Chapter 48 Chase

At 2 minutes and 30 seconds into the game, TheShy completed a solo kill in the game!

In the commentary booth, the three commentators had unbelievable shock on their faces!
At the scene, KG fans covered their eyes and couldn't believe what they were seeing!
In the last match, TheShy played against Wang Peng, the contest between the two newcomers top laner, TheShy won!

Although KG fans feel uncomfortable, they still accept this fact. They can only blame their rookie for not being as good as others in singles.

But Zhang Yang is not a rookie like Wang Peng!

Zhang Yang has played professionally for five full years, and was once the all-powerful top laner in the LDL!
Although he played as a substitute in KG for two years, you must understand that KG's starting lineup is Chen Shu, the top laner of the national server!

Chen Shu's substitute, no shame!
After Chen Shu retired, Zhang Yang was promoted to the starting lineup and served as the captain of the KG club. During this period of time, the KG team's training record is obvious to all fans.

Although KG under the leadership of Zhang Yang is not as brilliant as Chen Shu, he still has established himself as the overlord in the LPL!

In the last 20 training games, [-] wins and [-] losses!
This proud record is enough to prove Zhang Yang's strength!
No one would have imagined that Zhang Yang, who was like a fish in water in the LPL, would stumble in the opening game of the LDL today and be single-handedly killed by a fledgling rookie!

At this moment, the venue and all the viewers watching the live broadcast had to re-examine the new top laner of the LG team - TheShy!

After completing the solo kill, the director specially gave a close-up of the LG team's battle seat.

Solo kill Zhang Yang, TheShy's face showed no fluctuations, as if he had done a trivial thing.

The audience looked shocked.

【Is this young man not excited at all? 】

[Why does it feel like his solo kills are as simple as eating and drinking? 】

[The one he single-killed was the captain of KG’s first team. Didn’t he have any expression at all? 】

In the commentary seat, the three commentators couldn't help admiring.

Watermelon: "It's too scary. TheShy, a player, can still be so calm after completing the matchup kill."

Pineapple: "Brother Chen, where did you find such a ruthless person? Why do you feel like he is the one doing the dimension-reducing attack?"

Taozi: "Zhang Yang is in danger. I hope we can find a strategy soon, otherwise this game may set a record."

KG's fans don't know the concerns of the commentators.

If the strongest Zhang Yang can't suppress TheShy on the court, KG may make history in today's game.

The first veteran team to lose to a newly promoted team in the opening game.

This humiliating hat, once put on, can never be taken off for a lifetime!

On the field, Zhang Yang also regretted it to death.

Knowing that TheShy is so strong, how could he take over this mess?
Thinking of this, Zhang Yang couldn't help looking in the direction of the lounge with resentment.

The source of everything is Zhang Hong's fault. If he hadn't suggested to the club executives to let him hold the lineup, how could he have fallen into this situation.

If I didn't come today, the second team would lose if they lost, and I would still be the captain of the KG team.

And now, it's hard.

Zhang Yang rubbed his temples, and controlled the newly resurrected Sword Fairy to walk towards the line.

Daomei pushed the pawn line into the tower and returned to the city. It seems that the level is only three, but Zhang Yang knows that with only one wave of pawn experience, Daomei can be promoted to level four.

After gaining the experience of a soldier on the line, Jian Ji finally rose to the second level.

After taking a look, the sword girl who returned home had already replenished the long sword and mining knife when she came online. At this moment, Zhang Yang finally felt the pain of Wang Peng in the last game.

Watermelon: "Hey, TheShy player didn't choose serious injury or 875, but chose the mine knife long sword and a real eye. It can be seen that TheShy player really likes the mine knife equipment!"

There is a huge gap in equipment level, Zhang Yang knows that if he doesn't call his teammates, he can't play on the road.

"Nightmare and Cards are on the road together, and I must catch Daomei, otherwise I won't be able to play." While speaking, Zhang Yang accidentally missed the cannon cart.

Families that were not well-to-do got worse in an instant.

This scene happened to be caught by the director, and the barrage exploded instantly.

【666, Autobot! 】

[It turns out that professional players, like me, don't like to make up cannons either! 】

[No way, one single kill, Zhang Yang's hands trembled from the beating, and he couldn't even make up the knife? 】

[One thing to say, this wave of operations is the closest I am to a professional player. 】

The cannon cart missed, and Zhang Yang, with a dark face, manipulated Sword Fairy to retreat.

Because Daomei has already reached the pawn line, he has lost the qualification to make up the knife.

As soon as Dao Mei comes online, she directly pulls the remaining health minion into the distance, and strikes with both wings, aiming directly at Zhang Yang!

"Fuck, you hit him so hard!" Zhang Yang cursed, his hand movements not slow at all, and he immediately used the W skill to block.

Zhang Yang failed to dodge E twice, and Zhang Yang didn't dare to push it too hard.

Seeing Zhang Yang handing over his W skill, TheShy smiled with satisfaction, then stood directly in the line of soldiers to finish the damage, and said to Ning at the same time: "Ning, you can jump on the top lane!"

Daomei used the remaining blood soldiers to swipe Q, and kept a full layer of passiveness. Zhang Yang didn't dare to be presumptuous, so she could only stand behind and hear the experience. As for making up the knife, don't even think about it.

After just over four minutes into the game, Zhang Yang was already 20 dollars behind!

At the same time, Ning, who went home and replenished his equipment, also started to hit the road!

When TheShy completed the solo kill earlier, Ning was not idle either. Relying on Galio's early line power, he invaded the wild area of ​​Nightmare strongly. The mid laners of both sides supported at the same time. Two flashes!

Beat the enemy Nakano home, and the blind monk also got the double river crab!

Ning touched a tower of his side from his own blue buff wild area, stuck to the wall and entered the grass on the road, perfectly avoiding the opponent's field of vision inserted in the triangle grass and the grass beside the river.

TheShy pushed the line of troops to the front of the enemy tower, and was ready to jump the tower.

At this time, the voice of the mid laner Kele came from the team voice.

"Be careful, the card has not been online, it may be on the road, I am rushing."

Hearing the reminder from the mid laner, Ning, who was hiding in the grass on the top lane, frowned and said, "Their midfielder didn't dodge. Can this wave be operated?"

TheShy's eyes suddenly lit up!
"No flash?"

"Broad, wide!"

Through the information provided by the mid laner, and then taking a look at their own field of vision, TheShy and ning instantly judged the position of the opponent's mid field ambush.

The opponent's triangle grass is on the road!

2V3, even if you jump the tower!

TheShy pushed the pawn line halfway, pretended to look at the opponent's triangle grass, walked two steps, saw Jian Ji coming out of the tower, TheShy turned around and ran away without hesitation!
In the next second, a yellow card rushed out from above the head of the third-level card, followed by a third-level nightmare!

Fortunately, at this time, KG's upper middle field did not flash!

TheShy didn't panic at all, and used the Q skill to kill the last two bloody minions to move, and at the same time refresh the duration of his passive.

The distance between the card and the nightmare was too far, so Zhang Yang gritted his teeth and directly handed over Sword Fairy's W skill, using the deceleration effect to keep people away.

This wave of cards and nightmares are losing troops to help themselves. The sacrifice is too big. If they can't catch Dao Mei, KG will completely collapse!
Moreover, the vision of the river has revealed that the fourth-level Galio who came to support has arrived at the Dragon Pit, and this wave must be resolved quickly!

Jian Ji put on a blocking posture, and then stabbed Dao Mei's back fiercely with the sharp blade in her hand.

This time, TheShy can hide from Sword Fairy's W, but it's not necessary.

With the deceleration effect, Daomei ran into the grass on the road.

In the current situation, Zhang Yang had no choice but to grit his teeth and rush forward!

 Thank you [Lingluo 111] [Oh Giant] for the monthly pass.

  Thank you [Xiaowentian] [Reward yourself ten thousand times] [Book friend tail number 5480] [Book friend tail number 5064] [Slack kite] [Please don't go] [] [Free ten thousand point book] [Oh giant ] recommendation vote

  Thanks to the good brothers above, awesome!
  In addition, I would like to thank [Am] book friends for their opinions. After careful consideration, the two chapters 46.47 released yesterday have been revised. The specific modification content is to weaken the effect of the curse card and design it as an entertainment item. Let the strength of the players speak for themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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