Chapter 331
The third generation was silent for a while, looked at Jiraiya with a smirk on his face, then at Tsunade with a bewildered face, Akira Hanami who was looking at this side curiously, and the complicated eyes of other old friends, slowly He sighed slowly.

"Yes, it seems that the meeting mentioned before can indeed be held in advance, but..."

The third generation took off his hat and cloak slowly, walked up to Tsunade, and pressed the hat and cloak directly on Tsunade.

"Well, Tsunade is the next Fifth Hokage of our Konoha, and the daimyo-sama has already passed this matter, and Tsunade will take over the next thing."

Although the official voting for the public has not yet started, everyone has already passed their anger in private, and it is rounded.

The situation is so complicated now, and the third generation is also very tired, so they simply handed over the burden.

Of course, the main reason is...

Sandai looked at Akira Hana who was hiding innocently in the corner.

He believed that his two disciples were not ambitious to "seek power and usurp the throne" on such occasions, but it was not necessarily the case for other people.

Even the third generation is very clear that compared to himself, I am afraid that whether it is Xiao Ming's child or several other families, they hope that Tsunade will be in power-especially when it comes to Uchiha.

As for Tsunade... even if she didn't know it, she did hide a lot of things, such as Hanami Akira's Mu Dun.

Well, now that Akira Hana made this move, and deliberately helped Tsunade build momentum, even if this wasn't Tsunade's intention, it was at least the intention of the Senshou's power behind it.

Speaking of which, isn't Sarutobi Hiruzen also from the "Thousand Hands One Line"?In this case, why would he not support Tsunade?

Maybe he really couldn't let go of Konoha and rights in his heart, but as long as he turned his head and thought about it, he also felt that his worries were unnecessary.

Hua Jianming is not a genius who has not grown up and can be killed at will, but a strong man who can already use such a terrifying wooden escape.

With such a strong person, even if an orangutan is sitting in the Hokage seat, Konoha’s future is naturally bright when Hanami is alive—calculated based on Hanami’s age and the average age of the ninja world, At least three or four generations don't need to worry about it.

Midai whispered a few words to Tsunade, while walking around the destination, he began to think about the life expectancy of Akira Hana.

If Akira Hanami can live a few more years, Konoha will definitely be able to gain several more years of peace. If the first generation does not die early due to illness, their Konoha will definitely be more prosperous.

It is said that keeping in good health starts with the baby, after a while back, let Tsunade hold that kid Hua Jianming to nurse him!
Tsunade, who was kicked out of the shelves, held back the twitching of the corner of his mouth, not knowing for a while whether it was a coincidental misunderstanding, or someone else's scheme.

However, the matter has come to this point, she has no choice but to take the blame, and can only look at Fengying with unkind eyes.

If you really want to say it, it seems that Hanami Mingming can't be completely blamed for playing big, because it seems that she did say that she wants to show other people some flair, to show the strength of the Qianshou clan and so on.

Perhaps, Xiao Ming's understanding of the display of a billion point force value is like this!
Now, Tsunade must get it, she bit the bullet and explained.

"Guests, please don't panic. This is a special reserved item of our Konoha, and it is specially used to entertain all distinguished guests."

Seeing the panicked expressions of several guards and followers, and the almost inaudible accusations whispered, Tsunade was suddenly relieved—these people were at least somewhat intelligent, and when they were clearly at a disadvantage, they did not provoke without thinking .

Otherwise, it would be a bit of a bad ending.

"Ahaha, as expected of Konoha, well-deserved reputation, well-deserved reputation!"

The daimyo of the Wind Country was indeed taken aback, but as an ambitious man, he didn't want to pursue the facts that had happened. Instead, he had already begun to think about how much benefit he could get from it.

Speaking of which, he wasn't originally this ambitious. It's just that the natural geographical environment of the Land of Winds is really bad, and it's not comfortable to live without thinking about it.

Even if he is a big name in the Land of Winds, his life is very tight, not only because of the economic relationship, but also because of the unique geographical environment of the Land of Winds, even if he is in an oasis, many resources are limited, like this The beauty of the sea of ​​flowers is not usually seen.

"If you can tie this wooden cave... Cough, if you invite the Land of Winds to have a greening..."

The daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind who vomited like looking at the sand had burning eyes. He was willing to exchange the entire Sand Hidden Village for a wooden dungeon—anyway, as long as there is a strong person in Ninja Village, he can raise it sooner or later if he spends some more money. Come out, but Mu Dun is the only one!

I don't know if I sell the whole Shayin, can I exchange it?

The daimyo of the country of wind was very moved, but he also knew that this wish was basically impossible to realize, so he could only be extremely greedy, but he held back and didn't say it outright.

If he should talk about this kind of thing in private, it is always difficult to speak in front of people.

However, it is still possible to leave a good impression by opening your mouth to smooth things over.

The daimyo of the land of wind spoke, and as the host, the daimyo of the land of fire naturally couldn't keep silent, and also answered the words with a smile.

"I didn't expect that after the first generation, Konoha would produce another Mudun...You guys really lived up to my expectations."

Although he said so, the fire country daimyo was extremely helpless in his heart.

Even if a lot of the economy and logistics of Ninja Village depend on the Daming Mansion, if the strength of Ninja Village exceeds that of ordinary people, it will be difficult for the Daming to take the initiative.

In the past, his grandfather's generation was lucky, and the first generation was a person who was indifferent to fame and wealth, didn't like to fight for power and profit, and loved peace. Now this person doesn't know what kind of personality he has.

The daimyo of Fire Nation had a smile on his face, but he couldn't help but pay attention to that little boy out of the corner of his eyes, and his thoughts couldn't help but come alive.

He is young and handsome, and there is a princess Ji in his family, maybe...

The fire country daimyo had an idea in his heart, and he was not as uneasy as before, and he refocused on Tsunade.

That young man is very powerful, and his personality is not clear yet, but no matter how he looks at it, he respects Tsunade Hime very much. As long as Tsunade nods in agreement, the marriage will be settled.

The dynasties of various countries are originally related by marriage, and this layer of protection allows them to restrain and help each other, and unite with the outside world.

Generally speaking, it is rare for a noble princess to marry a ninja, a "low profession", but if the other party is a strong man who can dominate for a lifetime, that is another matter.

Maybe if he uses it well, his great career in the Kingdom of Fire will be even more impregnable!


"Ah! Ahh!"

"Tsk, I have a bad feeling."

Yakumo, who had sneezed twice, suddenly felt a chill, looked around vigilantly, but found nothing, but the alarm that seemed to be being targeted to take something away kept ringing.

"Damn it, no one wants to take away my Mingjiang!"

Yakumo squinted his eyes and looked at the huge Buddha statue above. A forest of flowers could be seen from the boy's outstretched palm, but the specific situation was completely unclear.

"No, I can't just sit and wait for death, I want to go up!"

Yakumo looked around, and after hesitating between Shiro and Gaara for half a second, he decisively chose to walk towards Gaara.

Although Shiro is a cute boy, Gaara makes people feel a little more secure!

(End of this chapter)

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