The Right Way to Die in the Ninja World

Chapter 241 Tell You a Secret

Chapter 241 Tell You a Secret

Hua Jianming noticed that he could physically appear.

Naturally, this "entity" does not come from his own body, nor does he use the "illusion entity" to create something out of thin air, but can possess Jun Malu's body and carry out certain "transformations".

If you have to say it, it's as if Jun Ma Lu opened up the "authority" of his body to Hua Jianming, allowing Hua Jianming to take over this body named "Kaguya Jun Ma Lu".

In this case, he can appear in Junmalu's body, not only can use his own ability, but even the corpse bone vein held by Junmalu can be used if the proficiency is sufficient.

Then try it!
Hua Jianming didn't think that Jun Malu would be malicious towards him, besides, even if Jun Malu really wanted to do something, it was impossible for him to be his opponent.

In the contest in the spiritual world, he is not afraid of anyone except Otsutsuki's aliens who have lived for an unknown number of years.

"In that case, lend me your body! Jun Ma Lu."

In Orochimaru's increasingly flickering eyes, the white-haired and green-eyed boy in front of him gradually turned into a black-haired and black-eyed child.

"I'm meeting you for the first time, Oshemaru-sama, I'm Hanami Akira."

"This way of appearance—you control this body?"

"you can say it this way."

Hanami nodded.

After weighing it for a while, he still went out on his own.

After all, Jun Malu is going to be included under his command, and he is also a teammate he is optimistic about. If it is not the original body, it will be meaningless.

Merlin, Earl D and others are mainly used to take the blame, so he should do it himself if he is good!
Therefore, Hua Jianming appeared generously.

"I hope Master Orochimaru can give me face and let my two subordinates leave. In exchange, I can tell you a very important secret about yourself."

"Oh? This request is quite interesting."

Orochimaru stuck out his long tongue and licked his face with dangerous eyes.

He is indeed curious and fond of this child with "similar" thinking tendencies, but this does not mean that he can allow the other party to challenge his majesty as a senior.

At least for now, in Orochimaru's view, Akira Hanami does not have the equal status and strength of the peace talks.

"I'm not talented, my teacher Zhicun Danzo."

Hanami showed a "you understand" expression.

"Master Orochimaru, don't rush to refuse, I believe you will be interested in the 'secret' I told you, it will definitely be worth the money."

Orochimaru was taken aback for a moment, then fell silent for a while, and then looked a little more solemn.

Don't mention the old silver coin in Danzang, there are really many resources and various information in hand, and the hands are cruel, and there is nothing that can't be done.

If it is against the roots, it is really possible to get something that he is interested in.

In particular, when he was still at the root, the two had done a lot of human experiments together, so Danzo knew more or less about his body-changing and turning around.

Could it be that the "skill" that Hua Jianming is using now was inspired by him?
"Hehe, if what you want to tell me is about...the method of mastering other people's bodies in this way, I'm a little interested."

"Unfortunately, what I want to tell you is another secret."

"Oh? I wonder what else you know that you know but you think I don't."


Do you have a tongue twister?

Hua Jianming stared at Dashewan inexplicably, with such a long tongue and such twisted words, can it really not tie knots?

However, after he watched for a long time, the other party's tongue was still very smooth, as expected of a big tongue ball.

"A question about your weakness."

"So you don't need an honorific title?"

Orochimaru felt a little annoyed and laughed instead.

A child who doesn't seem to have graduated from ninja school actually said that he wanted to tell him his weakness in front of him, a majestic Sannin. Isn't this using Mudun in front of the first generation? !
"Sure enough, the persuasive power of language is extremely poor, only the facts can make people convinced!"

Hua Jianming sighed like this, and the air around him faintly appeared layers of ripples like water waves, and a handle of transparent sharp blades were drawn out of it, swishing and poking (smashing) towards Orochimaru.

This is his pirated trick to imitate Jin Glittering in his previous life.

Because he doesn't have the thought and energy yet to use illusion to construct so many gorgeous weapons of different shapes, so although the golden light effect of the water ripples is still there, the weapons are all translucent "knives" of the same standard.

"Ridiculous, this kind of attack..."

The corner of Orochimaru's mouth curled up in a mocking arc, and he easily twisted his body to avoid the seemingly dense attacks.

For a ninja of his level, in the intensive ninja attack, dodging and dodging has become an instinct, and there is no way to—


How can it be? !
Feeling the severe pain all over his body, Orochimaru's eyes widened in astonishment.

This is impossible!He has obviously avoided every ninja tool!
And, why does it hurt so much? !
This kind of pain that seemed to burn the soul made people like Orochimaru couldn't help screaming.

"I'm sorry, although these gadgets of mine look like physical knives, they are actually just spiritual blades condensed from my spiritual power."

Hua Jianming explained very kindly on the side, and did not forget to replenish the source of those endless spiritual blades.

"Look, I specially made them translucent. You don't think they are normal ninja tools, right?"


Orochimaru's mouth opened and closed, as if he wanted to say something, but after only one syllable came out, his mind almost collapsed.

That's not because of his lack of willpower, but because he has "reincarnated" in other people's bodies many times, so that the soul of his body has become weak. When facing this kind of attack, he is extraordinarily vulnerable. Also very vulnerable to injury.

"By the way, this attack is almost impossible to dodge. In the terms of the game, it is a must-hit skill. The reason is also very simple-I locked your mental fluctuations."


"Yes, that is to say—as long as you still have a soul and a spirit of your own, you will be locked by me."

If it is other Kage-level powerhouses, they will naturally be unable to avoid this attack, but they will not be as weak as Orochimaru.

As long as he resists the painful attack and rushes up to fight Hanami, or disrupts his rhythm, Hanami will be distracted, and will be unable to maintain this ability that requires concentration to use.

But it just so happens that this ability can be regarded as "special attack on Orochimaru".

"So, the secret I want to tell you is - your soul is too fragile in front of illusion."

Hua Jianming felt that Orochimaru still lacked a realistic beating.

Orochimaru in the original book was given a second by Itachi's kaleidoscope. Since then, he has "worked hard" and has the obsession to study blood succession. But now, without this stimulation, he feels that Orochimaru will not be motivated enough.

It's not okay to have an arrogant attitude of "I'm already very good, you juniors are scum" all day long!

After all, the world is developing and times have changed.

"I deliberately helped you regain the modesty you need as a scientist, activated the obsession that scientists should have, and told you about your own weaknesses. I think this deal is fair."

Orochimaru, who was attacked by the "spiritual blade", has turned into a pool of silent "snake cakes", lying limply on the ground, obviously losing the power to threaten others.

"It looks like it's been resolved."

Now Uncle Snake should be more motivated to study, right?

He's such a helpful guy!
Hua Jianming praised himself for being enthusiastic, and nodded to Gennin who was rescued.

"Remember to bring Jun Ma Lu back safely, I need his strength."

"Yes! Lord Hanami!"

A frenzy flashed in Gennin's eyes.

That's one of the Sannin, Oshemaru-sama!
Master Hua Jianming can instantly kill the opponent at such a young age, it is simply too powerful!

As expected of Danzo-sama's disciple!

All ninjas belong to Mu Qiang, not to mention that this powerful ninja is still his boss at this time, and he saved his life just now, and he instantly became Hua Jianming's diehard loyalist.

"Please come with me, Kaguya-kun Maro, we can't let you down, we have to go back as soon as possible."


Jun Malu nodded earnestly, and then he tilted his head cutely and made a doubtful sound.

"But, your legs and your spine seem to be broken? Are you okay?"

"No, this little injury, just bear with it."

Genin's heart was slightly touched.

He naturally also noticed that Kaguya-kun Maro really wanted to go to Konoha to see Hanamimei-sama quickly, but, because of his physical problems, he even took care of him, he seemed like a good boy.

Speaking of which, he is about the same age as his younger brother...

Genren's thinking couldn't help but diverge a little, and then he heard Jun Malu's polite voice of relief.

"It's great that you're fine! Otherwise, I'm still hesitating whether to cut you into pieces and pack them up and take them back to adults."

"Don't worry, I'm fine...what?"

Did this handsome and lovely young lady say something terrible just now?

(End of this chapter)

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