The Right Way to Die in the Ninja World

Chapter 248 Uncle Snake, You Don't Mind, Do You?

Chapter 248 Uncle Snake, You Don't Mind, Right?
Yakumo's thinking is actually very simple.

In her opinion, Hua Jianming's "urgent" desire to make up for something must be due to guilt for the evil things Gen Mo once did.

Yakumo also felt that this was a bit too much, but of course her idea was to get rid of the bad guys, and make up for it if she could.

If no one can be found, or those two people have already died, then there is nothing to do, after all, this is not her responsibility.

However, Hanami Akira seems to be forced to take on things that were not his fault because he is the disciple of Genbu's boss, which makes Yakumo both moved and distressed.

I was moved by Hua Jianming's kindness and gentleness, and felt sorry for Hua Jianming for helping his teacher take the blame.

If the "victim" had died, Min-chan would be even more upset.

But if Hua Jianming can make amends to the "victim", this guilt should be alleviated or even eliminated, right?

Based on this idea, Yakumo thought about the difficulty of pinching people with illusion, and decided to try to find it.

If you can find the best, if you can't find it, go to PLAN B.

'However, that old guy is really annoying, shameless, he's so bad that he's going to die, why don't we just kill him? '

Such a thought suddenly popped up in Yakumo's head, even his eyes drifted around subconsciously, trying to take in the surrounding situation in his eyes, maybe when it will be used?

But if you get rid of that bad old man, Ming-chan won't have a teacher. Does she still have to find a way to pinch an old villain in Danzang?

Although it's not impossible...


Hua Jianming suddenly shivered, with an inexplicable chill, as if he was being watched by someone.

"I always feel that there is an ominous premonition..."

"Really? Mingjiang, you have to be careful. It's gloomy here, and those people don't look like good people."

Yakumo was a little worried, and his heart was full of doubts.

Could it be that that bad old man wanted to harm Ming Jiang?

Should she come in more often and try to assassinate that old guy?
I don't know why, obviously there are many other objects of suspicion, but as soon as Hanami Ming said that he felt ominous, the image of that old mummy villain grandpa popped up in Yakumo's head.

Perhaps, this is the will of the great universe in the dark.

In Yakumo's cognition, the education he received at school since childhood is that Konoha is Mitsu Weisho and Hokage is amiable, kind and kind. At the same time, as the most outstanding genius in the Kurama family, she is often called Teaching informs something else.

It's like saying that there is an unfathomable darkness hidden under the light of Konoha, and the source of the darkness of Konoha is the notorious Shimura Danzo-this old guy is the most hated guy in the Konoha family.

In this way, the black pot was naturally picked up by the pot king.

If Akira Hanami knew Yakumo's thoughts, she would probably feel that Danzo may have died a bit early, and there are many scapegoats that are too late to bear, but now...

"Yakumo, it's been a long time since we got together. Do you have time? How about going to eat something together?"

"Of course there is!"

Yakumo's eyes lit up, he smiled and nodded in agreement.

It doesn't matter where you go, what matters is who invites you and who you go with.

"By the way, during this period of time, Konoha opened a very popular store, why don't we go there!"

Yakumo thought of the hot shop, and smiled.

"It not only sells delicious food and drinks, but also provides a lot of small booths and private rooms to rest and chat. Recently, it is said that there is a new service that allows people to read books and play games. We just took this opportunity to relax. .”


Akira Hanami already knew what Yakumo was talking about.

Such an advanced "comprehensive entertainment facility" was naturally his idea.

The main reason is that Obito sent a message saying that he felt that Bai Jue still had great potential to be tapped, but the shops of Coca-Cola Fried Chicken were almost saturated, so he was asked to come up with an idea.

Therefore, Hua Jianming thought of this method to expand the service types of the "absolute" style store.

If you already have a smart computer, you can go to an Internet cafe or something. Unfortunately, this part of the technology tree has not yet been clicked.

The main reason is that many famous scientists in the ninja world are interested in biotechnology. They are not so professional in this kind of industrial electronics technology, and they don't have that much motivation to study it.

Now he has dispatched "scientists" researchers belonging to the root to study "mobile phones". After all, there are already old-fashioned pagers in this world. If it is just an upgrade, it should not be too difficult.

As long as he gets his smartphone out, Hua Jianming feels that there will be a lot of fun in this world.

However, the problem is that the people under Danzo originally were all engaged in biotechnology. Now it is a bit difficult to conduct cross-industry research. After all, they are not the kind of real peerless geniuses.

At present, a small-scale local area network has been produced, but the network speed is worrying, and the coverage area is too small, and the technical cost is too high. Most importantly, the computers produced are the most primitive kind of big ones that would fill a room computer.

Let alone a desktop computer, there is a big gap even if it is put into military use to transmit information, let alone civilian use.

If you really want to make desktop computers and laptops, and smartphones, maybe you have to rely on really talented geniuses.

"You reminded me."


"No, nothing, I just have a clear plan for what to do next."

Hua Jianming suddenly thought of something.

To say that the real scientific research genius in the Naruto world, he refuses to accept others, he only accepts Orochimaru.

If it's Dashewan's level of technology giants, even if it's cross-regional research, cross-border research, he believes that the other party can also produce excellent results. The only problem is how to make the other party willing to carry out this research.

In this regard, he already has a preliminary idea, which can stimulate Dashewan's motivation to study advanced information technology.

Electronic ghosts, artificial intelligence, and another form of immortality are enough to make Orochimaru's heart flutter, right?
As for how to tell Orochimaru this information and convince the other party... Isn't there a pharmacist around?

No matter what happened to Nonoyu, Dou was definitely fine, and judging from the fact that Yakumo met him at Konoha Hospital, that guy still returned to Konoha.

That being the case, relying on Gen's unclear relationship with Orochimaru, and the fact that he was still disconnected after Orochimaru's defection, this natural intelligence genius will definitely master Oroshemaru's communication method whether he defected to Orochimaru or not.

Uncle Snake shouldn't mind, right?

Although their last meeting was not very pleasant, Dashemaru should not be such a stingy guy!
(End of this chapter)

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