The Right Way to Die in the Ninja World

Chapter 314 Do You Have This Ability?

Chapter 314 Do You Have This Ability?
The second Chunin exam has come to an end, and a month-long preparation period has entered. During this period, interested people from all over the world can find a way to enter Konoha to watch the game.

Originally, Konoha just wanted to invite the daimyos of the Nation of Wind and Nation of Fire, and mainly promoted it between the two countries, but later, because of Kazekage's proposal and various reasons fueled by someone, the audience of this competition expanded to other countries .

In order to be able to accommodate so many tourists, in the two months before the Chunin exam, Yamato worked overtime almost every day to help expand the competition venue.

In addition, there is now live broadcast technology, as long as a few more large screens are added outside the arena, other spectators who have not bought tickets in the arena can watch the game outside.

Although the main contestants of this Chunin Exam are Konoha and Sand Yin, there are many participants in other Xiaonin villages, and the audience is all over the world. They have a huge influence, and they are a show of the strength of their ninja village. good chance.

At least Temari has been told countless times to practice hard, and must show the strength of Sagak Village in front of everyone - it's not that they don't want to say this to Gaara, but they don't dare to bother Ichio Jinjuriki repeatedly.

Under such pressure, there were even ninjas who went to assassinate Zabuzhan and Shiro.

Probably due to some kind of twisted psychology of Da Nin Village?

After all, according to the number of people, Boren Village, which was newly established a few months ago, entered the finals just like Hidden Sand Village, and it seemed that at least one of them would win a game. This was something that some guys couldn't tolerate.

Of course, the pressure on Konoha is actually not small for the game that is extremely stressful for Hidden Sand Village.

This time, Konoha's participants accounted for 2/3. If their contestants perform well, it means that Konoha has crushed other Ninja villages openly, and if Konoha's players perform poorly, then what kind of shady conspiracy Theories will explode, which will have an extremely negative impact on Konoha.

Therefore, whether it is for the purpose of intimidation or for the purpose of showing oneself, this game must be played beautifully.

It is said that Tiantian's family has already brought all the detonating charms they have hoarded, which means that if you lose, you will not lose. Even if you really can't beat the opponent, you must blow up the opponent and flee in embarrassment to show Konoha's strong economic strength.

In this regard, Hua Jianming, who is regarded as a rich man, can only bow down. He is still a little far away from that realm.

Sure enough, arms dealers are the most profitable, right?

Of course, his small coffers are actually not bad. After all, there are a bunch of good comrades who bring their own dry food to help him earn money. It's just that he doesn't have so much property that is hard to use.

He doesn't need to worry about this question. Before the third exam, he will follow Tsunade for the final training—although he himself doesn't know what Tsunade can teach him, but it is Tsunade anyway. Well intentioned!
However, what Hanami Ming didn't expect was that after Tsunade called him to his Senshou House, he was not in a hurry to announce the content of the professor, but instead discussed a key issue with him.

"Uchiha's Sangouyu Sharingan has a kaleidoscope sharingan on top of it, which is also the eyes that Uchiha Madara once had. In the second exam before, you pissed Uchiha Sasuke out of those eyes, and let the high-level Konoha I was very anxious all of a sudden.”

Tsunade poured two cups of tea casually, and pushed one of them in front of Hanami, seemingly carelessly.

"At that time, someone proposed to directly control those eyes, and some people thought it was inappropriate..."

Having said that, Tsunade did not continue to speak, but looked straight at Hanamiaki, as if waiting for him to ask questions.

Seeing this, Hanami naturally cheered, and asked questions following Tsunade's words.

"So Tsunade-sensei, what decision did the three generations make later?"

"Oh, old man . . . he hasn't made any decisions."

Hanami Akira seemed to sneer when he heard Tsunade, it didn't feel like a sneer or a sneer, but with some emotion, or sadness.

"The old man is old after all, and he asked me in turn what I would do."

"What about your answer, teacher?"

"Before you ask me, I want to hear your answer."

Tsunade didn't answer this question directly, instead she narrowed her eyes and looked at Hanami Akira. She was really curious and wanted to know about Hanami Akira's attitude and opinion.

Uchiha's kaleidoscope is capable of rivaling the power of the first Mudun, and now that Mudun has disappeared, Yamato's one does not have one-tenth of the power of Mudun, but Uchiha Sasuke's kaleidoscope is genuine.

Not to mention the filth of Uchiha and the village before, and the doubts about Kyuubi's runaway, just talk about the time after that, the young Sasuke has not yet reached the peak of his strength, and if he has malicious intentions, who can stop him in the village? live him?
The village can't stand a Nine-Tails Rebellion, nor can it stand another Uchiha Madara.

This is why many people support controlling the kaleidoscope, but...

"If it were you, what would you do?"

Tsunade looked at Hua Jianming, she hesitated for a long time before answering in front of the third generation, and now, she wanted to hear the opinion of this junior.

"I would do nothing."

Hua Jianming said the answer without even thinking about it, without the slightest hesitation at all.

"I don't think Sasuke would do anything to hurt Konoha. He is our companion. Wouldn't it be unfair to start discussing defense when he did nothing wrong?"

Akira Hanami does not think that Sasuke will be like the original Kanmura from the bottom of his heart. Sasuke has father, mother, and friends, and they are all in Konoha.

Even his most important elder brother was only lurking in the outer village at this time, and there was no irreconcilable conflict between the two of them, so they would never go on the road of defection.

The corners of Tsunade's mouth curled up when she heard Hanami Akira's answer. This did not seem to be an answer based on "Konoha's interests are paramount", but it was in line with her wishes.

After all, after thinking it over and over again, she considered the threat of the kaleidoscope, but in the end she chose the same answer as Hua Jianming.

Because, Tsunade will always remember that Grandpa said that Konoha is a big family for everyone. In this big family, everyone should tolerate and understand each other, instead of blindly rejecting and alienating because of prejudice.

Tsunade can make such a judgment because he has a broad mind after weighing the pros and cons. It is also influenced by the first generation, and it is his confidence in his own children.

So, what is Hua Jianming's own thinking for saying this?

"What if he endangers Konoha in the future?"

"Then wake him up again at that time." Hua Jianming thought of Sasuke's experience in the original book, and nodded affirmatively, "Correction, ahem, the mistakes made by friends are also the obligations of friends."

so close!I almost said that if the son doesn't teach, it's the father's fault.


I always feel like I heard some strange pronunciation just now?

Forget it, these are all details, there is no need to pursue it.

"Since this is the case, you must also have the strength to check and balance the opponent."

Tsunade raised his head and spoke very seriously.

"I'm not saying that your trust in Sasuke was wrong. At the beginning, Grandpa also trusted Uchiha Madara... Although they ended up quarreling, but anyway, after Uchiha Madara lost control, Grandpa was able to stop it. "

——And you, do you have this ability?
This is what Tsunade wants Hanami to understand.

Hua Jianming showed a look of sudden realization when he heard the words, and nodded.

"I understand what you mean, Tsunade-sensei. Don't worry, Naruto can definitely hold Sasuke!"


With question marks all over his head, Tsunade looked at Hanamiaki.

——When I have question marks all over my head, I don't think I have a problem, but I think you have a problem!
Tsunade made this choice because she actually had the mentality of a gambler, because she didn't think her own children would be worse than the ones next door. She wanted to encourage Akira Hanami to work hard and gain great strength, at least to be able to beat Uchiha violently Sasuke's level is enough.

So, what the hell is Naruto getting involved all of a sudden? !
That boy Naruto is not bad, he is still Jiraiya's disciple, but...but you belong to the Senshou family!

"Too slack!"

Tsunade almost crushed the teacup, looking at the well-behaved Hanamiaki sitting across from him, he showed a ferocious smile.

Originally, she still felt that the next task would be a bit difficult, but since this kid is so "slack", she really needs to use some tough methods.

There is no way for Xianshu, Hua Jianming has already signed a nightmare, and can no longer sign a contract with a slug fairy, then...

"Come on, I'll give you a month to learn ninjutsu from the scroll."

"Ah? Oh..."

Hanami Akira was thrown a large scroll by Tsunade, a little confused, but still nodded.

Anyway, his purpose has always been to learn ninjutsu if he can learn it, and if he can't learn it, he can use illusion to cheat, and make illusions to pretend that he has learned it. Anyway, as long as the effect is the same, who cares whether it is fire escape, water escape or illusion?

As long as he turned the illusion scene into reality, it was equivalent to learning the Five Elements Escape Technique.

However, when Hua Jianming opened the pages and saw the first line, he fell silent.

"Tsunade-sensei, are you serious?"

"Of course! You have to be at least as good as Yamato. You have already mastered Water Dungeon and Earth Dungeon, which is not difficult for you."

Tsunade glanced meaningfully.

"Your cells and Chakra interest are the closest to grandpa since I met Qianshou, even closer than me and my brother."


Looking at the wooden escape ninjutsu one by one on the scroll, Akira Hanami fell into deep thought.

Now, he seems to have the ability of Yamato-level wooden escape?Is this wave a rhythm for him to cross the road?

Wait, why did Tsunade talk about his cells and chakra problems? !How did she know? !When exactly? !

(End of this chapter)

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