Chapter 306
When the second exam went smoothly.

Orochimaru didn't plan to take Sasuke's body, and didn't plant a curse mark on Sasuke, so naturally there was no link of sending his own men to test it.

The seventh class happened to meet with the first class again. After the break, the two hit it off and started to cooperate. Naturally, there was no team that could stop them.

After grabbing the scrolls of two Xiaonin Village teams randomly along the way, they still didn't meet Gaara.

The goal of Akira Hanami has been achieved, so just right, they met the team with the super sensory ninja of Xianglin, and learned from Xianglin that the most dangerous character Gaara was the first time he entered the examination room. Go straight to the central tower.

The dangerous person who wanted to "eliminate" the most had already left one step earlier, so Hua Jianming naturally didn't have to stay in the examination room for this excuse.

Of course, if they encounter "little monsters" along the way, they will still kill them easily, which can be regarded as eliminating their next opponents.

Originally, Hua Jianming wanted to eliminate some more guys in the second game, so that there would be no troublesome qualifiers, but unfortunately there are too many acquaintances to start, so he can only pick those unfamiliar teams to start.

With Xianglin, the humanoid detector, grabbing the scroll became the easiest thing to do. With the combination of the three teams, they almost wiped out all non-friendly teams.

So contrary to everyone's expectations, the second exam ended in less than a day.

The combination of the [-]th squad, the [-]st squad and the Genbu team was too overbearing. Except for the Gaara team who went straight to the central tower at the beginning, they swept away all non-friendly units, so that the friendly units were unimpeded. Fili passed the second exam.

All the Jonin teachers who were waiting in the second examination room looked very strange, especially the Jonin Maki of Sand Ninja Village, whose complexion was almost livid.

Without him, the team that passed this time, the Konoha Shinobi team has a total of five teams, and the sand ninja village team has only Gaara, the only one.

Leaving Konoha's team aside, let's compare it to other participating teams from Xiaonin Village...

Fantasy Ninja Village is formed by Uchiha Itachi and two elite Uchihas, and successfully passed Team 1.

The black and white combination of Boren Village (Zenbuzhan and Bai) plus a Kaisha successfully passed the 1st team.

Because of the friendship with Konoha, Hanami Akira gave the team of Hoshikage Son of Hoshinoshi Village a scroll and successfully passed Team 1.

Orochimaru, who was lurking in Cao Ninja Village, secretly extended a helping hand, and even passed Team 1.

Calculated in this way, Sand Ninja Village, one of the top five ninja villages, has the same pass rate as so many small ninja villages. It's no wonder that this kind of victory can make Maji happy!
Even if Sand Ninja Village has always claimed that it is taking the elite route of few but fine, it does not mean that elite teams are so rare!
This made other Ninja villages see it, so why not laugh at the sand ninja village?
At this moment, Maji is very glad that Gaara has come to take the exam, at least he can earn some noodles for Sand Ninja Village, and with such a strong Konoha...

Such a four-generation Kazekage-sama's plan may still have a slight chance of success.

Hua Jianming glanced at Ma Ji, who was fluctuating and treacherous, and understood.

Although there is no involvement of Orochimaru, it is obvious that Sand Ninja Village is also a bad visitor this time, and there is some secret plan first, otherwise which ninja village will send its own Renzhuli to other villages for no reason?
Oh, that heartless Taki Ninja Villager Zhu Lifu doesn't count.

However, that little girl still understands a little bit of truth, she just came out to play for a while, and deliberately gave up in the second exam, and she is watching a play in the auditorium now!

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense. Although I want to congratulate you for successfully passing through the death forest, this is not the end."

On the stage, the blond Tsunade Hime stood there majestically. Compared with the three aging generations, he gave people a sense of heroism and determination. Even his speech was full of vigor and resoluteness, and his words were short and powerful.

"I think you should know that you represent not only yourself, but also the ninja villages and countries behind each of you, and the middleman exam is the epitome of the battle between each ninja village and each country."

"In the third exam, big names from various countries will attend according to the situation. Only the elite among the elite can be qualified to stand on that stage. There are too many of you now!"

Tsunade glanced at the candidates who passed and shook his head.

The three generations of teachers had proposed a 1V1 match before, but Tsunade felt that it was too troublesome, and it was easy to be said to be a black box operation, why bother?It's better to be quicker and crisper.

"So, before the third test, there will be a qualifier. In order to save time, you should take it together!"


"Go together?"

"What do you mean?"

"Wait, this is different from what you said..."

"Do you want a big fight?"

The candidates in the audience, including the failed candidates in the audience, were all thinking about it. Tsunade clapped his hands and stomped his feet in dissatisfaction. A deep hole appeared, and the audience fell silent instantly.

"That's right! It's a big fight!"

"There are currently 10 teams that have passed, with a total of 30 people. As long as more than half of them fall down or admit defeat, the rest will automatically advance to the third round of exams."

"This is not fair!"

A sand ninja village candidate who was still wrapped in a bandage finally couldn't hold back his yelling. He was a candidate who had failed the exam before, and he looked at Tsunade with resentment in his eyes.

"You have the most people and the most allies in Muye Village. It would be unfair to us to unite!"

"To shut up!!!"

Before Tsunade could speak, Maki, the teacher leading the sand ninja village, laughed angrily, and gave the examinee a vicious look.

Of course, Maji knew that this was the conspiracy of Konoha Village, and Konoha deliberately sniped their contestants.

However, can this be said?
In the ninja world, weakness is the original sin.

This is a truth recognized by all, and there is no other reason.

It's really embarrassing if you can't afford to lose.

Almost everyone present looked at that person with disdainful eyes, but Naruto on Konoha's side scratched his head and spoke in a moderate voice in doubt.

"By the way, although that guy looks ugly, what he said seems to make sense? We have so many Konoha teams, and most of the rest of the team are friends we know. It seems that it is not fair to them?"

"Naruto, you idiot!"

"Naruto, where are you from?"

When Sasuke and Sakura heard this, their faces darkened instantly, and they knocked on Naruto's head from left to right.

"Idiot, didn't you guys listen to Tsunade-sama's speech just now? After all, this examination room is the epitome of Ninja Village and the country."

"That's right, since that's the case, isn't it true on the battlefield, in the dispute between Ninja Village and the country?"


"Naruto, you have to think about why Konoha has the most advantage."

Seeing that Sasuke and Sakura didn't convince Naruto, Hanami couldn't help interjecting.

"Sakura, Sasuke, what you said is too general. To deal with a guy like Naruto, you must have the patience like treating a baby. Break it up bit by bit and tell him so that he can understand."

Akira Hanami has a deep understanding of this point. As a teacher, "Mei Lin" has been tossed and tossed by Naruto many times, and only then has he summed up a wealth of experience.

"At the end of the day, we have the most people and the most friends, but why?"

"Because our Konoha has the best education resources, the best benefits, strong ninja strength, a gentle external image, and a willingness to help others, so those who have attained the Tao will help!"

Naruto answered without thinking, these are the main points that Mr. Meilin told him.


Hanami Akira glanced at the sand ninja who questioned the unfairness of the examination method just now with a smile that was not a smile, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a mocking arc.

"Conversely, some ninja villages have poor education and cannot educate many elite ninjas, so there are fewer natural people. Then, they are stingy and cruel to the outside world, indifferent and self-closing, and naturally have no friends."

"Oh, I understand this! If you sow flowers, you will reap melons, and if you sow beans, you will reap beans!"

Naruto understood instantly this time, and raised his head seriously to speak to the sand ninja in the stands.

"Hey! That friend from Sand Ninja Village, did you misunderstand just now? Now I understand that this exam is actually quite fair. We have the most advantage because of our logistics, education, resources, security, and diplomacy. Ah! You can't do these things."


That Sand Ninja blushed with anger, but couldn't say anything to refute.

He felt the murderous intent of Maji Jonin, which was obviously warning him.

Moreover, at this time, his brain was short-circuited, and he also reacted.

Konoha is originally full of talents, there are many ninjas, there are many contestants, and the examination rules do not say that teams cannot join forces. Those other sand ninjas who came to participate were eliminated because they were weak.

There is no such thing as you in the ninja world. The weak are crushed by the strong. Isn't this a matter of course?

In a sense, isn't such a "crushing" exam another kind of "fairness"?
The examinee was pale and trembling all over.

He knew that this time he would be punished, and the lightest would be to be left out in the cold. After all, it was he who broke the unspoken rules that everyone tacitly agreed to, and instead exposed the shortcomings of their sand ninja village.

Unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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