Chapter 238 Too exciting!
If Hanami knew about Obito's plan, he would definitely tell him that he was thinking too much.

With the virtue of Orochimaru, in fact, as long as Obito draws a tube of blood for Orochimaru, this mad scientist will sell the banned book.

Obito is a person with double bloodstains of Uchiha and Mutun!

Even if Orochimaru hasn't been taught by Itachi's kaleidoscope yet, the other party will definitely be interested in the fact that the blood successors of the two founders of Konoha are on the same person.

It's a pity that Obito and Hanami Akira are not very familiar with each other, and they can barely be regarded as a "cooperative" relationship based on their goals and interests. Naturally, they will not tell Hanami Aki about the methods he thought of to revive "Lin".

Even, as long as it is not a last resort, Obito doesn't want to go to Kakashi that trash.

He was going to use money to make a way out and try first.

Because of this, Obito, who didn't care much about money, has now become penny-pinching and working very hard in business.

Although, with Obito's mind and business talent, he can't actually do anything special, but he can supervise!

Supervise the black to create the white, and then supervise the white to work hard, that's all.

During this period of time, Bai Jue's days were in dire straits, a complete 007 overtime hell.

Anyway, things like Bai Jue don't need to eat, drink, sleep, rest, or pay. They are purely useful tools "people".

After the hard work of the "Bai Jue Army" day and night, the chain store was finally opened.

"It's just that the army of Baijue is not enough recently? Can't we make more Baijue?"

"Obito, you are too anxious. Our inventory of the Baijue army has been exhausted, and other Baijue are still being produced."

"Isn't it possible to add some nutrient solution to speed up the cultivation?"

"That would put the cart before the horse, Obito."

Heijue frowned and looked at Obito, reminding him.

"Although it is necessary to raise funds, our fundamental purpose is to start a war. If unnecessary money is invested for this purpose, it is a waste."


Obito heard the words and said no more, as if he was persuaded.

Seeing this, Hei Jue nodded in satisfaction, and disappeared into a puddle of mud again, and he will continue to make more "Bai Jue".

Although he won't have the luxury to "speed up" this process, Bai Jue is still very useful.

It is also very good to be able to make money as a subordinate now, and to use it as a tool and weapon of war in the future, or as a sacrifice for the reincarnation of the dirty soil. It is still useful to make more.

Looking at the disappearing figure of Hei Ze, Obito could only sigh silently.

Of course, he knew that this was not in line with their "plan". However, he originally wanted to fool Heijue into putting his savings and "public account" into it, and then secretly received kickbacks for himself.

It's a pity that Hei will never be fooled.

"Since we can't increase the output by increasing the about increasing the working hours?"

The composition of Baijue is similar to that of plants. Generally speaking, it only needs to be exposed to the sun. Then, shortening the light time and increasing the working time a little, shouldn’t be a big problem, right?

With Vampire Soil, he made up his mind.

Anyway, Bai Jue has always behaved like a foolish, dumb, bastard with some problems in his mind. He didn't take them very seriously.

At this time, Obito still doesn't know what kind of great changes he will make in the future with this decision.

Because, Obito didn't regard a thing that was completely wrong from birth to structure as a "person" at all.

At least for him now, when he decided to sit down, it was as natural as breathing and drinking water.

However, there is a saying that goes, "Where there is oppression, there is resistance."


"Tsk tsk, the efficiency of the root is not good!"

Several days later, Akira Hanami heard the news that Tsunade and Jiraiya had succeeded in holding hands, and the root ninja did not find the second little leek.

It is indeed more difficult for Chongwu and the wandering Bai, but Junmalu should be on the spot!

Or is it that his action was a step too late, and the rebellion had already begun in Wunin Village at this time, and Junma Lu had already been abducted?

That would be bad, after all, if it reaches that node, it means that Bai Bai has already followed him.

Hua Jianming frowned and thought about these things, mainly because he was really bored recently.

If it weren't for the fact that Tsunade and Jiraiya had just started dating, so they were glued together, had no time to do research, and had no interest in teaching students, Hua Jianming would still be able to distract his attention by studying.

However, now the progress bar seems to be stuck, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Hua Jianming let out a big yawn, and while listening to the teacher's accompaniment in class, he scribbled on the paper his latest outline.

It's been too peaceful recently, I feel that I have no inspiration, and the plots I write are always a little bit less flavorful.

The main reason is that he is not short of money now, and there is no urgent need for novels to express, so he lacks motivation.

Hua Jianming, who has been diligently typing, looked at the messy outline on the paper, sighed, and tore the paper into pieces.

"It's not that I don't want to work hard, but that I worked too hard before, and now I'm overdrawn!"

Under the influence of some kind of cosmic will, he couldn't help making a cooing sound.

Just at this time, he felt that the "contract" named "Kaguya-kun Maro" was touched, and his face immediately became happy.

This class is a theoretical class and does not require any practical operation, so Hua Jianming did not hide out like last time, but directly closed his eyes on the spot and linked his mental power along the coordinates.

Hey, this distance is much farther than the Country of Grass, it's a bit difficult!

Far away from a small lake in the village of Wunin in the country of water, a magical scene is forming.

A pale-skinned man with snake-shaped golden eyes, a root ninja with a root mask and a tight body, and a little boy with white hair, the three of them faced each other in a stalemate.

The root ninja is also very broken.

He didn't have a partner, and he came to Kaguya-kun Maro alone because the target's address was very clear, and the Kaguya clan was a family famous for physical skills, and they were not very good at sensory detection.

Therefore, he is confident that his skills are sufficient to cope with this task, and he can complete it without additional assistance.

Unexpectedly, he caught up with a good time, and the Kaguya clan was so crazy that they wanted to launch a coup, using the power of the clan to fight against the power of a ninja village.

What made him even more unexpected was that Jun Ma Lu, who had been locked in the dungeon at this time, was released and used as the ultimate weapon.

When he finally found the target, he put the paper into the opponent's hand just now, and saw Konoha Rennin Orochimaru with a playful expression.

This is simply too exciting!

(End of this chapter)

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