The Right Way to Die in the Ninja World

Chapter 246 The Fantastic Butterfly Effect

Chapter 246 The Fantastic Butterfly Effect

"Hey, it's wrong to be lazy. How many blessings you have enjoyed and how much laziness you have had in the past, reality will always give you revenge."

Hua Jianming sighed, opened his mouth quietly, and then resigned to his fate and started his own actions.

Because he didn't think that this kind of handwriting was done by the third generation, after Hua Jianming returned to the root base, he carefully searched the data files, and found the files he needed with great painstaking efforts.

He always felt that this kind of thing was like Danzo's painting style.

Now that Danzo is dead, if he wants to know the truth now, he has to read it manually by himself.

When he checked Danzo's memory back then, he mainly used the method of guiding the dream, and let Shimengmeng assist him, all in order to learn about the root secrets and control this power.

Therefore, at that time, he didn't check the various tasks at the root in detail. After all, if he really wanted to do that, the task load was too great, and he was also afraid of seeing the pictures with hot eyes.

The result of this kind of laziness is really much easier to do, and it is basically no problem to take over the root operation, but when encountering certain things, I get caught blind.

Danzo is not a person who likes to tell his secrets to others, so if he issued some tasks about Jinzhuli, he would probably not tell others except himself and the ninja who performed the tasks.

In this way, Hua Jianming can almost imagine how things will develop.

You must know that many spies do not know what their mission is when they infiltrate. The most important task in normal times is actually "normal" life, and then they play their own unique role when they receive special instructions.

There are many spies who have one-way contact. Hua Jianming thinks that Danzo released the mission of hooking up with Naruto as "Hanako" in the name of a long-term mission, and then there is no more.

That guy who didn't know whether he was lucky or unlucky should start working conscientiously after receiving this task.

Then, it may be because of communication barriers, or it may be because the other party is too far away and it is inconvenient, or it is simply a one-line contact with Danzo, so after Danzo's death, the other party's mission instructions have not been revoked.

So, that "Hanako" lady continued to work seriously until now.

Hua Jianming actually didn't care that this identity was taken away by others, it was just a vest he prepared for himself that would never be discovered by others.

At that time, he still needed to rely on makeup and casual clothes for camouflage. When the disguise technique was not up to standard, the vest would be of great significance—because there was a huge contrast between makeup and the body, which is for people who are not good at makeup. Still quite challenging.

"However, I am no longer who I used to be. Now I can pinch my vest casually."

Nowadays, the identity of that "Hanako" is no longer important to Hanami Akira himself, but because of the special bond between "Hanako" and Naruto, this vest has a certain meaning.

Hua Jianming doesn't need this identity anymore, and he doesn't want anyone to use this identity to hurt Naruto, which is why he must find someone to replace "Hanako" as soon as possible.

Because there is no one to ask about this kind of thing, and it is not good to use other people's hands to find information. Otherwise, it is not easy to explain this behavior no matter in the identity of Danzo or Hua Jianming. He can only do it himself up.

After searching for a long time, he was relieved to find the answer.

"It's okay, okay, it's really the pit buried by the old silver coin Mr. Danzo... But, didn't you expect it to be like this? I actually did a great thing unintentionally."

Hua Jianming looked at the records on the file with a strange expression, the person who accepted the task, and even the follow-up report of the other party, and suddenly felt that everything in the world was really wonderful.

If it was someone else who was weird, he would have a headache instead.

Now it is found out that it is a member of Danzo's subordinates, which is the best thing to do.

Because, in this way, he only needs to never issue tasks to that spy, and the other party will really become an ordinary cute girl and make friends with Naruto.

However, he never expected that the person wearing the "Huako" vest would be her!
If there are any special talents that he pays more attention to at the root, it is mainly Xin and his brother, as well as pharmacist No Naoyu and pharmacist Dou.

He will definitely not be able to catch up with Yahiko's tragedy, but at the beginning he thought that No Naoyu could still be rescued.

He remembered that Yaoshidou was seven or eight years older than Naruto, and Naruto was exactly seven years old, so Yaoshidou should be about fifteen or sixteen years old now.

This time point is about the time when Dou and No Naiyu killed each other because of Danzo's tricks, but he wasn't sure if it happened according to the plot.

It's just a pity that when he had the power to do something, he found out that the former director of the orphanage where he was, Pharmacist No Naoyu, had left his job for many years.

At the same time, the active ninja files at the root do not have the names of Nonoyu and Yakushidou.

At that time, Hua Jianming hadn't controlled the roots yet, so he could only find out that these two people were not on the active duty list, so most likely these two people had become "dead files" and were sealed away. of.

He naturally subconsciously thought that the important plot had already happened.

However, after looking at this special file and finding other related files, he realized that there might be another possibility for this matter!
Because, the ninja who was sent by Danzo to act as "Hanako" to hook up with Naruto was not someone else, but the person code-named "Miko"!
This is actually not incomprehensible.

To be able to gain people's trust is actually a very difficult thing. Many ninjas at the root are inherently flawed in character. When dealing with young boys who are in love, they may not be able to succeed.

Things that can exert influence on Jinzhu Riki are obviously also very valued by Danzo, so he has to use the "trump card" in his hand to be sure that nothing will go wrong.

Pharmacist Nonoyu is obviously very talented in this aspect, whether it is the grasp of people's hearts or the skills of speech, he can lead Naruto by the nose.

Moreover, although No Naiyu is quite different from Hanako in age, he is born with a tender face. If he keeps in touch with letters to warm up the relationship, and then waits for ten years and puts on a little make-up, he may not be able to fool Naruto.

After all, Pharmacist No Naoyu himself is a gifted medical ninja, even at the age of 34, he can still take care of himself like a girl in her early twenties.

In this way, because of the butterfly effect he brought, it is very likely that the pharmacist Nonoyu is not dead at all!

Otherwise, those who write letters to Naruto imitating a little girl's tone may not necessarily be Yao Shidou, right?
If Dou really killed Dean Nonaiyu by mistake, he would not have the heart to do such a thing.

When Hua Jianming personally checked the information of those "dead files" and there were no two of them, he almost understood.

These strange missions, coupled with the mysterious disappearance of the files of the two, the adoptive mother and child who were separated forever because of the shit stick in the original book, I am afraid they are really still living in the world!
Only they have this ability, right?

However, if this is the case, why do you still maintain the identity of "Hanako" and write to Naruto?
Are they planning something?
(End of this chapter)

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