The Right Way to Die in the Ninja World

Chapter 302 This vest should be thrown away

Chapter 302 This vest should be thrown away
The atmosphere in Hokage's office was somewhat dignified.

Although Tsunade has fast-forwarded to the end of the exam and asked a little ghost to write the love story of his grandparents when they were young, the problem that needs to be solved urgently now is how to deal with the kaleidoscope of Uchiha.

Originally, the relationship between Uchiha and the village became more and more indifferent after Kyuubi's attack, and even reached the point of daggers at one point, but after Uchiha's "split", the relationship gradually eased up.

This is not only the Uchiha who stayed, but the relationship between most of the doves and the neutral faction, and more importantly, the statement of the Uchiha patriarch - Uchiha even publicly admitted that he was mentally ill (Fuyue: No) to belittle himself , to win Konoha's trust.

Although this is the wrong cognition of the young and ignorant Sasuke under the misleading of Akira Hanami, there is no doubt that the behavior of the only heir of Uchiha makes everyone think they understand.

This is Uchiha giving up his favorite face and compromising to Konoha!
Even, in order to make this scene realistic, they even bowed their heads to Senshou, asked Tsunade Hime to testify, and eased the relationship with Konoha.

The Uchihas have already achieved this step, Konoha can't press every step of the way, otherwise let alone public opinion, other families may have to think carefully.

So it is logical that Uchiha's reputation in Konoha has improved a lot in recent years, and even more people go to the cat dessert shop.

However, the premise of all this is that under the premise that the Uchiha clan has been reduced in strength and cannot pose an essential threat to Konoha, Sasuke's kaleidoscope is undoubtedly a breaking balance.

The atmosphere was at a stalemate for a while, and it was difficult for anyone to come out and say anything.


Suddenly a loud laugh broke the silence in the room.

Someone broke the silence first, and everyone looked around, wanting to see who was so bold as to dare to laugh out loud on such an occasion.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the white-haired man.

It is best for someone to smooth things over, and this person is also qualified to speak.

"Jiraiya, what are you laughing at?"

Tsunade rolled his eyes, he didn't know whether to blame him or flatter him, and said, "What's so funny?"

"Ah, isn't this what I heard before that Uchiha's sharing eyes are all awakened on the edge of life and death after fighting on the battlefield?"

Ji Lai also rubbed his head and laughed foolishly, deliberately omitting another possibility and instead asked.

"In other words, since Sharingan can be evolved by a photo, wouldn't those Uchihas have nothing to fight at all, wouldn't it be just to catch mice and cockroaches to scare them, would they open their eyes? Think about that scene , I thought it was funny"


"Oh, by the way, by the way, Uchiha seems to have kept a lot of cats, isn't it just to catch mice and cockroaches?"


Uchiha Fugaku looked at Jiraiya blankly, he didn't dare to show any disrespect, but he had a lot to say about his family's reputation being harmed.

However, before Uchiha Fugaku said anything more, Jiraiya threw something at him, and subconsciously Fugaku showed Sharingan Yikunai and split the black thing.

"This is……"

"Hey, it's the rations I prepared for Toadichi! It turns out that you will really open your eyes when you see these things. It's not as mysterious as the rumors say."


Uchiha Fugaku had a bunch of things to say, but finally shut up.

Looking at the miserable corpse of the cockroach that was divided into two, the corners of his mouth twitched. He could only rejoice that he hadn't used the kaleidoscope for a long time, and he was used to suppressing it, so he didn't expose it.

Maybe this can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune?
But the problem is...

"I didn't couldn't be true, could it?"

"I heard that XX started the show after killing the first enemy. Could it be that he didn't kill people but killed chickens to open his eyes?"

"And OO, I remember he claimed that he opened his eyes under the stimulation of being attacked by the enemy. Could it be that the enemy attacked him only Xiaoqiang?"

"It seems that YY also said that his Sharingan was saved by opening his eyes when he was poisoned... Could it be that he was awakened by eating spicy food rather than poison?"

"I'm so envious, Xueji who can be awakened as long as this is the case..."


I always feel that the family has improved to a higher level in terms of being victimized by wind reviews.

Uchiha Fugaku trembled angrily, but soon, he realized something again, met the slightly smiling eyes of the adult, and nodded slowly.

Although this entry point is a bit bad, and it is also harmful to the reputation, but it is undeniable that Jiraiya-sama's words broke the deadlock in the room and made the atmosphere a lot easier.

Some families who have a good relationship with Uchiha, or those who don’t want to see Uchiha’s unlucky family, are also casual, talking nonsense, and helping to interrupt.

Fuyue met Hinata Hyuzu, who also casually gossiped. The patriarch of the Hyuga family seemed to be reluctant to watch his old opponent's jokes, and made a few jokes, which inadvertently heated up the atmosphere.

Of course he knows, this is not to say how friendly they are with Uchiha, but if Uchiha falls, it is difficult to say which family the next Konoha will target.

The Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan have always been rivals who don't know each other, but perhaps, the Hyuga clan is the family that least wants Uchiha to have an accident in the entire Konoha.

No one mentions those same eyes as Uchiha Madara without long eyes, and everyone ignores this problem tacitly.

Uchiha Fugaku breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he and Itachi had already prepared for the worst. Anyway, he and Itachi both had kaleidoscopes. If Konoha wanted to kill the weeds and root them out in advance, he and Itachi would send Sasuke and Mikoto away even if they died.

However, at least for now, among Konoha's senior management, at least Jiraiya's attitude is moderate, and he will not take Sasuke as some kind of "next generation Uchiha Madara" to guard against.

Jiraiya's attitude represents Tsunade's attitude, and the heart of this descendant of the Thousand Hands is trustworthy.

According to internal information, this time Tsunade will host the exam as the host, and then he will communicate with the daimyo in the third round. After that, he will be the Fifth Hokage. The only thing he has to worry about is to protect his family and clan before then.

The couples of the five generations in the future don't need to worry too much. Although the third generation has frequent tricks, they will definitely not be impatient and vicious people. Only the most troublesome one...

Uchiha Fugaku quietly observed the members of Konoha Elders from the corner of his eyes, feeling anxious.

At this time, the elders of Konoha are only Zhuanju Koharu and Mito Menyan, and the most dreaded Shimura Danzo has not appeared. Who knows what Konoha Yukura will do in the future?
Hanami Akira, who was running around in the second exam, couldn't help but sneezed loudly.

"Ming-chan, what's wrong with you? Did you catch a cold?"

"Ah, maybe someone missed me."

Akira Hanami looked in the direction of the Hokage office building with a complicated expression.

Of course he knows that at this time, "Shimura Danzo" is not in line with the human design, and he can indeed operate two-line, or even three-line and four-line operation, but it is limited to simple scripted behaviors.

With such a long distance, two-line operation in front of so many people and the frequent occurrence of exams here, he felt that he might not be able to do it.

Therefore, he finally chose to pass the news through the secret channels of Sandai and Danzo to stabilize the other party, and then talk about it in detail after the exam is over.

Hope nothing goes wrong.

Perhaps, the vest of Danzo should be thrown away...

(End of this chapter)

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