The Right Way to Die in the Ninja World

Chapter 28 How can it be called rubbish about scholars?

Chapter 28 How can it be called rubbish about scholars?

Hua Jianming didn't think there was anything wrong with learning from the experience of senior authors.

For the next long period of time, he is going to spend it like this. After all, after possessing a fairy body, he feels that he already has a certain ability to protect himself. It is still right to spend time learning how to eat well. .

For him now, his chakra is growing naturally every moment, the efficiency of chakra extraction has also doubled several times, and the speed of physical recovery and wound healing has also been greatly improved.

In fact, in theory, Hua Jianming no longer needs to do a task like grabbing dog food to improve his chakra, but the problem is...

"I don't even know how good my quality is! Although it is said that 'ka' is a unit of measurement for chakra, the problem is that I have no idea how much chakra is in a card!"

Akira Hanami doesn't know any kind of ninjutsu, and doesn't seem to have any such talent, so it's not clear what the normal amount of ninja chakra should be.

Not to mention that he hasn't learned the three-body technique yet, even if he has learned, he doesn't know how many "three-body techniques" are the standard for ninja!

He didn't really want to ask the teacher this kind of question.

If you go to a teacher, maybe some enthusiastic teachers will enthusiastically help check his chakra, and then...he hasn't learned how to restrain himself, and his chakra may be exposed.

In the future where patience is worse than a dog and shadow-levels walk everywhere, Hua Jianming thinks that he will have to wait until the sixth level at least before he can barely protect himself, right?
Even if he wanted to show off his talents and obtain better resources and cultivation, he only needed to show his IQ or talent for ninjutsu and ninja tools.

For things like the blood of the immortal body, it is better to keep a low profile.

【Mission: Snatch Akamaru's dog food and eat it】

[Reward: Standard ninja-level Chakra amount (except for hanging on the wall)]

The amount of chakra rewarded by this task is no longer considered by Hua Jianming, but after completing the task, it is necessary to make a relatively accurate judgment on yourself.

Who would want to eat dog food if they could do without it?

However, it seems that this is also a sacrifice that should be made if this task can be completed.

In the original world, many people's status at home is not as good as their own cats and dogs, and those little pets eat better than humans!

Some pets are treated better than their own sons and daughters. I heard that high-grade salmon and high-grade beef will be in these pet recipes, and I don’t know how real this world is.

Hua Jianming thought of a cat owner who only drank purified water at home, only imported milk, and had salmon in his food, so he couldn't help swallowing.

As the famous dog lovers, the Inuzuka family, the food for their dogs should not be worse than that of the cat owner, right?

Of course, it's not that he is so embarrassed that he wants to compete with the dog for food, but it's just that he needs to verify how the Inuzuka family treats the dog, the most loyal friend of mankind.

Akira Hanami had some ideological struggles, and her brain circuit unknowingly always led to questions such as "Does the dog of the Inuzuka family eat Kobe beef"...

Well, completing the mission is only incidental, the main purpose is to become stronger and protect the nuclear peace!
Having said that, it also requires a certain amount of timing. After all, Akira Hanami and Inuzuka have nothing to do with each other, and they usually eat lunch separately.

The customs here are very similar to those in Japan. Students bring their own bento to eat and share it with their friends.

Hanami Akira has always been with Ikacho's people, and suddenly it is difficult to get close to Inuzuka Ya, but it is not completely impossible.

In the ninja school, in addition to learning theoretical courses and basic knowledge of ninjutsu, taijutsu, and ninjutsu, there are also some normal sub-classes, such as home economics.

At first glance, this class sounds different from the ninja fighting and killing, but it is actually very necessary.

There may be some ninjas who are really not good at cooking, but most people can cook food, distinguish which are poisonous and inedible, and which are non-toxic and edible, so as to ensure their survival in the wild.

Although this profession does not sound like a gentle and virtuous type, self-reliance is still very important for a ninja.

People who can cook particularly delicious food or who are talented enough to make dark dishes are a minority after all, and most normal people can still reach the passing line.

In the home economics class, in addition to teaching everyone to distinguish plants, how to deal with prey, and how to carry out normal cooking and survival in the wild, the teacher will also teach some other little knowledge.

For example, how to match the diet to be more reasonable and nutritious, how to prepare nutritious meals for the pets you want to cultivate, and even ninja beasts, etc.

Although these are only elementary knowledge, it is indeed enough for most people.

Not everyone can sign a contract with the Holy Land to summon a group of powerful psychic beasts.

Most ninjas will choose psychics, their own ninja tools, or cultivate some small animals to become ninja beasts as an aid. For them, these basic knowledge are enough to get started.

If you need to study further, you have to find a way to pay the price.

For Hua Jianming, he didn't seriously cultivate the mind of a Ninja Beast, he just waited silently for the opportunity.

When the home economics class prepares Ninja Beast's primary nutrition meal, that's the opportunity!
However, we still have to wait...

Patience is a ninja's virtue.

Silently telling himself that after he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, he finally had the patience to finish reading the sixth book of the "Will of Fire" series.

So far, he has used up all the ninjas he can borrow from the ninja school, and the next is the seventh to tenth volumes for ninjas who have graduated, and he doesn't know any adult ninjas, so he can only find another way up.

In fact, Konoha has a library, but this library is not open to everyone.

Even in theory, anyone who is in Konoha can be qualified to read books, but a "borrowing card" is still required, and you can't just read whatever you want. Konoha Library has several floors.

Students of Ninja School like Akira Hanami only need to spend a little money to get a library card for the most basic floor, and that little money is similar to a deposit.

However, for Hua Jianming, who is already too poor to afford meat, how can he pay such a fee again?
So, in the end, he decided to go to Konoha's bookstore.

"Scholar's business, how can it be called rubbish?"

After class, Hanami Akira, who felt deeply that his writing skills were not enough, went to the largest bookstore in Konoha, because the large bookstore had a lot of people, so it was convenient for him to fish in troubled waters.

In fact, it is still not very convenient.

No way, the books on the bestseller list will be placed in the most prominent position.

Now, the best-selling No.1 is "Intimate Heaven" written by a well-known and unknown Toad Immortal, and the No.2 is the sixth to tenth volumes of the "Will of Fire" series that brought sales with its own fame and prestige , both of which are placed on the most eye-catching big bookshelf at the door.

Therefore, Hua Jianming's choice was to take the opportunity to touch a copy of "The Will of Fire" when he saw a passerby stealthily touching a copy of "Intimate Heaven" to buy it, and then walked inside with the book, hiding Look behind the bookshelf inside.

He is petite, and generally speaking, as long as the shop owner doesn't stand up to patrol, he can't see inside at the cash register.

Although Hua Jianming didn't think it was possible to hide this from the shop owner, but if the other party had a good temper, he would turn a blind eye and close his eyes.

Anyway, it's better than him standing at the gate reading a book and not ready to buy it yet.

Hua Jianming is also a person who wants face!
(End of this chapter)

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