huazijiang~"

While pointing at the red goldfish, "Naruko" was still muttering something, such an obvious attitude made Akira Hana feel a chill.

It's true that I was praised, but I was not happy at all.

So, without even thinking about it, Hanami quickly caught a small golden fish, put it in a bag and handed it to Naruto.

"This golden one is very similar to Naruko! It really matches."

"But what I want is..."

"Okay, Sasuke, which one do you want?"


Sasuke didn't speak, his self-esteem made him unable to ask for help, he was more happy to catch the small fish by himself than to be helped to catch it.


Sasuke glanced at Hanami Akira's three-flowered fish, and felt as if he understood something.

This guy...does he like the color of Sanhua so much?
Or is it already so poor?

Sasuke couldn't help feeling pity for Akira Hanami.

"Forget it, this kind of thing doesn't matter. We have a lot of cats in our house, and we can't keep them alive if we take them home."


Hua Jianming smacked his lips, a little envious, surrounded by cats, isn't it too happy?

However, since this is the case, anyway, the rules of this game are that as long as the paper net is not broken, it can be fished all the time.

Huh?So, if he catches all these goldfish and resells them, or opens another stall...

Ahem, forget it, respect the old and love the young, and don't bully the elderly.

Stopping the evil thoughts, Akira Hanami quickly fished out three black goldfish and handed them to Sasuke.

"Why... three?"

Looking at the pitch-black goldfish, Sasuke had a subtle look on his face. He actually thought the black one was a bit ugly, not as good-looking as the white and gold ones.

However, asking this kind of question seemed too preoccupied, so he asked the quantity question instead.

"There are only three black pools in this pool, most of which are a family of three. It would be too cruel to tear them apart. A family needs to be neat and tidy!"


Why does this sound a bit strange?
Looking at Hanami Akira's serious expression, Sasuke always felt that something was wrong, and then heard the second half of Hanami Akira's sentence.

"I don't know if your cat likes to eat black fish."


So this is for my cat?
Sasuke looked at Akira Hanami speechlessly, but finally accepted the fish.

The cat at home is always lazy. If you are interested in salvaging a few small fish, it is considered exercise, right?
Seeing that Sasuke accepted the gift for Meow, Akira Hanami nodded in satisfaction.

Turn around and ask Sasuke if his cat likes this kind of cheap fish. If it works, after the Uchiha clan is wiped out, he will go there to abduct a three-colored cat and return to the town. DEBUFF.

"Okay, we've played all the things we should have played this time, let's go eat!"

"You still have money?"

"It's not enough to eat dinner, but it's still possible to pay the registration fee."

Hua Jianming has a well-thought-out plan, and he has actually thought of a countermeasure long ago.

Hearing this, Sasuke looked blank, but Naruto became excited.

"I know, I know! It's a big eater competition for Yile Ramen, right!? I can do it!"

"No, it's the three-color meatball's big appetite competition."

"Eh? Why?!"

Naruto was disappointed, and was about to refute a few more sentences, but suddenly remembered that his current identity was "Nariko".

Well, Hanako-chan said that when disguising, he must be distinguished from his usual self, and he can't be too obvious.

Regarding this, Akira Hanami took it for granted: "Of course it's because of the Big Eater Competition at the Sanse Meatball Shop, the top ten can get free orders, and the Yile Ramen is only free for the top three."

As for other prizes, the three-color ball shop is even better.

It is probably because Yile Ramen is following the common people's line, and there are no dessert shops with deep pockets.

Hua Jianming felt that the top three were a little bit hanging, but if it was the top ten, it should be possible.

The "Food Conversion Chakra Technique" also has a certain effect on promoting appetite.

Although it can't be said that he becomes a big eater, and there are restrictions on speed and food intake, but as long as part of the food is converted into chakra, part of the stomach can still be emptied.

In other words, his appetite has actually increased in disguise.

Coupled with the blessing of his own low-level immortal body, Hua Jianming thinks it should be possible to get in the top ten.

To participate in the Big Eater Competition, you only need to pay a basic and very low registration fee.

If you get the ranking in the end, then naturally all the food you eat will be free of charge, and there will be different rewards according to the ranking. If you fail the challenge, you need to pay for all the food you have eaten.

Hua Jianming felt that based on Naruto's appetite and his own hunger, the top ten should be no problem.

As for Sasuke...

Well, this guy hates sweets, so he shouldn't be able to eat much, right?

It doesn't matter even if he ate too much out of anger, anyway, the other party has an older brother, so he can mortgage Sasuke there and let Itachi redeem him.

For Hanami Akira's malicious gaze, Sasuke reacted with a jolt.

"I agree with Naruko this time. The challenge is of course a high difficulty one. I also choose ramen!"

Being not stupid, he immediately figured out what was going on. For him who hates sweets, it is natural to choose ramen that is more acceptable and tastes good than the three-color meatball.

"Two to one!"

Naruto gestured happily, and stuck out his tongue after seeing Hanami's staring gaze.

"Ahem, I think Sasuke's proposal is very good! Let's engrave and try again!"

"If it fails, brother will pay the bill."

"make a deal!"

After Sasuke dropped this sentence, Akira Hanami immediately agreed.

Well, it's not good to eat sweets for dinner, but ramen is very good!

The ingredients are rich and nutritious, and it is also Konoha's signature feature, so it should be supported.

The three reached a consensus, and found the bustling Yile Ramen shop with familiarity.

Naruto should have been familiar with this store, but he had never been here during festivals to avoid trouble for Uncle Yile, and it was the first time he saw such a lively scene here.

And, more than that, there were three girls they all knew in the store.

Ino and Sakura are registering at the registration office, and Hinata is standing next to them.

"Damn! I'm so hungry after looking for it... Let's just participate in this competition!"

"That's right, I want to turn grief and anger into appetite! Hinata, do you want to come together?"


Hinata lowered her head. In fact, she really wanted to participate in this competition. After all, her appetite...cough cough cough.

However, she always thought that there would be no acquaintances coming over, and she hadn't met them in the past two years, so she never expected how this would happen this year.

I'm really shy in front of acquaintances o(*////▽////*)q
When Hinata was in a dilemma, when she looked up, she saw Sasuke, Akira Hanami and...

"Naru, Naruto-kun!?"

(End of this chapter)

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