Douluo mainland Yandi rebirth

Chapter 251 The Power of the Yin-Yang Puppet

Chapter 251 The Power of the Yin-Yang Puppet
Xiao Yan stared at the yin-yang puppet wrapped in the strange fire. The Yin-Yang Zhongming San had been completely evaporated by the different fire, and the essence of it was controlled by the soul power to enter this body.

At this time, through the light of the different fire, the outline of the yin-yang puppet was already looming, and Xiao Yan achieved great success in refining the yin-yang puppet for the first time.

After an unknown amount of time, an incomparable wave of battle energy suddenly appeared, knocking back all the strange fires that existed here!

"It's done!" Xiao Yan looked at the yin-yang puppet who had broken free from the shackles of the strange fire, and was overjoyed in his heart.

In the poisonous miasma area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest, a hole was suddenly cut by unknown energy, and powerful void energy emerged from it, rushing downward.

This is the vision of heaven and earth caused by the birth of the yin-yang puppet. The main part of the world has become darker under the energy of the starry sky, and the yin-yang puppet is devouring these energies frantically at this time to complete the final evolution.

The black and white lines on the Yin-Yang Puppet's body intersect. This complex line is extremely difficult to read even with Xiao Yan's soul power. The energy of the starry sky is as violent as the different flames.

"Sure enough, it's so strong, even I couldn't do this kind of energy refining method when I was fighting the emperor," Xiao Yan couldn't help but exclaimed.

After the Yin-Yang Puppet devoured the energy of the starry sky for several hours, the runes on its body began to shine brightly, and the energy of the starry sky it swallowed gradually decreased.

"It seems that this is the completion of evolution," Xiao Yan's soul body crossed the berserk energy of the starry sky, observing the Yin-Yang Puppet up close for the first time.

"I can still vaguely see the face of that senior. It seems that this yin-yang puppet has retained its original appearance as much as possible," Xiao Yan sighed in his heart. It became like this, although the Emperor Dou can resurrect these dead people, but no one has verified whether it is feasible.

"Oh, that's all, I don't want to think about it, let's focus on what's in front of me," Xiao Yan shook his head and said, "Right now, I need to refine several kinds of Ninth Grade Spirit Pills, as for the Emperor Grade Pills..."

Thinking of this, he felt helpless again. If he could refine the imperial medicine pill after he became Emperor Dou, it can be said that his hope is slim in his current state.

But this is the only chance for him to return to Emperor Dou, Qianjin may still have a glimmer of hope, if he just shrinks back, then there is no hope at all.

"Since that's the case, let's start," Xiao Yan made up his mind, and said to the Yin-Yang Puppet next to him, "Brother, please help me resist Dan Lei."

The yin-yang puppet seemed to understand Xiao Yan's words, and nodded slightly at him.

Xiao Yan smiled, this yin and yang puppet has the strength of Dou Di, but also has his own fighting consciousness, which is also a manifestation of wisdom.

The first thing Xiao Yan prepared to refine was the Lumen Yin Yang Pill, which was a ninth-grade high-grade pill, and it was the least difficult to refine among these pills, and its materials were enough for him to fail hundreds of times.

Once again using the power of the soul to refine the ninth-grade elixir, Xiao Yan seemed to have regained the feeling he had back then.It's just that this ninth-grade high-level panacea, even he didn't dare to say that it could be refined 100% successfully.

With the cutting of the second flame, the lumen yin and yang pill burst open suddenly, and the first refining medicine was declared a failure.

"No, this Tunwuxu Yanzihuo and Jinglian Yaohuo are not suitable for use together. The difference in temperature has caused the deterioration of the elixir." Xiao Yan came to this conclusion after inspecting the remaining medicine dregs. Of course, this only applies to Lumen Yinyang Dan.

The failure was expected, and soon he started his second attempt, but he hadn't refined such a high-level elixir for a long time, and he still failed the second time.

"Failure is success damn it, do it again!" Xiao Yan started the third refinement again.

With repeated failures, Xiao Yan was not discouraged. His character was not the kind of person who would give up lightly. How could a mere ninth-rank high-level spirit pill be difficult for him?

In the failure, Xiao Yan summed up his own experience, which can be said to be commonplace for him.When developing the elixir, Xiao Yan tried 10,000+ times to guess the one he wanted, so how many times is nothing.

Finally, at the No. 12 time, Xiao Yan refined the Lumen Yin-Yang Pill!
The powerful Dan Lei descended and struck the Yin-Yang Puppet's body viciously. The Yin-Yang Puppet stood still under the lightning with a diameter of more than a few meters, blocking Xiao Yan's front like a mountain.

"That's right, puppet brother," Xiao Yan laughed, this yin-yang puppet is really extremely powerful, this level of Dan Lei, even the Seven Star Dou Sheng dare not take it.

The seven-color pill thunder descended again, and the yin-yang puppet once again blocked it all. The arrival of the pill thunder can prove that the pill is ready.

However, Xiao Yan understood that it was too early for him to be happy. The reason why this ninth-rank pill was called a "magic pill" was because after reaching the ninth-rank level, the pill already had spirituality. The wisdom of the medicine is already comparable to that of ordinary people.

Sure enough, as soon as the pill furnace was turned on, a strange light burst out instantly. If Xiao Yan hadn't been prepared, he might have been blinded by the light!
This is a common method used by pills to escape, Xiao Yan has seen it several times, he immediately took out the container specially used to control the Ninth Grade Spirit Pill, and captured the Lumen Yinyang Pill that wanted to escape.

"Hey, Xiao Mian, do you still want to run?" Xiao Yan looked proudly at the Lumen Yin-Yang Pills scurrying around in the container. He guessed that the spiritual wisdom of the Lumen Yin-Yang Pills should be different from other ninth-rank high-level spirit pills. The gap is because there are very few materials from monsters among its materials.

But no matter what, Xiao Yan got the first elixir, and he needed to refine other elixirs once he got it out.

In addition to the emperor grade elixir, Qiankun Jiuzhuan Pill, there is also a ninth grade elixir—Shengshenghunxi Pill, the effect of this elixir is not insignificant!
Although its refining difficulty and degree of treasure cannot be compared with that of Qiankun Jiuzhuan Pill, it is the most important material for combining the soul of Emperor Realm with the body of Emperor Dou. Without it, Xiao Yan would not be able to fuse with the body of Emperor Dou .

"Extreme grade elixir... the difficulty of refining it is even higher than that of ninth-grade high-grade elixir, but at my level, it is not so difficult to refine it," Xiao Yan has always been optimistic about this kind of thing, even It's a big deal to fail and try again.

The materials needed for this elixir are extremely complicated, or messy.There are thousands of medicinal materials, some of which are only a little bit, but they all play a vital role.The refining steps are also extremely cumbersome, if one step is wrong, the worst outcome is the fryer.

(End of this chapter)

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