Chapter 39
The start was disastrous, and the WM club still suffered a disastrous defeat in the second training match. The second wave of vanguards finished in 13 minutes. The head ratio between the two sides was 18 to 1. The only head that WM got was Ning's down road. Resisted a defensive tower.

The situation was beyond recovery, the WM players played GG, and the game ended.

At the end of the game, in the WM training room, the coach took the players to replay the videos of the two training rooms, analyzed each wave of battles one by one, and finally made a preliminary evaluation of the LG club.

The LG team has strong overall strength, S laning strength, and unknown operational capabilities.

Both training games ended after the laning period. WM was not qualified to see the operation of the LG team.

Next is the detailed analysis of the players.

Top laner theshy, a pressure-resistant player, has a decent laning ability and exceptionally good pressure resistance ability, especially good at 1 vs 2 under the tower, and is good at hero Sion.

Mid laner Kele, a wandering mid laner, has strong laning ability. After getting the lane right, he usually chooses to go to the bottom lane to find opportunities. He is good at the hero Syndra.

The jungler is ning, a father-in-law jungler, with clear thinking and moderate performance. Most of the time, he protects the bottom lane in the second half of the jungle.

ADC Wang, the core player of the LG team, has strong laning ability and outstanding performance. He needs to focus on it. He is good at hero skate shoes, Lucian.

Support Yun, a team-starting support, has a strong ability to play lanes with ADCs, performs well, needs to be focused on, and is good at hero Titans and Thresh.

After sorting out the information, WM's coach uploaded the information to a group chat. In this group chat, there were several LDL club coaches, and the coach of KG's second team was among them.

As the coach of KG's second team, Zhang Hong has led the team to compete in the LDL for several years.

During this period, they won championships and played in promotion and relegation matches, but unfortunately they did not make it to the LPL.

However, generally speaking, under the leadership of Zhang Hong, KG's second team can also be called the leading team in the entire LDL.

Last season, if it hadn't been for the semi-finals to meet the favorite MY team, KG's second team would have a good chance of reaching the final.

Zhang Hong admitted that when he was playing professionally in the past, he was indeed not Chen Shu's opponent.

However, now that Chen Shu has retired, he is now a coach.

Zhang Hong felt that it was necessary to teach this rookie a good lesson, let him know that although the LDL is only a first-tier professional league, the water is still very deep, and Chen Shu, a rookie coach, cannot play well.

What's more, because of the make-up photo incident, the opening match a few days later has been pushed to the hot search. The club attaches great importance to this opening match and has given Zhang Hong a death order. He must win it, preferably 2 than 0.
Under pressure from many parties, Zhang Hong did not dare to be careless. The players are training hard, and Zhang Hong is always paying attention to the movements of the coaches. An hour and a half ago, WM's coach received an invitation from the LG team for a training match. Time, about half an hour before the results.

"Hmph, I want to see what kind of players are in your Chen Shu's LG team."

【Ding! 】

There was a soft sound, and Zhang Hong took a look. It turned out that someone in the coaching group was uploading information.

When I clicked on it, I saw that the title was about the LG team, and they even uploaded videos of training matches.

Usually this kind of training game video cannot be saved or leaked, because this violates the regulations of the professional league.

Moreover, leaking the video of the training match will not only expose the opponent's stuff, but also expose some of the tactical intentions of the own team.

However, several coaches in this coaching group are all veterans of the LDL. They have already formed a community of interests and know each other well, so they have no such concerns.

Zhang Hong was not in a hurry to read the information, but said in the group: "A BO3 plus replay, it was done in just an hour, you WM2 to 0?"

"It seems that Chen Shu's LG team is not doing well either?"

Coach WM blushed, held it in for a long time, and replied in the group: "You can see for yourselves."

Hearing this, several coaches in the group felt that something was wrong.

WM's coach is notoriously tongue-in-cheek, if they were 2-0 in WM, they would have already bragged to everyone.

Such an abnormal silence showed that it was very likely that the opponent was defeated 2-0.

The overall strength of the WM players is not strong, but there are few changes in the team, the players cooperate tacitly, and the overall strength of the team can be mixed in the middle and upper reaches of the LDL.

Last season, WM won 2-0 against weak teams. Although it rarely won against strong teams, it could often score 1 point to save face.

Such a stable WM team was swept 2-0 by a rookie coach leading a group of rookie players?
Everyone didn't believe it, so they clicked on the video of the training match one after another.

WM VS LG GAME1 Duration 15:08
WM VS LD GAME2 Duration 13:02
Just looking at the length of the game, several coaches in the group were not calm.

[The first round was 15 minutes, and the second round was over in 13 minutes. Is this LG's main early rhythm? 】

[The rhythm is so good, their jungler strength must be very strong, focus on it. 】

[The team led by Chen Shu is definitely not weak in top lane, but they don’t know how offensive it is. 】

[Forget it, don't guess, let's watch the specific video. 】

Several coaches started a group chat and began to watch the video together.

Don't look at it, look at it!
After watching the video, several coaches looked at each other.

LG's jungle performance is mediocre, and although the top laner has top-notch pressure resistance, it doesn't seem to have any tricks.

On the contrary, the bottom lane duo played extremely fiercely!

The main reason for the short duration of the two games is that the bot lane exploded, and it was blown through!

ADC takes over the game in the later stage. Once it has a huge advantage in the early stage, the game has ended early.

This is the common cognition of all coaches.

However, if you know what you know, it is very difficult to achieve this.

The bottom lane is a two-player lane, which requires a tacit cooperation between the support and the ADC. Secondly, if you want to play through the lane, the strength of the ADC and the support must be much ahead of the opponent. Finally, the jungler needs to provide timely help.

Such a strong bot lane has never appeared in the LDL league before, but without exception, all of them have been dug to the LPL.

Except for the two monsters in the bottom lane of the MY team, the LDL bottom lane combination is almost all tool players who check in. It is more the upper middle field that decides the outcome of the game.

Faced with such a strong bottom lane combination, several coaches suddenly encountered difficulties.

I thought it was a puppy, but it turned out to be a tiger!
Zhang Hong thought for a while and typed in the group: "Old Wang, your team's bottom lane strength is pretty good. You can make an appointment with Chen Shu and play another B03 tonight."

In the group, Lao Wang readily agreed, and then called Chen Shu to make an appointment for a training match.

Zhang Hong picked up his laptop and headed to the training room.

The training match in the morning has already been played, and the next training match is scheduled for the evening, so the members of KG's second team are doing targeted training at this time.

Some people practice basic skills with custom make-ups, and some practice skill combos.

But Wang Peng rejected Zhang Xiaofei's suggestion of RANK practice, and opened the video alone.

When the recording is turned on, a qualifying video is played, and the perspective is locked on the top road.

This is a ranking video of Wang Peng a few days ago. Wang Peng is the sword girl, and the ID on the opposite sword girl's head is CN197!

That's right, what Wang Peng is replaying right now is his ranked match against CN197, the guy who makes professional servers scared.

Although 197's name has disappeared for several days, no one in the professional circle has ever questioned his strength. This name that only appeared for a few days has almost destroyed all top laners in professional servers!

What Wang Peng watched was not his own perspective, but the perspective of his opponent Jianji. He had to learn the laning skills of 197, and then in the opening match a few days later, he would brutally kill the rookie top laner of the LG team!
(End of this chapter)

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