The Right Way to Die in the Ninja World

Chapter 195 Is this a coincidence? !

Chapter 195 Is this a coincidence? !

After careful consideration by Akira Hanami, he decided to go online with Earl D's vest.

Although big brother Merlin is very friendly, but this is after all dealing with the nobles, it is better for a guy like Earl D who looks like an ancient oriental aristocrat to go out.

Compared with ordinary people, the probability of success in writing greeting posts is relatively higher.

Moreover, because of the last transaction with a certain star capital nobleman, Earl D's father had already reclaimed the title of minor nobleman.

The main reason is that the little nobleman was greedy for profit, directly "recognized relatives" and inherited the inheritance of a certain "old nobleman", and then put this relationship on the surface.

Earl D naturally would not let go of this opportunity, and directly "reissued" a noble identity certificate in the star capital with the lucky little noble as a guarantee.

It was only at this time that the little nobleman with a weak mind realized that he had been tricked.

If you accept the "gift" in this way, you can indeed use that large amount of property openly and aboveboard without worrying about money laundering. However, there are also problems in this.

Because, this is equivalent to acknowledging the other party's "nobility" status, and he is the guarantee.

After someone shamelessly cheated and wanted to make a big fuss, the other party had no choice but to accept their fate.

Anyway, that person will definitely not dare to do this again in the future.

As for this time, in order to suppress his private transaction and private modification of the family tree, the little nobleman gritted his teeth and helped cover it up.

He who inherited the inheritance of the "old nobleman" claimed to have found the "illegitimate son of the old nobleman who was wandering outside", and barely made up the last vacant official, which was regarded as bringing him back into the circle of nobles—even if it was only a small country. The bottom of the petty aristocracy.

Therefore, the current Earl D has transformed into a low-level nobleman in the star capital.

On the same day, he used this identity to post a greeting post.

I thought it might take a day or two for the result to come out, but I didn't expect to pass it over and it would be successful, and I was interviewed by the daimyo.

It can only be said that the name of Bird Country is worthy of being a well-known deceitful old man.

Even if it was a small nobleman from another small country who asked to see him, the other party did not refuse. Instead, he kindly entertained the visitor from this "neighboring country".

It's no wonder that Langren can also mix into the high-level.

Hua Jianming muttered something and walked in with the gift he had prepared.

Although he still admired the Langin who dared to kill the daimyo and seize power and usurp the throne, it was a pity that their positions were different, and he didn't need such ambitious but weak subordinates.

"Excuse me for interrupting, Your Excellency."

Earl D smiled softly and bowed to the daimyo.

"You are willing to meet me, which really flatters me."

"Hahaha, you're too polite, you don't need to be polite."

The bird country daimyo looked very hearty, and smiled and invited Earl D to sit down, not caring about the difference in status at all.

It is different from the names of several big countries that Hua Jianming usually knows.

The sense of class here does not seem to be very heavy.

Thinking so in his heart, he raised his eyebrows slightly and found the G-spot.

There is a problem with the mental fluctuations of the bird country daimyo!
After discovering this, Hua Jianming finally understood why Yiguo daimyo was so easy to deceive.

It turns out that it's not just a question of IQ, but also a question of illusion!
No!This does not seem to be an illusion!

When greeting each other with the Daimyo of the Bird Country and approaching to present gifts, "Earl D" deliberately moved closer, and the distance between the two was extremely close.

Akira Hanami sensed it deliberately, but did not find any remaining Chakra fluctuations.

If the other party has been hit by an illusion before, there should be some traces, right?

At such a close distance, he couldn't fail to perceive it.

However, the other party's mental fluctuations are indeed slightly different.

In an instant, Hua Jianming had a strange look on his face.

This feeling of deja vu... Could it be that Meng Zong used a method similar to the one he used to fool that little nobleman?

In order to avoid leaving traces, instead of using chakra, I just used simple hypnosis techniques and mental power to slightly influence and guide the other party's thoughts...

Isn't this a coincidence?
No wonder no one else noticed the problem, this is purely a power system using off-the-board moves!

"Is this a special meteorite from Xingdu? It's a variety I've never seen before."

While Hanami Akira was thinking, Daimyo Toriko had already picked up the very delicate necklace and looked at it with great interest.

It was a necklace in the shape of a bird, with a lavender radiance, very beautiful, and also in line with the meaning of the country of birds.

This is the shape of a bird Hanami picked out from Subaru's pile of strangely shaped meteorites, and then went to buy a beautiful chain to string it up.

It's not worth the money, and the daimyo of the country of birds has never seen it because such inferior meteorite material will not be tributed to the daimyo.

However, this strange color and shape made Daimyo Tonokuni quite like it.

Hua Jianming gave this thing not only because the shape is suitable, but also because he found that this meteorite can save a little bit of "star" power for a short period of time.

As long as the daimyo took the necklace, even if it was just for a moment, the "star"'s ability to activate chakra would be able to interrupt the illusion in him.

It's just because the Daimyo of the Bird Kingdom didn't really fall into the illusion, this function is useless, it's just a pure gift.

"It is indeed a special product of Xingdu." Earl D said with a smile, "A small gift is not a respect. This is a special feature of our family. It is said that it can slightly resist ninjutsu. It is a good amulet. Although I don't know if it is true or not. , but you can also play a fresh game.”

"Then I will accept it without hesitation."

Daimyo Toriko thought the necklace was small and cute, which was very interesting.

Regardless of the additional amulets, his daughter should like this look, so I'll give it to Toki later.

"Then this visit is for..." Daimyo Toriko thought for a while, and finally came up with an answer, "Master Meng Zong?"

"That's right, that's right." Earl D smiled and nodded, "I'm very interested in Buddhism, and I want to listen to the master's teachings at a closer distance, so I have the audacity to ask for a position. After all, if the distance is closer, maybe it can be done." There is an opportunity to communicate with the master face to face."

"This is easy to handle! Then you can sit next to us."

The bird country daimyo agreed without thinking.

Although Master Meng Zong was indeed very popular, many people came to join in the fun, and few nobles from other countries attended in person.

After all, most of the nobles who are really interested in Buddhism are old and immobile, and most of them send confidant ministers or waiters to listen and then go back to report.

This group of people already had positions, but the Tonokuni Daimyo felt that the nobles were present, and even came to ask for a meeting and gave them a gift. It seemed inappropriate for the other party to be with those people, so he just sat next to them.

The Country of Birds and the Country of Bears are neighbors. Although the contact between the two sides is not frequent because of the geographical relationship between the Country of Bears, it is not rare.

Usually, they have to hold together in small groups to keep warm, so they are naturally happy to communicate with nobles from other countries.

"It's inconvenient for Master Meng Zong to prepare for tomorrow's lecture, but you can stay for two more days, and you will definitely have the opportunity to ask him for advice."

"Hehe, then I'll look forward to it."

Earl D smiled and nodded, looking very happy.

He is really looking forward to communicating with Master Meng Zong!

That person's hypnosis technique seems to be much more mature and easier to use than the one he figured out by himself. I really can't wait!
(End of this chapter)

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