Chapter 214 Contradictions
With the help of Akira Hanami, Sasuke embarked on a writer's journey with anxiety.

Although Sasuke has always believed that the most important thing is the strength of a ninja, but now, the reality of beatings tells him that maybe money is not everything, but without money is absolutely impossible.

With this kind of thinking, even if Sasuke can't be said to have completely given up his practice, he is much more modern than before and spends more time on writing.

For this, Hua Jianming is not very worried.

Anyway, when Sasuke graduated in the original book, his strength was just like that.

When Sasuke really grew up, it was after the other party was taught by Orochimaru and cheated by Liu Dao, the time in school made money and accumulated background, isn't it good?
Seeing Sasuke diligently becoming his own code writer, Akira Hanami was deeply moved.

"Sasuke, you've really worked hard!"

"Not enough, this little savings is not enough!"

Although Akira Hanami had paid Sasuke a generous salary in advance, Sasuke was still not satisfied with it.

"Obviously my father's lords have admitted in front of me that our family basically has problems, but we are unwilling to spend money to hire a doctor. It is really incomprehensible to be so contradictory."

Sasuke is doing two things at once, while writing his own manuscript, while complaining to Akira Hanami.

"You want to hide this matter because you want to save face... Obviously everyone knows it, so can't you be more frank?"

Perhaps because he has never experienced the genocide incident and is familiar with Akira Hanami, Sasuke, who is arrogant and awkward, even complains about his family's dishonesty.

Of course, the reason for this is completely understandable.

He guessed that Uchiha Fugaku had a flash of inspiration after seeing Sasuke's research, and thought of using this method to explain it reluctantly.

The other party deliberately released this rumor, and then made a reason for wanting to suppress this matter, which is nothing more than an excuse (reason) for Konoha's upper layer to explain Itachi and others' departure.

With this layer of fig leaf, whether it is due to the restrictions on the rules on the surface, or out of care for the "vulnerable groups (mental patients)", it can more or less make the upper echelon of Konoha feel a little scruples and try not to be cruel.

Regardless of whether Uchiha is actually sick or not, Uchiha Fuyue must think that their family members are not sick, and Uchiha Sasuke always thinks that their family is sick.

As a result, Fugaku Uchiha, who only used this "disease" as an excuse, of course would not spend a lot of money to hire some medical ninja, so Sasuke wanted to treat everyone, so he could only make money by himself.

He estimated that Uchiha Fugaku hadn't thought about it at all. After Sasuke came up with this, he really took this excuse seriously.

However, no matter what Sasuke and his father think, Akira Hanami is happy to see it happen now.

Seeing that Sasuke was still working hard to make money by coding, he couldn't help but come up with an idea.

"It's quite difficult to save such a large sum of money in one breath. If you can't treat your family members in time, maybe their illness will get worse."

"Oh, that's true, but..." Sasuke looked at the manuscript in his hand with a headache, and said helplessly, "I'm talking nonsense, and my father is not willing to pay, and even my mother is partial to my father this time. Problem..."

"Hey, I think you can post a task first and try it out! You can cure as much as you can."

Hanami's eyes turned around and she gave Sasuke an idea.

"Even if you want to find the itinerary of that Tsunade Hime, it will take a long time. I think you can set up an intelligence mission to find Tsunade Hime at the Hokage Building first."

"Searching for intelligence?"

Sasuke pondered for a moment, thinking it was a good idea.

If it's just intelligence gathering, even if the task involves Konoha's Sannin, it's at most a C-level task, and he can still afford this commission.

"It's just... now, even if I find the whereabouts of the princess, I still don't have enough rewards for her to act..."

As Sasuke was talking, his expression suddenly became subtle, and he looked at Hanami Akira, who was looking at him innocently with wide-eyed eyes, as if realizing something in his heart.

"You also want to find Tsunade Hime?"

"Ah, that's right." Hua Jianming didn't hide much about it, "I'm still very interested in becoming a medical ninja, so you understand."

To become a medical ninja, for most ninjas, the most difficult thing is not chakra control or the transformation of yang chakra, but the seemingly simple "theoretical knowledge".

After all, in this ninja world where practical combat is more important than theoretical knowledge, there are very few people who can calm down and study seriously. This is the biggest obstacle for many ninjas to fail to become medical ninjas.

IQ is indeed a very important determining factor.

It's just that this problem is not a problem at all in Hua Jianming's eyes.

With the ability of photographic memory, he has already "scanned" all the books he can see. Now he is absolutely rich in theoretical knowledge, and what he lacks is only the practical part.

Of course, it may also lack some high-level secret art knowledge.

Anyway, on the way of "traveling" with the Nohara couple, what those two told him was actually not much knowledge, not yet, he quickly flipped through the books by himself.

His real harvest is actually in practice, matching the knowledge he saw in books with reality.

Like many medicinal herbs and poisonous weeds, just looking at the pictures and descriptions in the book is not realistic. You must see them with your own eyes to be able to match the two. This is the meaning of practice.

The current Hua Jianming lacks this.

If I really want to say, in fact, if he has the cheek to go to Konoha Hospital for advice, or to the Nohara couple, he will definitely be able to get some guidance, but Hanami Akira doesn't want to do that.

When he was learning piano in his previous life, his teacher was very satisfied with his zero foundation.

The reason is that if you learn gestures halfway at the beginning, it will be difficult to correct them in the later stage. It is better not to learn anything, so that it is easier to teach.

Now Hua Jianming wants to touch a field that he has never known before, so it is naturally the same.

Even if the ninjas of the Konoha Hospital, the Nohara couple and others teach the wrong basic gestures, if they can be better educated, why not?
If you accidentally go astray when laying the foundation, or develop some non-standard posture habits, it will be very difficult to correct them later.

Therefore, it is better to find the best teacher from the beginning.

This reason is very good, Sasuke immediately believed it.

He had also heard that the Third Hokage wanted to find Tsunade Hime several times, but the princess was still missing and it was hard to find.

Maybe even Hua Jianming, the younger generation of his own family, would find it difficult to contact someone?
After all, Tsunade is the only direct descendant of Senju Akira now, and the other clansmen seem to have disappeared.

"I see, thank you!"

Sasuke finally understood what the other party meant.

As long as he can find Tsunade Hime, Hanami Akira, the "senjutsu junior", will approach him in the name of "consulting in medical ninjutsu", and then speak good words to Uchiha to get that Tsunade Hime to agree to treatment.

As for the cost of treatment, he can also treat one or two people first, so that the financial burden will not be too great, and it will also allow everyone to see the effect.

In this way, those stubborn clansmen will definitely know that they are really sick.

Simply perfect!
(End of this chapter)

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