LOL: Super Esports Manager

Chapter 28 Wang Peng's Anger

Chapter 28 Wang Peng's Anger
To chase or not to chase, that is the question!
Looking at the skateboard shoes that have jumped out of the attack range of the defense tower, Wang Peng fell into a difficult choice...

Skateboard shoes Now both QE skills have entered the CD, this is a rare opportunity, catch up, there is hope to dodge or chase!

If you don't chase after him, you will be tortured by him when your skateboarding shoe skill CD improves.

"Forget it, it's too bad to beat the second level." Wang Peng gritted his teeth with hatred, but he didn't rush to catch up, but chose to advance in a safe waiting line.

"Yo, so careful?" TheShy saw that Jian Ji didn't plan to go out of the tower, and immediately showed a [weak burst] expression.

The excavator was already squatting in the grass in the middle of the road, and he couldn't let his work go in vain.

Jian Ji has been suppressed by skateboard shoes since she went online, and her heart was already full of anger. When the expression on the top of the skateboard shoes lit up, Jian Ji completely exploded.

"A Fei, where is the excavator on the other side?" Although Jian Ji was upset, she did not lose her mind.

Zhang Xiaofei brushed the red buff, glanced at the line, and then said: "She should have just finished the red buff and squatted on me in the middle. The Enchantress pressed too hard, it was a bit fake."

Excavator is a strong jungler in the early stage. The conventional routine is double buff plus toad speed 3 to catch or hit. Of course, anti-squatting is also possible.

Wang Peng glanced at the middle road, Yao Ji had already sent her troops under the Tsar's tower, but she didn't choose to walk away or go home, but stood in front of the Tsar's tower, giving the Tsar a shot from time to time, like that, one could tell at a glance Hit the wild and squat again.

"Very good, you dare to pretend to be me when the jungler isn't here?"

Wang Peng decisively controlled Jian Ji to come out of the tower, and when she reached the first grass on the road, Jian Ji immediately turned around and stuck her eyes in the grass.

Looking at the empty grass, Jian Ji made a decisive general attack, killing a small soldier.

A golden light shines from Jian Ji's body, and Jian Ji has also reached the second level!
The cautious Wang Peng did not learn the skills immediately, but kept the skill points.

When TheShy saw Sword Lady coming out to fight, she immediately smiled.

"Don't eat, don't eat."

Brother Sun absolutely can't bear it, a little sword girl dares to fight in front of her face!

In the next second, the skater strapped on the spear and gave Jian Ji a set of acupuncture.

TheShy made two consecutive basic attacks on Jian Ji's body, completely setting the gunpowder barrel on fire!

"The jungler is not here, how dare you pretend to be with me!"

"I'm sure I won't dare to go up, right?"

Facing the spear of skateboard shoes, Jian Ji chooses to be a hero this time, not retreating but advancing.

At the same time, Wang Peng decisively learned the W skill. In such a short period of time, the E skill of the skateboard shoes must still be on CD. As long as the Q skill is blocked, the two of them are singled out, and the skateboard shoes have no chance of winning!

Jian Ji accurately hit the skateboard shoe with her Q skill, and this time she was lucky, as her Q hit the flaw in front of the skate shoe. Jian Ji not only restored a small amount of blood, but also gained a key acceleration effect.

"Let's see where you are going!" Wang Peng raised his lips, as if he was sure of winning.

After the skateboard shoes were approached by Jian Ji, she immediately "panicked"!
The sword girl's horrific damage was too much for skateboard shoes.

The skateboard shoes were already at a disadvantage, and she hit Jianji with an A, and at the same time used her passivity to keep retreating towards the rear. Unfortunately, the effect was negligible. Jianji took advantage of the gap to accelerate, and stuck to the skateboard shoes tightly.

The two kept pulling and pulling, and after three steps, the skateboard shoes retreated to the middle of the road near the grass.

At this time, judging from the blood volume of both sides, Jian Ji, with her powerful warrior attributes, has turned against the enemy and gained the advantage. If the two sides continue to entangle, the skateboard shoes will definitely die!
At the critical moment, the skateboard shoes could no longer hold back. He took action decisively with his Q skill, and at the same time used the passive triggered by the skill to jump into the grass in the middle of the road.

Seeing this, Wang Peng was full of confidence.

"Hmph, I've been waiting for a long time, your reaction, want to show me with the card vision?"

"no way!"

Wang Peng is confident that as long as he blocks this Q skill, the skateboard shoes will definitely die, and he will not be able to run even if he flashes!

Sword Fairy's W skill steadily blocks the spear in the skater's hand. After the block is over, Sword Fairy's Q skill is also cooled down!

Wang Peng didn't give his skate shoes a chance, and his Q skill directly penetrated the grass in the middle of the road.

"Holy shit, a second-level excavator?" Wang Peng couldn't help but swear at the scene in the grass.

How can an excavator grab it on the second level?

Counting the time, the excavator has been squatting in the grass for half a minute...

The ferocious excavator sees the sword girl who is taking the initiative to stick to the face, so there is nothing to say, directly W jacks up, the huge attack speed provided by the talent of Congren, instantly hits AQAAA, TheShy's skateboard shoes make up the last spear, Successful income first blood!

"Oh, thank you!" After getting first blood, TheShy laughed again.

After the excavator helped the skater push the line, the pair both advanced to level three.

TheShy presses back to town and opens the store.

One blood plus soldiers line, TheShy has a total of 800 yuan, and it takes 1100 yuan to open the attack speed shoes in the store.

"Is it 300 yuan short?" TheShy frowned, and then thought of something, with a smile on his face again.

After interrupting the return to the city, TheShy hid directly in the grass of the opponent's first tower, and at the same time sent a "Help me" signal to the enemy's top road triangle grass.

The excavator understood it, and also interrupted the return to the city, and directly opened the tunnel, drilling from the river grass on the road to the triangle grass on the enemy's road.

There was a reminder that Jian Ji was killed on the screen, Zhang Xiaofei looked at it suspiciously, and asked: "What's the situation, your reaction failed?"

Wang Peng looked unhappy: "There is a dog on the road, and the excavator caught it at the second level. This old guy is too good at acting."

"The reaction is lost to the acting skills of the 20s."

"It's normal." Zhang Xiaofei nodded, "Don't worry, I'll help you on the top road after this wave of catching the bottom road."

With that said, Ike cooperated with Titan and successfully killed the opponent's bottom lane assistant Karma.

After Wang Peng was resurrected, he immediately TPed to the road tower, and then added a red medicine and a real eye.

Looking at the fallen soldiers one by one, Wang Peng was very anxious.

On the road, you can make up for damage, but you must not lose experience. Once the level falls, you will be suppressed all the time!
TheShy is also in the same mood at the moment, Wang Peng is not TP, and TheShy is afraid of scaring the snake, so he didn't come out rashly to eat the line, but just stuck in the field of vision to eat experience.

"It's okay, it's okay." After missing three small soldiers, Wang Peng resurrected and TPed immediately, and TheShy came to the defense tower with a smile.

"Grass." Seeing TheShy appearing in front of the defense tower, Wang Peng already knew what would happen next, but there was no way. Once TP was used, there was no way to cancel it.

When Wang Peng came down from the TP, the excavator squatted in front of the tower ahead of time, and Jian Ji was directly knocked into the air when she landed. The excavator AQAAA resisted the tower, and the skateboard shoe AQAE was taken away directly. Finally, the excavator dug a tunnel and got out of the tower. The two cooperated perfectly.

The whole process took only a second, and when Jian Ji landed, she was already a corpse.

Before the TP landed, Wang Peng kept pressing the W key. Unfortunately, the excavator ducked to the ground and squatted at the landing point of the TP. It was an uncontrollable control and a sure hit. It was useless even if Wang Peng pressed the keyboard to pieces.

Frustrated, Wang Peng punched the table with a hammer. As a result, the bucket of instant noodles on the table was knocked down, and the instant noodle soup spilled all over the keyboard...

After the keyboard got into the water, it failed immediately.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaofei had no choice but to type in the team.

"I'm sorry everyone, the top laner was with me. He was gank by the instant noodles, and the keyboard failed due to water. We should be at 15 o'clock in this game."

The mid laner Tsar has been suppressed by the Enchantress and is having a hard time playing, so he agrees.

The bot lane ADC who got the advantage typed two words unceremoniously.


The assistant also followed up to make up the knife: "The food is the food, so why don't you find such a weird reason."

Wang Peng was furious looking at the chat box, but unfortunately the keyboard was malfunctioning and unable to type, so he could only be incompetent and furious.

"Damn it, I'm stumped today. I can't beat the old ones. I still don't believe I can't beat the young ones."

"Wait until the LDL starts, and see how I can kill their top laner!"

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  Thank you for your recommendation ticket collection and follow-up. Today, please everyone, try to follow up to the latest chapters when you have time. At present, this book is in the recommended position. One of your follow-up readings is very important, or you can advance to the next level if you follow up with many of them. One round, come on!

(End of this chapter)

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