Chapter 254 The Ideal Life

Hua Jianming is finally not a polished commander now, and he has more or less manpower under his command.

I have to say that the training and philosophy of root ninjas are indeed devoid of human nature, but they are really easy to use, and there is no need to worry about explanations or to worry about news leaks.

Danzo did a lot of small tricks before hiding it from the third generation.

Most of the three generations turned a blind eye to those who targeted the interior of Konoha, but many of the three generations did not know about the actions outside the village-for example, the joint sansho fish Hanzo suppressed the Akatsuki organization, and the murder of Jiraiya was also in the rain. The three apprentices recruited by the village and the like.

If the third generation knew that Jiraiya had accepted three powerful disciples, they would rather take the risk of recruiting people into Konoha, and then infect them with the "will of fire", and would not choose the simple and brutal method of murder.

It's a pity that the third generation really doesn't know that Danzo's many small actions have missed many opportunities.

Of course, this also proves from the side that the information security work at the root is actually very good.

In most cases, the loyalty and ability of these Genin are relatively reliable.

Hua Jianming is already planning to reform the roots of the various treatments to increase their loyalty to him, but there is no rush.

At present, he needs to confirm a capable all-purpose assistant to be his coolie before he can proceed with the next action.

Hua Jianming didn't know that Yao Shidou had made up a lot of brains because of his casual sentence, and he came into contact with Dashewan very consciously-why not do it if he can work an extra job and get an extra salary in an open and honest manner? ?

Yao Shidou was very happy with the order he had received, and was going to be a spy in Yinren Village seriously.

He was ordered to get three times his salary without worrying about being checked by the water meter.

As for the respect for Oshemaru-sama...

Of course, Yaoshidou still respects Dashewan as always, after all, that lord is a leader with a very charismatic personality, and he is very sympathetic to Yaoshidou's taste in scientific pursuits.

However, is there a conflict between admiring the leader and wanting the leader to pay an extra salary?

There is no conflict at all!

Moreover, other people may not know it, but Yaoshidou knows very well that Master Dashewan actually cares about money very much.

Scientific research is the most costly thing. It takes money to buy experimental equipment, and it takes money to make experimental materials. It takes money to prepare for experiments, and it takes money to make experimental materials. Without money, it is absolutely impossible.

Yao Shidou felt that Master Orochimaru must be able to understand his appeal, after all, that Master has never been stingy in rewarding those who are useful.

Therefore, Yaoshi went to Orochimaru to apply for a job with peace of mind, and Hua Jianming was not surprised by this.

Hua Jianming, who didn't know Yaoshidou's brains, only thought that Yaoshidou was "like-minded", or simply attracted by Dashewan's personality charm, and didn't take it to heart.

Orochimaru will still contribute to Konoha sooner or later, and sooner or later Konoha will be Naruto's territory, and Naruto's military adviser is him, so rounding it up, the result is that Orochimaru's subordinates are also equivalent to his It's down.

The next day, Yao Shidou, who went to the root to report, was full of proposals and reform plans, and his eyes were a little dull.

Hua Jianming, who was sitting on the boss chair, yawned, and said very openly: "If you have any questions, you can just ask, you are welcome. If there is no problem, just go down and work directly."

The pharmacist pushed his glasses and remained silent.

It's not that there are no problems, but that there are too many problems, and he didn't know where to start for a while.

Just now he quickly looked through all the documents and the scope of tasks he needs to be responsible for.

In addition to the general direction of reform and planning at the beginning, he is required to do everything from personnel arrangement, review and inspection, implementation measures, supervision and management, follow-up feedback, publicity and public opinion, and even leadership signatures and seals All the parts need him to do it for him.

——So, let me do all these things, and you don't even do personal seals and signatures, so what are you doing as a leader?

Yao Shidou could hardly hold back the expression on his face.

Although it is good to be reused, the workload and scope of authority are too exaggerated, which makes him wonder if the other party is trying to test him.

Yao Shidou didn't dare to act rashly, and he couldn't question his immediate superior directly, so he could only speak tactfully.

"Well... these tasks are trivial and repeated. Although I am confident to do it well, I am also worried that there will be mistakes. Why don't you come and check?"

"No, I believe in your ability." Hua Jianming Dayi waved his hand awe-inspiringly, "My principle is that I don't doubt people, and I don't doubt people when I hire people. I believe in you, so go ahead and do it boldly! Everything we do is for Konoha!"

"Yes! Everything is for Konoha!"

For some reason, after listening to these words, Yao Shidou only felt that the blood was surging in his heart, and his whole body was full of energy.

Maybe, this is the feeling of the so-called "scholar dies for his confidant"?
Yaoshidou didn't know it, because he also admitted that he was a Konoha ninja, so under the influence of some mysterious power, he got a skill and had a good impression of someone.

Now he is like a young man who has been beaten up by his boss, starting to fight for a better tomorrow with great enthusiasm.

Hua Jianming was very satisfied with this, and he decided to donate a little more money to the orphanage.

The foreshadowing that should be planted has already been planted, and next, it should be the daily calm time, waiting for the start of the plot!

Abandoning the tasks in hand, Hua Jianming happily returned to normal campus life.

This is his ideal day!
If it wasn't for the alien crisis in the future, he wished that life would go on like this.

He doesn't look like some Wannian elementary school student who has a beautiful childhood sweetheart waiting for him, so he wants to grow up quickly. Hua Jianming feels that learning what he knows easily is as enjoyable as abusing vegetables.

Not only that, but this school is also of a special nature. As long as you have the ability, you can skip classes at will, make jokes with your friends, go out to eat, drink and have fun. How could you not want to live such a fairy life?
It would be even better if the computers or mobile phones in Orochimaru and Dou could be developed faster.

However, probably because of the name, Orochimaru is not interested in "mobile phones", which are of great breakthrough significance for the transmission of information in the ninja world, but is interested in "computers".

After all, the former is meaningless to Orochimaru, while the latter is engaged in "calculation" as soon as the name is heard, and many scientific research seats require a lot of calculations. If there is really a machine that can calculate the results efficiently and accurately , was of great help to him.

So, in the end, the mobile phone research and development project fell to Dou and his root technology team, while Orochimaru specialized in research on how to make a computer.

Of course, due to Hua Jianming's misleading in advance, the other party skipped the "calculator" and went straight to the "computer", which is a bit more difficult.

However, with Orochimaru's talent level, Hanami believes that he will be able to do it.

In this era, there is already electricity, television, and air-conditioning, refrigerators, and movies, and it will be sooner or later that computers will be developed.

There are still many things to look forward to, such as what kind of flowers the seeds of Bird Country and Wave Country will bloom, such as the research of "star", and where will the obsession of Obito lead the future plot, But those are a bit too far away from him.

Now that it is close at hand, what is worth looking forward to is when Tsunade will pull down the third generation, and when Tsunade will marry Jiraiya.

The three generations are already old bones, so they can't still occupy the position of Hokage and not move, right?

He believes that in another two years, Tsunade will stay in Konoha Hospital for another two years, and save a few more people. No need for Tsunade to say anything, other people will be cautious and partial to Tsunade.

As for the twilight love between Jiraiya and Tsunade... Both of them have already pierced the window paper, so it should be soon, right?

At this age, wouldn't it be too late to wait another ten years?

In this way, the future looks bright!


(End of this chapter)

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