LOL: Super Esports Manager

Chapter 54 4 wins in a row【For collection, recommendation】

Chapter 54 Four Wins in a Row【Please collect and recommend】

After a brief summary, Chen Shu did not continue to assign new tasks to the team members, but asked them to start the live broadcast and relax.

Just finished two games with KG in the afternoon, and then challenged a terrifying team like Legendary IG. The players were exhausted. At this time, even if they were given training tasks, the harm would outweigh the benefits.

Chen Shu came out of the lounge and immediately slipped into the toilet.

In the legendary training match just now, although LG suffered a disastrous defeat, it was not without gains!

The bottom lane duo played steadily and did not improve much.

On the other hand, the mid laner Kele and the jungler Ning who were killed by the line have gained different degrees!

Ning has improved GANK skills by 2 points and reaction speed by 1 point. Currently, these two attributes have reached 119 points!
Kele, the mid laner, after being tortured by Peak Rookie, improved his laning skills by 3 points and his laning awareness by 1 point. Currently, his laning skills have reached 112 points, which finally broke through the critical point of SR. Line awareness has increased to 119 points!
Since TheShy's attribute value has already reached the peak that can be improved by training, there is no change.

In addition to the improvement of attributes, an additional loot box was obtained!

Loser Chest (Orange)

Description: The loot of the losers of the Legendary Training Challenge.

Effect: After using it, you can get a corresponding legendary characteristic medal fragment at the end, there is a certain chance to get a complete legendary characteristic medal, and a very low probability to get a legendary player card!

After glancing at the introduction, Chen Shu understood that this treasure chest was a consolation prize, a guaranteed reward for every legendary training match.

Chen Shu used it silently, and after a "ding", a new fragment appeared in the system inventory.

Legendary Medal Fragment 【Extreme】

Effect: Collect all ten fragments to synthesize a completed Legendary Medal 【Extreme】.

Legendary characteristic medals can be equipped to any player, and the corresponding legendary characteristic will be obtained after being equipped. It will take effect when five players in the team have the same legendary characteristic.

The challenge cooling time of the legendary training match is one week, that is, seven days.

According to one guarantee fragment for seven days, one medal can be obtained in a little more than two months, which seems quite simple, and it is impossible to guarantee the guarantee every time, right?
Unlimited drawing cards can draw the legendary TheShy, Chen Shu feels that his luck is not bad, as long as an extra medal is issued once in two months, counting the upcoming rookie and the existing TheShy and ning, activate [Extreme] Just a matter of time!
After a night's rest, the team members returned to their vigor and vigor, sweeping away the haze of being violently beaten in yesterday's training match!

Everyone packed up their equipment, drove the bus, and rushed to the arena happily!

Due to the large number of teams in the LDL league, the schedule is very tight. There are seven days a week, five of which have games, and only two days off!
The LG team challenged the old strong team KG [-]nd team yesterday, and the next few opponents are all the weak teams at the end of the league!
This is also a common method of league arrangement. Every time there is a new promotion team, the opening game will give you the entire old strong team to give you a big shot, kill your spirit, and then arrange a few big teams for you to regain your confidence.

What?What if you can't beat the fish belly team?
It's very simple, just join if you can't beat, you will be the next big team.

Usually, after being baptized by the old strong teams, the newly promoted teams can accurately find their own position in the next few games against the big teams.

And LG is obviously a special case!
KG Club, the starting top laner can't beat LG even if he debuts in person, and the rest of the big teams are flat!

Today's game was exceptionally smooth.

The opponent of the LG team is a team called LJ. Last season, the LDL team ranked last. There were almost no personnel changes this season.

From the selection process, it can be seen that the LJ team has been completely flattened!
The LJ team moved away Prince Man Yixin Galen directly in the fifth move. Chen Shu was taken aback by this move. If it weren't for the real eye to see that the highest player on the opposite team was only rated as A-, he would have thought that the LJ team would get the protagonist template. , The bounty streak has been closed.

Covering the team name, LG's move is exactly the same as yesterday's legendary IG!
LJ wanted entertainment, so Chen Shu would naturally accompany him!

Chen Shu directly removed Bomberman, Lulu, Xiaopao, Vigus, and Gnar!
The legendary yordle fetters!

This trick made the commentator know he was an expert, and the audience was made to laugh!

The game started, and the result was as everyone expected, completely showing a one-sided situation.

LJ took the order and met Brother Shai in the bushes. In the end, no one was convinced. The operation was as fierce as a tiger. Before the pawn was released, he gave out a blood.

The mid laner was not much better either. Kele should have learned a lot of details from Rookie at the peak yesterday.
Ning Wang was also uncharacteristically, he didn't have a formulaic fast three to catch, but started in the first half of the wild, and the third level was caught, and he successfully caught and killed the opposing bottom lane duo!
In the first 3 minutes, the LG team has an advantage across the board!

At 7 minutes, with the help of the second canyon pioneer, the five members of LG assembled and pushed forward in the middle. The members of LJ defended symbolically, and the group was wiped out. The members of LG pushed down the main crystal, and the game ended!

The second game was almost the same as the first game, the move remained the same, the difference was that Chen Shu deliberately asked the team to practice another style of play, and changed to a late lineup, the result remained the same, in the early 10 minutes, one The wave dragon group ends the game!

Facing the powerful LG crowd, the veteran team LJ is vulnerable!
The games in the next two days were exactly the same, and the other two big teams were also easily defeated by everyone from LG.

In the four-day competition, everyone from LG passed all the way and won four consecutive victories. They are currently ranked No.1 in the league standings, and No.2 is the MY team with the same score as LG. But in terms of small points, MY team is better than LG. The team is one point away.

The dark horse of the LG team has gained fame in the LDL.

Because the LG team has a good record and their status in the league circle is also rising, so there is no need to say anything about the training match. As long as the coaches say something, the top-ranked teams will rush to make an appointment.

After the game on the fourth day, when he returned to the club, Chen Shu did not arrange a training match for the players, nor did he let them start the live broadcast, but watched the video of the game.

Because tomorrow's opponent is Team YG!

The YG team, like the KG team, belongs to the second team of the LPL wealthy club. At the end of last season, the overall strength of the YG team ranked third in the LDL league, belonging to the top team.

And this season, the YG team is said to have spent a lot of money to recruit two rookies, aiming for the championship!
In the arena today, Chen Shu saw the members of the YG team, one SR and four S+ members. If the LG team hadn't been born out of nowhere, there was really a possibility of winning the championship.

The current league record of the YG team is also unbeaten, but because the schedule is late and one game less than the MY team and the LG team, the standings are temporarily ranked third.

If the LG team loses in tomorrow's game, then it will be four wins, and the YG team will directly climb to the top of the standings due to the relationship between victory and defeat. Therefore, tomorrow's game will attract a lot of attention!
"The YG team's strong lane is mainly in their middle lane. Kele must pay attention during the laning phase, so that no accidents occur, and try to control the lane power as much as possible. Don't let him go to the top lane to interfere with the development of the record."

"King Ning should also pay attention. If you have the opportunity, go to the middle lane to apply pressure. Don't worry about the top lane. We have the advantage. As for the bottom lane, we should be able to stabilize it and don't need to go too much."

Chen Shu was explaining tactics when TheShy stood up suddenly and said, "Coach, I need to go to the airport to pick up my friend."

After TheShy finished speaking, Chen Shu's eyes lit up, and he quickly said to Xiaoying beside him, "Xiaoying, drive and Chenglu to the airport!"

(End of this chapter)

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