LOL: Super Esports Manager

Chapter 61 YG's Death Attack

Chapter 61 YG's Death Attack

When the three commentators caught Clockwork going out and forgot to buy equipment, the LG fans at the scene suddenly exclaimed.

"Rookie, hurry back to the city to buy equipment!"

"Teammates, remind me quickly, there is still time to return to the city!"

"It's the first time to play a game, everyone understand!"

The few YG fans who are still resisting will naturally not miss this opportunity to add insult to injury.

"Oh, is this the MVP of the last game? He's so arrogant, he doesn't even buy clothes for going out!"

"Hehe, I'll cry when I send out troops in a while!"

"Wind up Syndra, and dare to go out naked, let's see how you die now."

In the game, the mid laners of the two sides met in the middle lane, and Corn immediately discovered that Clockwork didn't buy equipment.

The basic attributes provided by the starting equipment are very important!
"There is a chance!" Corn's eyes lit up, and he immediately manipulated Syndra to step forward.

Rookie didn't hesitate either. After clockwork put a shield on himself, he stepped forward and faced Syndra with A.

Corn's Syndra proficiency is good, but rookie's Syndra proficiency is higher!
Corn's provocation at this time is tantamount to playing tricks!

The mid laners of both sides are in the middle, so they start solo directly!

Clockwork made a small move, flexibly dodged Syndra's Q skill, and then the two began to fight A.

Although Clockwork is a late-stage hero, at the first level, using the passive damage and the resistance provided by the golem in his hand is not inferior to most mid-lane heroes!

As soon as the clockwork hit Syndra with a passive basic attack and triggered Alley at the same time, Rookie frowned suddenly.

"No, this injury is wrong!"

Syndra's electrocution talent, the manaflow ribbon of the vice belt, and the scorching.

The clockwork is Aerie, the biscuit and time-distorting tonic brought by Welfare.

Clockwork passive plus Alley's additional damage should be far more than that.

Rookie subconsciously looked at his equipment column, only to realize that he forgot to buy equipment when he went out.

Scratching his head in embarrassment, Rookie quickly controlled the clockwork and retreated.

And Syndra took advantage of this opportunity to pursue and fight fiercely!

When Rookie withdrew to the tower, Syndra used the cooled Q skill to deal scorching damage, successfully triggered the electrocution, and hit Rookie's HP to half.

But fortunately, the game has just started, and there is still time for rookie to go home!

In this wave of confrontation, it seems that Rookie has not lost anything, but Syndra, who has the upper hand in blood volume, has boosted the morale of the team a lot!
"Good job, Brother Corn!"


"Come on, brothers!"

In the voice of YG team, several players cheered up.

After rookie returned to the city, he bought Doran's ring and two bottles of life potion, and rushed to the line with the soldiers!
This time, the junglers of both sides still started the game normally, Xin Zhao opened the red buff on the top lane, and King Ning's blind monk also opened the red buff on the bottom lane!

Both sides are similar in terms of runes, choose the conventional belt method.

After returning home to replenish equipment, rookie manipulated the clockwork to come to the line, but this time, rookie took the initiative to initiate the first move!

Comparing the attributes of the two sides, the same Dolan rings two life potions to go out, the attributes of both sides are as follows.

Clockwork Monster has 600 health, 40 attack power, 36 spell power, 17 armor and 34 magic resistance!
The Dark Head has 593 health, 54 attack power, 33 spell power, 25 armor, and 38 magic resistance!
It can be seen that, in addition to the single-digit lag behind the health of the head of state, the attack power is significantly ahead of the clockwork, and the dual resistance is also much ahead.

Seeing that Clockwork had the intention to fight, Syndra was naturally not afraid.

The E skill learned by rookie, the 9-second CD can provide him with a shield value of about 80 points, and he will also gain an additional 6 points of dual resistance because of the golem.

The double resistance provided by the Clockwork E skill has increased his armor to 23 points, and his magic resistance has reached 40 points. There is almost no gap between double resistance and Syndra!
The two mid lane heroes on the field are both players' special skills. Both of them know the key points of this battle!

Because of the passive superimposed damage, Clockwork is not weak at level 1, but Syndra is also the king among level [-] mages because of her high attack power and the high damage and short CD of her Q skill!
Corn saw the right moment, shot with Q skill, and the dark magic ball exploded under the clockwork, but it was a pity that rookie avoided it with a flexible move!

The skill was empty, and the dark head of state immediately hit the clockwork with a basic attack, and the clockwork put a shield on himself, and also responded with a basic attack.

Level 15 clockwork, passive can deal 21 points of extra magic damage, and this damage can be stacked up to twice in a short period of time, and finally can be superimposed to [-] points of extra magic damage per basic attack!
Coupled with the Alley talent that can be continuously triggered without CD, the first-level clockwork, the damage is very high!

And Syndra wants to win the clockwork, the key point is the dark ball of the Q skill!

The first-level dark magic ball, the damage is as high as 91 points, and it can also trigger scorching and electrocution!

The battle between the two at the first level depends on the hit rate of Syndra's Q skill!
Corn is very confident. As long as he winds up his Q once, he can hope to win a solo kill. He doesn't believe that this rookie mid laner can dodge all his Q skills!
And Rookie is equally confident, with a fiery touch, and can definitely dodge all Q skills!
After getting the clockwork and triggering the BUFF, Rookie's laning skill attribute has reached a terrifying 141 points!
The single attribute has reached SR*!

On the other hand, Corn, although he was able to regain a little morale by taking the lead in equipment, after being locked by the Trident, his laning skills dropped by 5 points. With the addition of the Nakano Siamese, there were only 112 laning skills left. The gap in the individual attributes of people has reached 29 points, which is close to the 30-point mark.

With such a gap, how can you win in a heads-up match?
Undoubtedly, rookie's excellent positioning avoided all the Q skills. When the two mid laners were singled out at the first level, and both handed over the ignited situation, rookie's clockwork took the first blood with a slight advantage in blood volume!

In the eyes of everyone in YG, the clockwork with residual blood in the middle lane is a moving 300 yuan, but because of the lessons learned in the last game, Xin Zhao, who finished the red buff, resolutely ignored the clockwork in the middle lane after a moment of silence, and went to the lower jungle area in a well-behaved manner Wild!
Once bitten, twice shy.

YG's jungler is really scared!

King Ning's blind monk also brushed towards the Ueno area. Rookie pushed a wave of lanes comfortably and returned home to replenish his status.

The stone man on the road lived a mediocre life. The hands of the first-level Gnar were not too long, and the comet brought by the stone man could occasionally be used up.

Unfortunately, such a good day ended under the interference of the blind monk.

The third-level blind monk, after a wave of triangular grass, directly flashed the stone man, and jumped over the tower to kill the stone man. TheShy's Gnar got the kill, and the price he paid was only the blind monk's flash!
Fortunately, after this wave of jumping over the tower, Gnar and the blind monk were in poor condition, and the stone man could still eat the line of soldiers under the tower by using teleportation.

LG's middle and Ueno got the upper hand, and YG's jungler Xin Zhao was not idle either!

When the blind monk appeared on the road, jungler Xin Zhao decisively caught it!

Although Bomberman is a hero who pushes the line quickly after being equipped, how to survive the early stage has always been a problem!
YG assisted the bull head to flash the second company and successfully knocked down the bomberman!

With EZ sticking to his face and Xin Zhao's output, Bomberman was killed without even handing over Flash, and Titan also surrendered Flash to save his life!
This wave of YG teams captured and achieved good results!
(End of this chapter)

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