Chapter 75
The director showed JackeyLove's Draven throughout the whole process. When the first blood was born, the venue suddenly burst into cheers!
[Awesome, where did Brother Chen find the monsters? Why are they fiercer than each other! 】

[In the first game, he went straight to the opponent and scored a blood. This AD, I like it! 】

[Woooooo, TheShy, rookie, and JackeyLove are all so strong, who do you want to be fans of? 】

[Fool, why don't you be a fan of the LG team! 】

In the commentary seat, the three commentators came back to their senses at this time.

Just now I was talking about the rookie AD who might be able to play more steadily when he came on the field, and waited for the middle and upper brother to come to C, but as soon as the voice fell, he won a blood, which is the face of the commentator on the scene.

"This." Xigua shook his head, and said helplessly: "There is no way, the first level was directly knocked out, and he was solo killed by the opponent. It can only be said that there is a gap in hard power."

"You said that you are a first-level Xia, and you can't replenish soldiers well. Why mess with him?" Pineapple also had the same opinion.

Tao Zi’s eyes are full of little stars: “JackeyLove is so handsome, and he plays the game so well, I really like it!”

Taozi's words were unanimously agreed by the female fans in the venue. For a while, the number of fans on the official blog of the LG team skyrocketed.

Returning to the game, after getting the first blood, Draven, who came out of the tower, continued to attack the Titan. After playing the Titan Flash, he gave up and went online to eat soldiers.

After pushing the two waves of soldiers into the tower, JackeyLove went home and directly made up two long swords, which once again increased the attack power by 20 points1
Back on the line, at this time, because of the wave of death at the first level, Xia missed a few minion experience, and Draven's killing experience plus pushing the line did not lose much experience. At this time, the level is fully ahead of one level.

After eating two minions, Delevingne was promoted to level three. For level three Draven, JackeyLove did not choose to add E skills, but chose two levels of Q skills and one level of W skills.

At this time, the pawn line is just in the middle of the bottom lane, a very comfortable pawn line.

In order to gain experience, Xia could only choose to walk out of the arms of the defense tower.

Glancing at Xia's position, JackeyLove shouted without hesitation.


Kele nodded, and Thresh flashed E to reverse, directly slowing down Xia, then the Q skill firmly hooked Xia, and finally the W lantern pulled Delevingne to him.

Draven went down with two axes, Xia lost half of his blood!

With the cluster blade and the acceleration of the W skill, Draven's attack speed and movement speed at this time are frighteningly fast!

Titan made a backhand hook, and was directly twisted away by Draven's bloody sprint W skill refreshed by picking up the axe.

One axe, two axes, three axes, Draven went down three times again, and Xia's body fell in front of the defense tower.

After killing Xayah, Draven had no intention of giving up.

The hook in front of the Titan was twisted away by Draven and directly hit the minion on the line. At this time, the Titan's position was also very dangerous.

In the first level wave, Titan's flash had already been fired, and it was still cooling down.

The sharp ax in Draven's hand aimed at the Titan again.

The second-level Titan learned two skills of QW, W's shield was activated, and was chopped up by Draven with an axe.

Fortunately, the Titan's body was relatively strong. He carried Draven's ax and returned to the tower with only half health.

Seeing this, Kale subconsciously asked, "Kill?"

"Kill!" JackeyLove was determined to kill at this time. He couldn't care so much and rushed directly into the defense tower.

Against the attack of the defense tower, Draven killed the Titan again.

It's a pity that there are too many anti-towers, and I also fell under the defensive towers, and sent a 600 fast adult head to Titan.

The money from this wave of two heads, plus Delevingne's passive income, and the money from the soldiers, is a full 1100 yuan!

JackeyLove, who was lying in the spring, directly bought a flare, and then synthesized the previous two long swords into the Caulfield Battlefield.

That's right, JackeyLove plans to release the blue-absorbing sword as the first piece of equipment!

Because Draven can refresh his W skill by catching an axe, he often faces a shortage of mana!
Once the blue sword is released, Draven can enter the state of infinite blue, and the equipment of the blue sword has a critical strike, a CD, and additional damage after using the skill, which is very suitable for Draven.

The two sides returned to the bottom lane again. At this time, Draven and Thresh were both at level four, while Titan and Xayah were only at level two.

Seeing how powerful Draven is, Xia and Tai Tan no longer dared to go out of the tower to eat soldiers, so they could only shrink under the tower and wait for their teammates to support them.

However, the situation of other teammates is not much better.

Down the road, Draven controlled the pawn line, Xia and Taitan could only show up occasionally to gain some experience.

In the next second, a good news came from Zhongshang at the same time.

Gnar killed Sion!
Gnar killed the male sword!

Syndra killed Vigus!

In the face of absolute strength, all routines seem so unbearable.

Gnar's aggressive laning attracted a male sword gank, but King Ning's excavator squatted back spiritually and directly scored a double kill for TheShy.

In the middle lane, Wei Gusi faced huge laning pressure from the first level. This Syndra is too strong!
Finally, at the fourth level, Vigus wanted to eat the cannon cart, and accidentally moved, and was stunned by Syndra's QE, W was ignited immediately, and the flash and Q skills were taken away.

Less than 5 minutes into the game, the AG team collapsed across the board!

In the bottom lane, JackeyLove and Thresh have accumulated a large wave of troops!

At this time, both JackeyLove and Thresh had reached level six, while the opposite duo had only reached level four. The line of soldiers entered the tower, and Thresh threw a lantern behind him, pulling King Ning's excavator up!
Thresh resisted the tower, and the excavator directly lifted Xia up. Draven rushed into the tower and hacked Xia to death with three axes, and then hacked to death the unequipped Titan again!
Thresh directly fought against the tower and died, and the head was given to Xia, raising pigs in disguise!
Jumping over the tower to double kill the opposite bottom lane duo, King Ning's excavator took advantage of the situation to take down the first dragon, while JackeyLove directly took the two layers of tower skin alone, and it was so fat!
After returning to the city, Delevingne directly took out the blue sword, attack speed shoes, and a sawtooth dagger worth 1100 yuan!
Seeing Draven's third piece of equipment, the three commentators were stunned.

Watermelon: "Hey, Delevingne didn't buy a vampire scepter, maybe he won't choose a shield and bow for this mythical outfit."

Pineapple: "Is the second one a collector? It's also a good choice. It has a great advantage now."

Taozi: "With Draven's current advantage, will there be a third one that directly kills pigs with dark claws?"

After Taozi finished speaking, the venue fell into a deathly silence.

After a long time, I heard some fans talking intermittently.

"In the first game of the rookie, directly kill pigs with Delevingne?"

"Is this really good?"

"Will it be too arrogant?"

In LG's team voice, Kele saw JackeyLove returning to the city, and immediately said with a smile: "This development, the shield bow is almost ready!"

After JackeyLove heard it, he turned around and looked at him suspiciously.

"Ah, shield bow, what is that?"

Going back to the line again, level seven Draven and Thresh are already in a crushing state against level four Xayah and Titan!

If teammates don't come, they don't even have the qualification to eat the line under the tower!

During this time, Gnar in the top lane also single-killed Sion again, and Syndra in the middle lane also caught the male knife in the jungle, and a set of combos directly killed him.

The three roads were all bombed, and the male sword had no choice but to come down to eat a stone man, and protect Xia to eat the pawn line under the tower by the way.

Unexpectedly, JackeyLove didn't give face at all, standing in front of the tower, he flew at Xia with an axe.

It's a pity that the fifth-level Titan has no ultimate move, but can only be incapable of fury, and the Q skill is aimed at Draven.

At this time, JackeyLove has already broken through the SSR with all attributes. How could Titan’s Q skill hit? In order not to waste output time, JackeyLove didn’t even move to hide. Instead, he backhanded an E skill to open the way with a sharp axe, directly interrupting Titan’s Q skill. , continue to output towards Xia.

The sixth-level male sword couldn't stand it anymore, so he gave up on the half-hit stone man and jumped out directly over the wall.

Seeing the appearance of the male knife, Tai Tan didn't hesitate, and directly flashed the general attack to stop Draven, and at the same time hung up the ignition!

The outbreak of the sixth-level male knife is no joke, JackeyLove directly purifies and removes the damage of Titan's control and ignition, and at the same time flashes back!

The male sword activates his ultimate move to accelerate, aiming directly at JackeyLove!

At the critical moment, Thresh threw out a lantern, took JackeyLove and fled towards the river, and at the same time activated his big move to block the road on the spot.

Tai Tan was very decisive, directly knocked open the Nether Prison with his body, and opened the way for the male knife.

In the shadows, the male sword carries countless sharp blades and is about to succeed!
In the middle, Rookie also said in the voice message that Wei Gusi had disappeared.

On the road, TheShy directly TP Thresh's lantern and reminded him at the same time.

"Be careful, Sion has disappeared, and it should be teleported down the road."

At this moment, JackeyLove suddenly understood that this was a hunt for him.

Ambush from all sides, so that you can't escape with your wings!
(End of this chapter)

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