Douluo mainland Yandi rebirth

Chapter 84 The pain of detoxification

Chapter 84 The pain of detoxification

"So... do you usually eat this kind of thing?" Xiao Yan felt a little dizzy. If this kind of treasure house is known to the outside world, even if the poisonous miasma here is a thousand times more violent, there will be countless souls. The division team came to harvest.

"This celestial product has very little effect on us. We only eat some when we are lazy to hunt for food. After all, we are not vegetarians," the scaled white dragon said disdainfully, "You humans regard this as a treasure, but it To me it's just a pretty flower.

"" For thousands of years, has anyone else been here? "Xiao Yan asked.

"No, you are the first one. Although this king has seen human beings before, it was tens of thousands of years ago. At that time, I was still a ghostly phosphorus snake, living on the edge of poisonous miasma," the scaled white dragon replied truthfully, Soul beasts of the same type will also evolve in form after their cultivation level is reached, and the white phosphorous anaconda will evolve into a scaled white dragon after its cultivation level reaches 5 years.

"That's good," Xiao Yan heaved a sigh of relief. If the scaly white dragon knew the advantages and disadvantages of this, he would definitely not let him leave. Although he also had means to escape, it would be troublesome after all.

"Okay, think of a way to detoxify me," said the scaly white dragon. "Not long ago, I defeated the king of this group, drove him away, and occupied this place, but because of this, I also collected some money." Injury, the toxin accumulated in the body becomes a little dangerous.

"Xiao Yan nodded. This scale-armored white dragon lives in the poisonous mist, and toxins will pass through it every breath. Almost all of the toxins in it have turned into nutrients for the white dragon, but some of them have mutated or The toxins that have not been metabolized remain in the body, and over time they become poisons that are difficult to eradicate.

For soul beasts that use poison, under normal circumstances, this kind of poison will not affect them, but once injured, there will be a risk of backlash. Although this risk is very small, this scaled white dragon is a winner .

The backlash against the poison made it difficult for the scaly white dragon to improve its cultivation. Once the old dragon king made a comeback, it would fall into a disadvantageous situation.The scale-armored white dragon told Xiao Yan these things, and promised him to pick the fairy products here at will. At this time, it undoubtedly regarded Xiao Yan as the straw to save his life.After Xiao Yan knew this, he also said that he would do his best. It would take a long time to eradicate the poison, but it was still possible to remove most of it in a short period of time.

"The toxins accumulated in your body spread all over the body. If you want to get rid of it, you need a different fire to enter the meridians. It will definitely make you feel extremely painful. That kind of feeling is something you can't live without. Are you sure you have thought about it?" Xiao Yan His eyes passed through the dancing flames in his hands, and he looked into the eyes of the scale-armored white dragon.

The scaly white dragon shook his teeth and said, "Come on, I'm not afraid of pain! As long as you can get rid of the toxin, everything is worth it!"

Xiao Yan said in a deep voice: "Then you have to hold on. If you can't stand the pain, just tell me, and I will withdraw the strange fire. Otherwise, if you move around, your breath is disordered, and your meridians are intertwined and out of control, you will definitely be affected by the strange fire." Burn it up!"

The scaly white dragon was stunned for a while, and then said to Xiao Yan: "Understood, come on!"

Xiao Yan nodded, jumped up and landed on the head of the scaly white dragon.The strange fire in his hand slowly seeped into the gaps in the scaly white dragon's armor, and flowed to every corner of its body along with the meridians.

At this time, the scaled white dragon's body began to tremble due to the severe pain, Xiao Yan quickly said: "Don't move! Be careful of the backlash of the strange fire!"

The scale-armored white dragon forcibly endured the burning pain in his body, and said to Xiao Yan: "How long will it take for the poison in my body to be eliminated?"

"It will take a long time to get rid of all of them, but if you wash them with different fires every day for seven days, at least 90.00% of them can be removed," Xiao Yan said to it, while using his soul power to control the different fires to continuously invade The depth of the new meridians.

Although the meridians in the scale-armored white dragon's body are complex and the length is the only one Xiao Yan has seen in his life, due to the characteristics of snake-like spirit beasts, it is not difficult to walk around, and it only takes about an hour to complete each time.

After the scale-armored white dragon experienced several hours of scorching his meridians with different fires, Xiao Yan stopped his movements and jumped off the scale-armored white dragon.He pretended to be tired and said: "You can feel it yourself, I'm going to recover my soul power."

At this moment, the scale-armored white dragon hadn't recovered from the throes of being scorched by the strange fire just now, and it rolled crazily after hearing that Xiao Yan withdrew from the different fire. The pain was really beyond the tolerance of ordinary spirit beasts.

The garden composed of fairy goods was rolled by the huge body of the scaled white dragon, and it suddenly became a mess, but no matter how huge the scaled white dragon was, it was only destroyed a little bit. Compared with this huge underground world, It sounds like a drop in the bucket.

After some tumbling, the scaly white dragon restrained himself, panting heavily.It can feel the changes in its own meridians when it is roasted by different fires. This feeling is very wonderful. At the beginning, there is a little comfort in the pain, and in the end, there is a feeling of relief in the severe pain. It is the toxins that are getting rid of.

"This strange fire is really powerful. Most of the Yudu Jing in my body has been removed since then, and now I have the feeling of transforming into a dragon!" The scaled white dragon felt the power in his body and said in amazement, The color of the pair of dragon horns is also more pure.

At this time, Xiao Yan had already taken two Wannian Zhuman Shahua. The effect of this kind of fairy product is not only to restore the soul power, but also to consolidate the strength and make the soul master's soul power stronger. It was a very good tonic for Xiao Yan who was a bit taller.

Feeling the changes in the soul power in his body, Xiao Yan was overjoyed. At this speed, he could use the Falling Heart Flame to increase his level to a solid level in a few days, so that he could truly display a level 49 battle soul master. Strength!
However, after this, Xiao Yan intends to suppress his own level improvement, hitting level [-] is an important turning point, the more concentrated the soul power is, the stronger it will be after reaching level [-].But this also has a limit, theoretically no soul master can exceed this limit.

In the forest filled with poisonous mist, the huge boa constrictor quickly shuttled back and forth. According to the smell of Xiao Yan and Xiao Wu when they came, the white phosphorous anaconda quickly brought Xiao Wu to the edge of the poisonous mist.

The visibility here has reached hundreds of meters, and the poisonous miasma is already very weak, even Xiao Wu can go out by herself.

The white phosphorous anaconda stopped here with Xiao Wu, shook her body slightly, put her on the ground, and returned the Xinglan Grassworm that Xiao Wu put in its scales to Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu asked with some doubts: "Aren't you going out with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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