LOL: Super Esports Manager

Chapter 36 Smoke bombs

Chapter 36 Smoke bombs

Wang Peng got up and walked towards the rear of the team in a daze.

At this time, Chen Shu stopped him.

"Don't say I didn't give you a chance."

"Honor needs to be guarded with strength. The LDL opener a week later, let me see your strength."

"If you're just a clown, it's better to retire as soon as possible."

Because the scene was too noisy, Wang Peng could no longer hear what Chen Shu said behind him.

He has only one thought in mind now.

In the opening game a week later, he will use his strength to defeat LG and return the humiliation he suffered today a hundredfold to that superior man.

The news of the opening game was known to Chen Shu while chatting with several coaches earlier. The LDL schedule has been arranged, but it has not been announced to the public.

These coaches are veterans, they all have their own channels, and they got the schedule early.

LG Club participated in the opening match, which was expected by Chen Shu.

A newly promoted team faces an old strong team, which is traditional no matter in LDL or LPL.

However, the opponent was the second team of KG, which Chen Shu did not expect. It seemed that the alliance guild was very optimistic about the LG team and deliberately created a topic.

After the episode of the makeup photos passed, the LG club also began to actively prepare for the game, preparing to face the KG second team in a week.

This game must be won, and it must be won beautifully!

After all, this game is about two important tasks!

Task 1:

[Random mission: One LG traitor with one knife! 】

[Task requirements: In the professional league, face the LG Traitor's team head-on! 】

[Task Reward: Eye of Truth. 】

Task 2:

[Convincing people with virtue] (phased task)
Current mission stage: [-]
Task requirements: In the match against KG.M, TheShy single-killed the opponent's top laner at least three times.

Task rewards: basic reward TheShy all attributes +5, each additional solo kill rewards all attributes +1, reward upper limit all attributes +10.
Failure penalty: TheShy's all attributes are reduced by 10 points.

[Reminder: This task is a staged task, and you will get a certain reward for completing each stage. If any stage fails, the mission will be terminated. 】

[Tip: Complete all phased tasks, there will be unexpected rewards! 】

Task 1 is not difficult. During the studio incident, Chen Shu had already used the system to observe the overall strength of KG's second team in advance. , the newly joined duo of traitors and ninjas is barely strong.

"Name: Zhang Xiaofei

Game ID: KGM.Bo
Affiliated team: KGM
Location: jungle

Status: Unknown
GANK skills: S+ 103~107
Anti-squat awareness: SR 111~114
Resource Control: S+ 106~109
Team battle position: S 103~105
Reaction speed: S+ 107~108
Overall rating: S+
Skill: Top and jungle conjoined (orange): Bind the top laner at the start, all attributes of both players will be +3, and when fighting together, all attributes will be +5 again.

Anti-squat master (purple): Possesses a strong anti-squat awareness, and has a certain probability of seeing through the enemy's jungle gank route.

"Name: Wang Peng
Game ID:
Affiliated team: KGM
Position: Order

Status: Unknown
Laning skills: SR 112~114
Lane Awareness: S+ 102~106
Economic Development: S- 101~103
Team battle position: A+ 97~99
Reaction speed: S+ 106~107
Overall rating: S+
Skill: Domineering (orange): At the beginning of the game, when your own attributes are higher than those of your opponent, you will gain an additional 5 points of all attributes.

Stay strong while facing the weak (orange): Each time you kill the target, you gain 2 points of all attributes and reduce the target's all attributes by 1 point. This state lasts until the end of the game.

These two rebellious ninja brothers are both typical examples of bullying and shying away from the strong. Once they meet an opponent who is weaker than them, they will hit hard, leaving the opponent unable to fight back.

But once they meet an opponent stronger than them, the jungler is still unknown, and the top laner will be half-baked.

Such a Ueno combination can easily beat most Uenos in LDL.

Unfortunately, they met the combination of TheShy and Ning!
After figuring out the opponent's strength, in Chen Shu's view, there was no suspense in this match.

The only thing that worries Chen Shu is how to let TheShy solo kill the opponent's top laner eight times in one game.

There are not many opportunities to brush attributes like this, so we must grasp it well.

After pondering for a moment, Chen Shu decided to throw some smoke bombs at the opponent before the battle.

The relationship between the major clubs in the LDL is pretty good. Everyone knows who is strong and who is weak.

Tactical information and so on will also be exchanged with each other.

And what Chen Shu has to do now is to use the training match to give false information to KG's second team.

Chen Shu casually called a club coach who had a good relationship with KG, and the other party happily accepted the training match.

"Okay, everyone stay away after this game is over. In half an hour, we will have a best-of-three training match with Team WM. Play well." After hanging up the phone, Chen Shu said to everyone in the training match.

After Chen Shu finished speaking, everyone expressed their understanding, and TheShy had just finished a game, and after hearing Chen Shu finished speaking, they quickly canceled the queue.

Seeing this, Chen Shu smiled and came to TheShy's side.

"Sir, do you remember what I said earlier?"

TheShy nodded: "Remember, the coach said that blindly attacking will only reveal flaws, and sometimes defense is the best offense."

Seeing TheShy so cute, Chen Shu felt very relieved.

"Well, for a training match, we'll make the bottom lane more aggressive, and the top lane will be more defensive. How do you feel?"

After Chen Shu finished speaking, he glanced at Ning beside him.

Ning immediately replied: "I don't care, it mainly depends on Brother Sun."

Thinking of Chen Shu's impeccable Kenan solo that day, TheShy nodded immediately.

"Okay, I can try to defend, and Ning can help the bottom lane open the situation."

After finishing TheShy, others will naturally be much more relaxed.

Especially the bottom lane duo, when they heard Chen Shu say that he would try a bottom lane-centered style of play next, the bottom lane duo burst into tears of joy, hugging each other and crying with excitement.

Half an hour passed, and the training match between LG and WM started.

The two sides created a custom battle room in the professional server as agreed.

It will soon enter the selection stage.

Chen Shu didn't hesitate, and the first three moves directly removed Tam, Morgana and Fengnv, who had strong bot lane protection capabilities.

Chen Shu's rude move directly shocked the opponent's coach.

These three moves have directly written on my forehead that I want to go down the road.

WM's coach looked confused.

"Didn't it mean that the top laner of the LG team is Brother Chen's personal disciple, and the main player is Ueno?"

"Why does this move look wrong?"

After hesitating for a while, WM's coach chose to trust his own intelligence and decisively removed Sword Girl, Jace and Sword Girl who were very capable of snowballing on the top lane.

LDL players are not as comprehensive as LPL players in terms of strength and hero pool. Therefore, in LDL games, the move of both sides is more to remove the opponent's leading player. Without knowing the hero of TheShy, WM coach moved three hands. People don't seem to have any problems.

 Chapter 1, the next chapter is still under revision.

(End of this chapter)

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