The Right Way to Die in the Ninja World

Chapter 354 Can't let you go...

Chapter 354 Can't let you go...

When the attack on Wuyin Village was launched, Hua Jianming and his party, who were far away in the desert of the Kingdom of Wind, had gradually approached Shayin Village.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that it is dangerous to take a detour in the desert, Temari would have the urge to take Hanami Akita to detour.

Generally speaking, in order to deal with emergencies, it is very important to maintain sufficient physical strength in the desert. If there is no urgent task, they will not maintain the highest speed, and they will not deliberately go long distances, but... Hanami Akira It's so easy to use.

Seeing that as long as the place where the other party has rested will become a large or small "oasis", if it is not rational to know that he should not push forward, Temari sincerely hopes that they can stay longer.

However, as a smart and rational ninja, Temari clearly understands that Akira Hanami's "doing it smoothly" is mainly for the sake of the two countries, and it is not easy to achieve this level.

Temari doesn't mind losing face if she can make her hometown better by lowering her face, but she is afraid that it will backfire, so in the end, enough is enough.

Temari withdrew her dark gaze towards Hanamiming, and continued to discuss with Shikamaru about the planning of Kasa Hidden Village in a serious manner. She felt that there were still some things that could be changed in the previous plan...

Shikamaru silently looked down at the drawings, then glanced at Temari calmly, and then at Hanamiaki who was winking at him not far away, with a look of helplessness on his face.

'Xiao Ming, are you sure this girl is interested in me, not you?Why do I feel like she's been peeping at you? '

——This guy, he couldn't be fooling me to avoid getting into trouble, right?

This thought flashed through Shikamaru's mind for a moment, but he immediately shook his head and shook the thought away.

If I really want to say, when he was dealing with Temari before, he faintly felt that the other party seemed to appreciate him a little bit, and he himself had a good impression of this bright and cheerful beautiful girl, but now...

Shikamaru absent-mindedly nodded in agreement with Temari's words and changed his subordinate's blueprints, and at the same time concentrated his attention and began to observe these two people. He couldn't believe that he couldn't see through the truth with his clever mind!

Akira Hanami inexplicably felt two sets of gazes, including Temari's veiled scrutiny, and Shikamaru's skeptical scrutiny, which was extremely dazed.

He has created such an excellent reason for these two people to contact and created a romantic environment like a desert green space. Why do these two people have such eyes?

"Could it be the rebellious period of youth? Calculate the time and look like a junior high school student. It seems to be the same? It should be."

Hua Jianming could only find this reason.

"Forget it, I'm a mature adult after all, I can't argue with children..."

Speaking of it, Yakumo's mood can also be unpredictable, but it doesn't give people the feeling of a rebellious child, but more like a woman's mood is capricious... Could it be because Yakumo is older than them, and is a senior relationship?
In the delicate atmosphere, Konoha's mission finally arrived at Sand Hidden Village. Akira Hanami was disappointed to find that his Luju CP still hadn't made any progress, so he could only go to rest in disappointment. Really comfortable in the village.

He wasn't in a hurry to see Gaara, anyway, it wouldn't cause any misunderstandings to delay their relationship for a short while, so why not take care of yourself, take a break and meet again?
Hanami Akira, who entered the most luxurious guest house in Hidden Sand Village, turned on the faucet in the bathroom. Looking at the pathetic thickness and output of the water, he could not help but shed a tear of sympathy for Hidden Sand Village, and even the people of the entire Kingdom of Wind. .

"It's really miserable. From this point of view, if you don't know how to escape, even if you are a child of the Fengying family, your daily living conditions are not very good."

"Sure enough, people still have to rely on themselves...Water Dungeon - No, forget about this...Small Water Flow Technique!"

As for Shikamaru next door, let him seek his own blessings!

He finally created such good conditions for him, but he still doesn't know how to cherish them. I hope Shikamaru, after seeing such a difficult environment, realizes how hard Temari's life is, and just marry him back home.

It's all because the description of the AB emotional drama in the previous life makes people can't help but cover their faces, and there are still a lot of supporting roles. There are not many such intersections and emotional lines like Luju, which are obviously natural, which really makes people care.

In the highest-level guest house, Akira Hanami began to freshen up, while on the other side, a certain old-hearted and unrelenting ex-Fourth Kazekage was listening attentively to a ninja's report.

"Are you sure Temari peeked at that person several times? That person didn't say anything?"

"Yes, Kazekage-sama. And, that one also looked at Temari-sama many times."

The ninja kneeling on the ground replied very respectfully.

Although the Fourth Kazekage has abdicated, for the vast majority of people, they are still used to taking orders from this adult. Compared with the young man who has not proved himself and still has a bad style, everyone still thinks The fourth generation is more reliable.

Naturally, many people still obey the orders of Fourth Kazekage Rasa even now that Fifth Kazekage is in power.

——Anyway, the fourth and fifth generations are still father and son, and it is natural for sons to obey their father's orders, so of course there is nothing wrong with their behavior.

Many ninjas think so, making Gaara more like a mascot to appease someone's anger in name, and the real ruler of Sand Hidden Village is Rasa, the abdicated Fourth Kazekage.

Even though Temari and Kankuro are actually biased towards Gaara in their hearts, they agree more with their younger brother and Konoha, but Sand Hidden Village is not the three of them in power, and it is difficult to control people's hearts. Their siblings do have supporters, but they have not yet fully controlled them. village.

In this situation, Luo Sha still couldn't let it go, even if he was teased by his own children and said "I'll leave it to you in the future".

He is worried about the relationship between the young successor and the village, and feels that Gaara and the others are too emotional.

That's right, Konoha's slogan is very nice, and their friendship is also very good now, but people's hearts are changeable, can they guarantee that the one who will miss the old friendship in the future will not change?
From the current point of view, Hanami Akira has indeed mastered the power that can affect the world, but his character is not as easy to talk as the first Hokage!
If it was the first generation, things like before would never happen...

Luo Sha felt deeply anxious and uneasy because of this. He loves the village and the children deeply. Maybe there are some unconvinced ideas of fighting for power, but most of them are for the future of the village.

No matter where Shayin Village goes in the future, he wants to make his children and villagers live a better life.

He had faintly had a certain idea before, but now that he heard the report from his subordinates, this idea became even stronger.

"It's absolutely impossible for a strong man like Akira Hanami to not notice Temari's peeping, and since that's the case... that's great, I was worried about wronging Temari, but now it seems, isn't it just right? "

An old father-like gratified smile appeared on Luo Sha's face.

Although Hua Jianming rejected a certain princess before, Luo Sha is extremely confident in his favorite jewel. His daughter is beautiful and strong, and she is much better than those princesses. Normal, and Temari is definitely good enough.

Like the first generation, didn't he also marry the beautiful and powerful Uzumaki Mito?
"However, I heard that that guy and his teammates seem to be a little..."

"Hehe, it's been so many years. If they could be together, wouldn't they be together a long time ago?"

"Master is wise!"

The subordinate thought about it and found it quite reasonable.

As a straightforward person in the Land of Winds, the local custom is to be forthright and speak out what you have. This is how Luo Sha chased his wife Jia Luluo back then, so the two of them didn't think there was any problem with this logic at all.

On the window sill where the two were not paying attention, an eye made of sand silently watched all this, and quietly turned into dust before the two of them noticed.

In Kazekage's office, Gaara opened his closed eyes and sighed.

"What Temari clearly likes is——"

"You've always been like that, stubborn and self-righteous."

"In that case..."

Gaara crossed her hands and dragged her chin, thought for a moment, and made a decision.

"Call Juan to see me, and ask her to bring the evidence."

Volume is the disciple of Hakura, the hero of Hidden Sand Village. Many years ago, Hakura was deceived by Rasa, the fourth generation of kazekage, to go to Hidden Kiwi Village in the name of performing a secret mission, and then he was disguised as a friend of the friendly army without any precautions. The ninja of Wuyin Village attacked and killed him in a sneak attack and became a victim.

As long as such despicable and vile things are disclosed, Luo Sha will completely lose the hearts of the people.

This method is not glorious, but...

"I can't let you go on fooling around. If you want to blame, blame you for not being able to see the situation clearly!"

 It’s the first day of the official unblocking. Since 3.13, I have really challenged my work limit. I never thought that one day I would work overtime for more than two months and nearly three months. I didn’t have a day off and I didn’t go home. It was just too painful. up.

  Now the mood is completely different from before, and I don’t know what to do when I get home. After thinking about it, it’s better to have a beginning and an end!Decided to write.

  Now that I have written it, I will try my best to finish it, but I can’t remember many details. I will try my best not to finish it...

(End of this chapter)

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