Chapter 99 Battle ([-])

When the lost boy left, he looked back from time to time.

I believe that Yule will be able to defeat those enemies.

The army of 100 million people has been manipulated by them, not to mention that the number of people this time is much smaller than before.

Everything is up to you!

At this time, the 50 army of Dudu people had come within sight of Bai Lin and Yu Le.

"They're here." Bai Lin said.

"Don't worry, by visual inspection, they only have about 50 people. Before, the Didi people were an army of millions of people. Now there is only one person left. These people should not be enough for you to play alone." Yu Le has a well-thought-out plan.

Bai Lin took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and said, "This is the first time I've fought against so many people. To be honest, I'm still a little nervous, but don't worry, I will do my best."

"Relax, there is no problem with your strength. Besides, I will suspend in the air and support you at any time. Also, if you encounter difficulties, let them land. Their goal is to occupy this place. Zuo Dao, so they won't be in a stalemate with you for too long." Yu Le said.

Bai Lin nodded: "Your analysis is quite correct, but I'm not the type who is greedy for life and afraid of death. I will try my best to catch them all."

"No, please don't. I know you are a brave and capable warrior, but I need to keep a few alive. We also need to get a lot of valuable things from their mouths, so try to keep as many as 800 people and send them Lead him into my mist formation." Yu Le instructed.

Bai Lin nodded: "Understood, they are here, I'm going to start."

"Okay, come on!" After Yu Le finished speaking, he rose into the sky and hid in the clouds.

At this time, the army of Dudu people was close at hand, and Bai Linteng was in the air, and they could almost see their appearance clearly.

The Dudu people are different from the Didi people. They look like savages, with long hair, all of them are fierce and fierce, and they wield the stone battle axes of the Stone Age in their hands.

However, their ability to tread water is astounding.

Both Yu Le and Bai Lin wondered how they managed to run on the water.

This thing violates many laws of physics.

Yu Le secretly sighed in his heart: "There are so many wonders. If you look at their ability to run wild on the water, they should be pretty awesome, but looking at the weapons in their hands, it's amazing."

When Yu Le was puzzled, the army of Dudu people had already entered Bai Lin's formation.

Bai Lin gathered his strength and used a super electric current illusion to activate the mechanism that controlled the barrier.

In an instant, a super-strong electric current exploded in the air above the sea, and a huge power grid bound a large number of Dudu people inside.


The Dudu man was hit by a super-strong electric current and made a tragic cry.

In less than a quarter of an hour, about 20 Dudu people have been shocked into coke by the high-voltage electric current.

"Great, the barrier designed by Yule is simply too effective!"

Bai Lin spoke excitedly, facing the enemy's continuous fall, the energy he released became stronger.

Yu Le, who was suspended in the sky, looked down at everything below, and couldn't help sighing: "These few friends of mine did not disappoint me, everyone is united as one, and they all go all out, which really touches me.

"As for the enemies, I don't know if the lost boy deliberately spoke of them badly, or for other reasons.

"All in all, these enemies that have emerged are really not difficult to deal with.

"They're not as exaggerated as the lost boy said.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, it's almost like destroying the dead, and it doesn't take any effort at all."

At this moment, the screams of the Dudu people have resounded across the sky, and more than 50 people have been electrocuted to death in an army of 45 people, and the remaining more than 5000 people are still struggling and dying.

According to Yu Le's intention, Bai Lin would not kill them all.

With a single wave of Bai Lin's hand, a big hole suddenly opened in the middle of the giant power grid. The more than 5000 people who hadn't died finally saw hope, and bee pupae came out of the big hole.

In the eyes of these 5000 people, they were finally saved!
However, they didn't know that what awaited them would be a new round of torture.

Bai Lin looked back and saw that more than 5000 people were walking towards the depths of the island, and said comfortingly in his heart: "My task is completed, and it's up to you, Yu Le.

"But then again, these enemies are not as exaggerated as the lost boy described. They are like a group of brainless fools. They know that there is a super power grid ahead, and they are so brainless. soldier."

Bai Lin watched the more than 5000 remnants getting farther and farther away, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. He cleaned up the remnants on the power grid, and re-handled the grid barriers for the next battle.

He knew that there were still many enemies to face, and maybe the next wave of enemies would not be as brain-dead as these Dudu people.

Therefore, he improved the barriers of the power grid, and now the super power grid has become the ultimate power grid.

This power grid is also in ambush by the seaside in an invisible form, extending directly down to the [-]-meter trench, and up to the exosphere.

Not only that, but also improved in terms of quality.

At this time, the god-level power grid is invulnerable and indestructible.

Even nuclear missiles can't blow it up. Ordinary weapons have been radiated into slag by high-voltage current before they touch the power grid.

Now, Bai Lin can rest easy.

At this time, the five thousand remaining defeated generals had already entered the scope of the mist formation.

Yu Le flew to the top of the mist formation, had a bird's-eye view of everything below, and said in his heart: "Everyone, welcome!"

5000 people, I am afraid it will not take long to become 500 people.

At this time, the lost boy couldn't help being curious, and sneaked out of the cave to see what happened.

The lost boy has super clairvoyance on the island, even if he is thousands of meters away, he can see everything clearly.

When he saw that the Dudu people's 50 army had been defeated to only more than 5000 people, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Yu Le, I admire you so much, how did you manage to conquer so easily?" What the enemy wiped out is really too powerful!"

The lost boy leaped up into the sky and came to Yule's side.

"Hi, Yu Le, you are amazing!" the lost boy exclaimed.

Yu Le was stunned: "Why are you here? Aren't you afraid that the enemy will see you and arrest you?"

The lost boy smiled and said, "With you here, I'm not afraid at all."

"I like to hear that." Yu Le said: "The Dudu people's 50 army is less than 5000. Just watch, I will let 500 people become [-] in a short time."

"Why keep 500 people?" asked the lost boy.

Yu Customer Service secretly: "You must save some goods for Chen Butou, if they are all killed, Chen Butou will blame me."

"Haha..." The lost boy couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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