LOL: Super Esports Manager

Chapter 231 Pioneer Group, the situation reversed

Chapter 231 Pioneer Group, the situation reversed
Jess died suddenly, and King Ning frowned instantly.

"Oh my, this wave of wild areas should be released." King Ning said helplessly.

Jess has been killed, and Rookie can only retreat.

There are now three people in the LGA. Although King Ning was very upset, he had no choice but to retreat.

Because of Jess' death in action, Ueno District had no choice but to hand it over.

LGA's attack was very successful. It seemed to be invading the wild area, but the goal was TheShy.

Although it cost two flashes, the effect was very good. After playing TheShy's flash, he also got a kill. Nightmare also got three groups of wild monsters in the upper jungle area of ​​​​the blue side.

The battle is over, and Xiangguo happily enjoys the loot, three groups of wild monsters in the upper wild area of ​​the blue side.

But King Ning could only go back to the lower wilderness area to eat river crabs.

On the commentary table, Zeyuan said with a smile: "LGA is very aggressive. In the first wave of confrontation, the two sides fought back and forth. King Ning caught him and succeeded in getting first blood, which made Uzi very uncomfortable."

"The invasion of Xiangguo on the road was also very successful. They used TheShy's flash and got TheShy's head."

"The core players of the two teams have received special attention, and the situation is temporarily [-]-[-]."

Miller on the side smiled and said, "Indeed, the rookie jungler MLXG from LGA dares to fight. He has done a lot of things that the jungler wants to do but dare not do."

Wawa nodded and smiled, "That's right, ambush TheShy, if he manipulates it, Ueno will blow up completely."

"Of course, high risks also come with high returns. The Shy has been killed in this wave, and Aoun's level and development have all caught up. Don't look at just half a minute, but this half minute is very critical."

"Aoun returned to the city this time to make up for the small cloth armor, plus the Doran shield when he went out, and the talent of the wind of recovery and recovery. Jess is online again, and it is already difficult to touch Aoun."

Zeyuan smiled and said: "That's right, Aoun stared at Jess's consumption and stepped forward to forcefully push down the pawn line, and then stood behind and waited for the blood to recover."

After eating the crab, King Ning had no choice but to return to the city.

Xiangguo is more cool. After clearing the blue upper wild area and eating the crab, you can continue to clear the red buff and stone beetle. After returning to the city to make up, the lower wild area is also refreshed.

In the first wave of confrontation, although King Ning got first blood, Xiangguo spawned three more groups of wild monsters.

Nightmare takes more levels than blind monks, and the first wave of incense pots earns more.

Of course, the death of Uzi also made JackeyLove develop a wave.

After the junglers of both sides returned to the city for supplies, they came to the lower jungle area to clear the jungle at the same time. Everything seemed to be back to the original point.

After the two groups of wild monsters were cleared, the Nightmare reached level five, while the blind monk was only at level four.

Almost at the same time, the junglers of both sides made another decision.

King Ning and MLXG said in unison: "Galio didn't flash."

The junglers on both sides were amazing and aimed at the middle lane at the same time.

MLXG was silent for a moment and said calmly: "Can puppies develop in the bottom lane?"

"Galio didn't dodge, the blind monk has a high probability of being caught, Xiao Ming had better rely on it."

Uzi was caught for a while. He didn't know the jungler's movements, and he didn't dare to continue to suppress. His level and CS were barely on par with Zeli.

After Xiang Guo finished speaking, Uzi nodded, and said to Xiao Ming beside him, "Go to Zhong, I can make up the sword under the tower."

Level [-] Lulu quickly rushed towards the middle.

On the other side, King Ning said at the same time: "Rookie is ready, kill a wave of Galio, and then go up to find a place for Brother Sun."

Killing Galio was not King Ning's original intention, and Aoun who was on the road was the main goal of King Ning.

Galio's combat effectiveness in the early stage is very strong, the basic skill damage is very high, and the control is also very troublesome.

If there is a 3V3 fight on the road, LG will not be able to win for sure.

It just so happened that Galio handed over Flash in the last wave. If Galio can be killed in advance, the success rate of tower jumping on the road will increase a lot.

The Ning dynasty approached in the middle, and at this time Lissandra and Galio had both been promoted to level five.

King Ning turned on the scan, and after confirming that there was no eye position along the way, he squatted in the grass in the middle.

Rookie saw that King Ning was already in place, and immediately went up to consume Galio.

Lissandra pretended to step forward to make up the knife, and after entering the casting range, a set of AQ directly destroyed the shield of Galio's W passive effect.

The blood exchange took advantage, and Rookie immediately retreated.

Of course Xiaohu couldn't bear to be beaten up for nothing, not to mention the F6 camp where Nightmare was right next to him.

Xiaohu chased after him, and a Q skill hit Rookie's Lissandra. Unfortunately, Rookie moved away and turned away, so the skill didn't hit.

The skill was misplaced, and Galio retreated to the back of the line to continue finishing the attack. The mid laners of both sides pretended that nothing happened, but in fact they had their own agenda.

rookie: "Galio's passive has been eliminated, I still have electrocution, the damage of the next wave should be enough."

Xiaohu: "Rookie is fighting so fiercely. King Ning must be on the side. I am deliberately emptying my Q this time. They are definitely going to take action. Xiaoming, make sure to shield me."

The artillery soldiers were bloody, and Galio stepped forward again.

"I'm on it." As soon as Rookie finished speaking, Lissandra's E skill made a move, and WAQ set up an electric shock, imprisoning Galio in the middle.

King Ning's blind monk appeared, his Q skill hit Galio accurately, and the second stage of Q was followed by AE, and the damage was instantly full.

Lissandra, who is talented in electrocution, has a very high explosion. King Ning returned home and added two more long swords. The attack power was off the charts and the damage was equally objective.

Nakano set, Xiaohu has been beaten to death!

Xiaohu didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately flashed to go back to the tower, but unfortunately the position of the pawn line was too far forward, and after Galio flashed, there was still a distance from his own tower.

King Ning was very decisive and shouted angrily: "Chasing."

The blind monk dodged, and Galio was still attached to the Ice Girl's Q skill and the deceleration of the blind monk's E skill, and was quickly stuck by the blind monk.

Rookie also catches up, outputting basic attacks.

At the critical moment, Nightmare came out from the river on the upper side of the middle road, cutting off the back of the blind monk and Lissandra.

Rookie hesitated: "Are you still chasing?"

King Ning said decisively: "If you want to kill Galio, Nightmare depends on the situation!"

Xiaohu has only one-third of his health left, and the blind monk and Lissandra are chasing after him.

King Ning kept looking at the skill CD, the cooldown of the Q skill was completed, the Tianyinbo hit, and the Echo Shot pursued him!
The blind monk's second-stage Q almost killed Xiaohu, and he was brought into the defense tower by Galio to bear the damage of the defense tower!

Seeing that Galio was about to die in battle, at a critical moment, a yordle emerged from the wild area.

"Run fast!"

Lulu from Xiaoming arrived in time, put a shield on Galio, and turned the blind monk into a sheep!

Backed by the defensive tower, Xiaohu's combat power was immediately at full capacity.

Galio's best partner is a defensive tower with full output!
Galio's E skill knocks the blind monk into the air, and W charges up to taunt.

After the defense tower warms up, attack three times and take away the blind monk directly.

The Nightmare of Xiangguo also stuck to rookie and began to output crazily.

Rookie had no choice but to hand over the flash and pull back.

Looking at the pitch-black screen in front of him, King Ning was apologetic.

"I'm sorry, mine, I shouldn't have chased you, I was too impatient."

Rookie also quickly apologized: "No, no, it's my problem. I should pay the flash damage immediately."

While the middle and wild duo were blaming themselves, a kill message suddenly appeared on the screen.

LG.JackeyLove (Zeri) killed LGA.Uzi (Aphelios) and completed a kill!

Ue Nakano turned his head to look at JackeyLove at the same time, King Ning and rookie no longer blamed themselves.

TheShy said with a smile: "Good fight, JK!"

King Ning and rookie also gave thumbs up.

Liu Qingsong still looked cold, but JackeyLove said with a smile: "It's not that I eat resources and don't do things. My elder brother will help me catch it. If you still can't get an advantage in the second lane, it's a bit unreasonable." .”

On the other side, Uzi's cheeks were hot, and he scratched his ear and cheek in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I was greedy for this wave of soldiers, I thought they wouldn't dare to cross..."

Xiangguo comforted: "It's okay, this one hit the middle field, it's not your fault."

Xiao Ming also smiled and said, "We'll call back in the next wave."

The middle road design captured King Ning to death, and Xiaolong was also acquired by LGA.

At the commentary seat, Zeyuan smiled and said: "JackeyLove is doing well in this wave. The moment Lulu showed up in the middle, Zelijiamao directly attacked, very decisive!"

Miller also smiled and said: "That's right, JK's timing is very good in this wave, it can be regarded as helping LG to stop the loss, King Ning's death in this wave is a bit hurt, Xiaolong fell."

Wawa smiled and said, "Have you noticed that before you know it, JK's development is leading the field, much higher than No.2."

The director gave the economic panel, and JackeyLove led the audience, thriving.

No.2 is the nightmare of Xiangguo. Its development is already very good, and it is still 700 yuan behind JK.

Xiaolong was taken down by the LGA, and the two sides lived in peace for 2 minutes.

In seven and a half minutes, the Canyon Pioneer is about to refresh, and both sides are preparing for the Pioneer.

This version, although the late ADC output is very high, is called the ADC version.

In fact, the winner still depends on the first wave of pioneers.

The team that gets the vanguard is often able to push down the opponent's outer tower in the first place. While the economy is ahead, the vision is also more advantageous, gradually eroding the opponent.

On the other hand, the side that loses the vanguard has no vision, and even if it gets a good late-game lineup, the ADC often has no place to develop.

In this round, almost all the heroes on both sides were killed, and the level was not very high.

The solo lanes are all level [-], and Xiangguo's Nightmare has also reached level [-].

King Ning's blind monk was a little behind and had just reached level six.

In the bottom lane, JackeyLove had a great game, and Zeli and Mao Mao both reached level six.

But Uzi was having a hard time playing this game. Both Aphelios and Lulu were behind in experience, and their level was only level five.

Glancing at Aphelios' level, Xiangguo said, "Puppy, can Pioneer fight?"

Uzi knew that Xiangguo was worried that he would not reach 6.
Looking at Le's experience bar, Uzi said slowly: "Xiaohu gives us a wave of pawns in the middle, and Xiaoming and I can reach six."

Xiaohu nodded and Xiangguo said decisively: "Okay, then fight them!"

The upper middle and the wild are all advantages, and this wave of pioneers LGA has no reason to let go.

Xiaohu controlled the pawns in the middle, and Uzi and Xiaoming came over to eat them and successfully rose to level six.

On the other side, the five members of LG had also assembled, and the two sides stood in the middle and looked at each other.

In the voice of the LG team, King Ning said helplessly: "I didn't dodge this wave. Unless the opponent gives a chance, I won't be able to kick someone back."

Rookie followed closely behind: "I didn't dodge either, the team battle may be choking."

Blink is very important for Lee Sin and Lissandra.

Without flash, the team battle effectiveness of these two heroes is reduced by at least half.

The back squat in Xiangguo Middle Road is very crucial!
After King Ning and rookie finished speaking, TheShy couldn't help looking at JackeyLove.

"JK, can you fight?"

The development of JackeyLove is very explosive in this round. In only about 8 minutes, he has already made a noon quiver and attack speed shoes.

JackeyLove has a combative character, so naturally he will not choose to back down.


The two sides are ready, and the team battle is about to start.

In LGA, Xiangguo knew that the opponent's middle field did not flash, and this wave of vanguards was very easy to fight, so he decided to disconnect the vanguards.

On the other side, the five LG players touched Dalongkeng from the middle.

Xiao Ming made a great contribution by inserting the view of the grass in the river, and the positions of the five LG members were clearly seen.

The location of the LG five at this time is just between the blue buff wall and the middle river, and the location is very narrow.

Letme Aoenguo disconnected and yelled at the sheep, and three of the sheep's heads were knocked into the air.

Nightmare turns off the lights at the same time as it gets dark, and enters the venue instantly.

The sky was pitch black, and at the critical moment, Rookie still found the imprint of Galio's ultimate move under his feet.


Lissandra had no choice but to give her ultimate move only to herself.

Zeli has cats hanging from her body, glued on by Nightmare and Galio.

Uzi Aphelios has a perfect R flash, and with the three of Aoun Sheep's Head Dazhong, the fireworks are in full bloom, and the damage is very explosive. Only Lissandra freezes herself and is immune to the damage.

King Ning's Blind Monk and TheShy's Jess are bloody instantly!

Nightmare chased too hard, and Galio's taunt caught Zeli.

JackeyLove had no choice but to DF the second company, and the purification flash was pulled away.

Ze Li escaped with the cat, while the LG Ue Nakano and the others were left behind by the LGA team battle lineup.

In this wave of pioneers, LGA, relying on Aoun's excellent initiative, successfully played a wave of 0 for 3, and won the pioneer!
In the commentary seat, Zeyuan sighed: "Well, I can only say that the LGA lineup is a picturesque team battle."

"Owen went first and cooperated with Nightmare to turn off the lights. LG couldn't counter it at all. Fortunately, Zeli had two moves in this wave and ran away with the cat."

Miller also sighed: "The five players in LGA cooperate very well. Uzi's 0-2 Aphelios can deal damage in this wave, which is not easy. On the contrary, JK's 2-0 Zeli's performance in this wave It’s much worse.”

Wawa said helplessly: "The problem with the lineup is okay. If you switch to Uzi, Zeli, you won't be able to output. Nightmare is too fat, let alone Galio."

LGA won the Pioneer, and used the Rift Pioneer to directly knock down the first tower in the middle. Uzi scored two kills in this wave, which made up for a lot of development.

In the venue, the audience excitedly waved the support objects in their hands.

Before the game, the audience thought it was a one-sided crushing game.

After all, the two warring parties are the world champion who just won the MSI championship on one side, while the other team is just a rookie who has just been promoted from the LDL.

No one expected that LGA's performance today would be so wonderful, not only playing back and forth with LG, but even turning the situation back.

After returning to the city, Aphelios made the power of the wind, and the economy was about to catch up with Zeli.

On the other side, Zeli can't get the mythical outfit for the time being because she has attack speed boots.

On LG's side, because the first tower in the middle lane was destroyed, Zeli and Mao Mao switched to the middle lane to defend the line, and TheShy's Jess ran to the bottom lane to lead the line.

Rookie Lissandra started looking for opportunities with King Ning's blind monk.

On the LGA side, Nightmare still focuses on development. Once the ultimate move is completed, it will try to find a wave of opportunities.

Because of the defeat of the Pioneer Group, several members of LG became more cautious. Nightmare found several opportunities, but they failed to achieve good results, and the situation fell into a stalemate.

(End of this chapter)

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